Monday, March 4, 2013

Council Retreat Scheduled


Shorewood's Council has scheduled a "retreat" for Saturday the 23rd at South Shore Center. The agenda appears to be pending, but one item that's sure to get some discussion is the center itself.

In 2011 and again in early 2012 the Council held some strategic planning and visioning sessions. These seemed to be marked by lack of agreement, and certainly lack of any meaningful results. So, will this meeting produce anything different?

What would readers of this blog have on the agenda if they were running the meeting?

Note that the meeting is open to the public and starts at 8:30 AM. The Insider suspects the Council would be surprised to have some of their constituents present. Might be fun!

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Something tells me a lot of Seniors will show up. Wait-at the Senior Center, right? I guess they won't show up, then.

  2. I'm with you Insider, what to do with the South Shore Center and that includes writing a business plan for it and making it a 3/4 time staff position.

    And I mean, consider some really "out-there" ideas because that is the only thing that will save it. Its never going to make it as a senior center so please don't buy into Woody Love's spiel.

  3. I suggest using the center to store the snow plows during winter. God knows there not getting used then.

    I measured 7 inches of snow on my street on Tuesday (?) morning when it was time to go to work. I snowblow'd two of my neighbors driveways waiting, and went back to bed for an hour. Still nothing! I had to wait for a neighbor to leave so I could follow his tracks.

  4. I, on the other hand, was plowed out by 6 AM. Our neighborhood has no complaints about snow plowing.

    In fact, we have commented over the years that the snow plowing in (our part of) Shorewood is exemplary.

    PS, we are not a rich fancy neighborhood so don't go thinking that we are for some reason privileged.

  5. Dream agenda:

    1. Maximizing management staff performance and accountability
    2. Improvement in "customer service" (that would be us, the wage payers).
    3. Looking toward the future to improve utility service, specifically internet service and add fiber optics.
    4. Prepare for who will live here in the next 20 years and why or why not?
    5. Review and change the policies of "yes" at all costs to financing and building a paramilitary police department.

  6. Dream Agenda...
    Good Lord you are dreaming!!! Wake up to reality.
    Look, replacing sewer pipes, repairing roads, plowing them, and paying the cops & firefighters (the things a city is supposed to do) - is boring. Politicians live to leave their stain/mark/ or make-a-difference. Doing the fundamentals will never satisfy them. They want to be remembered - no matter what it costs you.
