Monday, July 2, 2012

Organics Recycling - A Bust?


Last week's council meeting included a report on the recently initiated organics recycling program (well, actually the report was in the agenda, but never discussed in the meeting). Readers may recall that recycling was a Lizee, Hotvet and Siakel campaign promise. Hotvet's pet project has been organics recycling.

The City received a county grant to defer most of the City's costs for operating an organics recycling pilot for six months. Now, more than three months into the pilot one of two companies in the pilot reported 12 (yes, twelve) customers and the other company did not report. Approximately 1/3rd of the homes in Shorewood were invited to participate. So, the customer response has been exceptionally poor.

Keep an eye on this program as it reaches the end of the six-month pilot. The Insider suspects that Lizee, Hotvet and council friends will soldier forward with trying to make the pilot permanent and sticking all of Shorewood households with yet another fee for trash collection.

Do you really want this program?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. As one of the homes invited to participate (and declined) here are my thoughts.
    1. It was $6 a month to be in the trial. And considering that the "organics" were to be sold for feed, what's with that?
    2. We would have had to add yet another container to our already large stable of recycling and trash receptacles indoors and in the garage.
    3. After we get done with our legitimate and considerable recycling we have very little actual garbage left. If we were to sort through that we would have had very little organic matter to recycle making it hardly worth the effort to swing by to pick it up.
    4. We have a dog and we compost what can be composted.

    If we were a restaurant this is a great idea.

  2. Composting, why hasn't the city gotten on top of that?

  3. There is a messaging problem, after reviewing the flyer and the hauler web site I'm still confused about how it works and what the benefits are. If we really want the city to be environmental, we'll encourage compost bins.

  4. Insider, are you saying that it is not LizZerby in control of things, but HotLiz?
