Monday, March 18, 2013

Council "Retreat" - Location Change


Saturday's (the 23rd) "Retreat" has been moved to the Police/Fire Building basement conference room. Start time appears to be 8:00 AM.

You are going to attend, aren't you?

This'll be the first time in six years the Council will have a strategy discussion not lead by Chris Lizee.

No final decisions are supposed to be made.

Hapy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Why the move?

    Why not city hall?

    This police building basement is not very friendly to the general public. They cannot just walk-in.

    1. That's why the location was changed.

  2. Oh stop it! I will not believe that unless a council member logs in to this blog and says so.

    Is not the goal with the SSC is to make sure it is rented? My money says a paying customer showed up and council wisely moved elsewhere. They are not the first group to be usurped from their accommodations thus.

    And if you have ever been in the basement of the Police Station you will know that this is the last place one would want to have a "retreat." I have been there for volunteer training. Yech.

  3. So what happened?

  4. Where is the summary of the council retreat? I figured as the insider, you would have posted a complete assessment of the happenings by now.
