Friday, July 20, 2012

Thoughts on Excelsior's Business Stragegy


Sure, Excelsior is trying to enhance its image and attraction. It should and it needs to. It's a small town playing in a big town area with a small town population trying to deal with a large commercial district that's struggling.

So what does this have to do with Shorewood? For one, Excelsior can have a major cost impact on Shorewood. Take the cost of operating the South Lake PD for example.

The PD seems to have its focus on busting DUI's. This is probably necessary and a public service. But why such a large part of its work? Maybe because the PD's coverage area generates an inordinate number of them?

Tonka Bay has one liquor establishment. Green wood has zero. Shorewood has two stores and two on-sale licensees (both basically private membership). Excelsior has at least six on-sale licenses almost all of which attract customers from near and far. Stands to reason that Excelsior's ability to generate drunk drivers is substantially larger than any of the other South Lake cities. Yet, the cost of getting these drunks off the street is not a factor in how the funding for the PD is calculated. What a deal!

The next time Lizee or Zerby talk about Excelsior being Shorewood's downtown, stop and think about what it's costing Shorewood for this "benefit."

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. What does Excelsior being "Shorewood's downtown" mean?

    If it means we may shop there, that's one thing, but if it means we subsidize its business climate with taxpayer dollars, that is quite another and should have the explicit buy-in of Shorewood's residents.

    ...if that buy-in exists. And I'm not so sure it does.

    1. I wish people would please stop calling Excelsior "Shorewood's Downtown." It is not our "downtown." It is not a "downtown." It is a hodge-podge of merchants and a few restaurants using Lake Minnetonka as a draw. Without the lake I daresay none of them would survive.

      The Heritage Preservation Commission and small thinking has managed to keep anything out that could make it a truly interesting and successful place to shop and visit.

      They nixed the original library plan. Many of us would have loved to see Trader Joe's come in at the Mason Motors site. Who else has been turned away or just gotten discouraged by this nonsense?

      And how about parking? Why not a ramp behind on the east side of Water Street? Oh wait, it wouldn't maintain the small town "historical" character. And it would keep out businesses that might draw more shoppers/visitors perpetuating the existing retail climate.

      You can't have it all but a rising tide floats all boats. So what will it be? Status quo or go for it?

    2. Excelsior is expensive and seems to fend off any merchants that offer practical goods and services for the people who actually live here (drug and hardware store, Ming Wok). Whether it creates a ripple or rising tide, we still need to leave town to buy bread or aspirin.

    3. "Excelsior is Shorewood's downtown" was a metaphor used by the previous mayor who thought it was a clever way to sell a merger of the cities to unsuspecting residents. This has taken on a life of its own.

  2. While we may jab at Excelsior's strategy, the joke is on us. We need to look no farther than the failed Gateway: two defunct gas stations, and the clear cut forest. Shorewood's business strategy is to write checks and ask no questions.

  3. Shorewood should drop the Gateway project. The "crossing" is doing just fine. On one corner is the prestigious Minnetonka Country Club, and on another is Tonka Terrace, which has become a home to high-end shops and a major restaurant. Leave it alone and tend to city services, Shorewood.

    1. I don't disagree. If only the Legion would clean up its mess over there. That corner would look 100% better with that gas station torn down.

    2. News flash: The prestigious country club is limited to those who can afford the expensive membership and "Tonka Terrace" is in Tonka Bay.

    3. Agree on dropping the Gateway and cleaning up the Legion's mess. I do not understand why Shorewood continues to be infatuated with Excelsior's business while overlooking the mess in plain site of city hall! And that includes the city-owned rental house behind city hall!!!

  4. Shorewood's check book is always open.

    1. Always open to paying 50+% of the police budget while they spend their time enforcing for Excelsior's business.
