Thursday, July 26, 2012

Budget Update


Monday night's council work session resulted in direction to staff to adjust several 2013 revenue assumptions upward, use cellular antenna space rental revenue previously going to the water fund (and not needed there) and then, use reserves (if needed) to balance the 2013 general fund budget. Staff presented an expense budget that continued services at 2012 levels and no changes were made to it.

So, unless something changes between now and early September, there will not be a tax levy increase in 2013. Good news for Shorewood taxpayers who will get the services they expect, but not pay more.

See: and click on the budget work session at the end of the agenda list.

Of interest to the Insider is that, once more, Lizee had nothing useful to contribute to the budget discussion. She had no requests for new programs, no suggestions for revenue increases, no comments on what staff wants to spend, nothing useful at all. As a leader, she is a failure.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. As a politician she is smart: Do not utter words that can be used against you in an election.

  2. Woody Love must be very disappointed.
