Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Social Host" - Do We Need A Law?


During Monday night's council meeting, the topic of a law called "Social Host" was raised. For those not familiar or not recalling that this was discussed in the past, read on.

Social Host is a law that Chief Litsey of South Lake PD and the Mtka school district tried to get passed in 2009. The jist is that Litsey wants a law he can use to punish of-age persons who host a gathering where alcohol is consumed by under-age persons. There's a state law punishing someone who provides alcohol to minors, but this proposed law would punish those who host a gathering, without actually providing the alcohol. The City of Minnetonka adopted the law in 2009.

Shorewood's Council, in 2009, decided not to pass this law. Now, it's back three years later for Lizee and her cronies to pass. From the Insider's perspective, the 2009 council did the right thing and what was presented Monday night gives no new reasons for passage now. See the meeting at: and click on the social host topic in the agenda.

Of course, Lizee mentioned that this is yet another chance for Shorewood to take a leadership position by passing the law. Translated, this means that she has promised some people who can deliver votes that she will get it passed this year.

It was odd that one person who was supporting the law and the Chief were unavailable to be at the council meeting to explain why the law needed immediate reconsideration. Yet, Lizee kept the discussion on the agenda for Monday night. The Insider wonders why this law is so time critical. Especially since it's not been passed by Greenwood, Excelsior or Tonka Bay for more than three years and doesn't seem to be on their to-do lists now.

Looks like another law we don't need.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider: Important detail missing...what was the outcome of the conversation?

    The 2009 council did do the right thing. We don't need any more laws that aren't enforced.

    The chief was unavailable probably because he knew it was a done deal and he didn't need to waste his time twisting arms.

    1. I concur based on the enforcement issue.

  2. I watched the meeting - Lizee states that if Shorewood takes a leadership role the other 'sister' cities would consider it. Why? Then Hotvet states we should show support for the SLMPD and our 'sister' cities.
    Personally, I'm tired of these references of 'sister' cities and Excelsior as our downtown - how about you?

    1. Probably no one was going to respond, but then Lizee kicked Hotvet under the table for encouragement.

  3. Talk about too much government!

  4. In answer to Insider's question: We do not need a city law. There is an existing state statute (i.e., law) that prohibits providing liquor to minors. Read between the lines on this city ordinance thing.

  5. This is typical Lizee feel good politics .. we shouldn't need another law that basically defines common sense. Lizee wants to adopt Minnetonka's ordinance, it can be found at - starts on page 95.
