Monday, July 23, 2012

One Week Until City Election Filing Starts


The filing period for mayor and two Shorewood council seats starts the 31st.

If you've been following this blog, you're already more involved in City government that most in Shorewood. Turn that involvement up a notch and file to run for office. Encourage your friends to file. It's easy. Just come to City Hall with $2 and spend five minutes filling out a form.

Let's have a good choice of candidates this year!

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. We could start a wager...Will it be Lizee as mayor for life? or will she step aside for her mentee Zerby? Would Woodruff be so foolish as to try for four more years being ostracized? Such intrigue.

  2. Readers: Send this link, to at least two of your neighbors asking them to read up on the topic of their choice weekly until the election. Informed voters make the difference.
