Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Giving Money Away, Again


During the 3/25 council meeting the involvement of Shorewood with Excelsior's Music In The Park events was discussed. The Park Commission recommended support following their meeting with8 Excelsior's Parks Commission and an agreement that more coordination and support between events of both cities makes sense.

So, the first show of support was Shorewood's Council to writing a check for $1000. Interestingly, this unbudgeted expense will come out of the Parks budget. The Insider wonders how the Parks Commissioners feel about taking money from their pot. Bet they didn't expect that!

See the council meeting at:
Look at agenda item 7B.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Hotvet should be ashamed of herself. Either resign from the council, or give up her position as head of the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce. And don't tell us it's the South Lake Chamber of Commerce. It is working in Excelsior's interest, and not ours.

    1. I concur. She is double dipping and is using her position on Shorewood council to feather her bed in Excelsior.
      Who is it that keeps commenting Shorewood's checkbook is always open? Evidently that is true.

  2. Outrageous!!
    Who do these people think is paying their salary? Who do they represent? What are we Shorewoodians getting for OUR money?

  3. The head of the chamber CANNOT serve on the council that writes checks to her chamber. No way.

    Just as the former president of the chamber should not have been on our council while he held the seat. It is a free flow of money: from Shorewood to Excelsior under the guise of sharing. It sucks and it stinks. Where is the public outrage?

  4. Insider give me a glimmer of hope: tell me Hotvet recuses herself from these discussions. Zerby still serves on the Chamber board. Does he remove himself?

  5. I'm confused: who asked for the money? What will it pay for? And was the council vote unanimous? More info please, Insider.

  6. I watched the council meeting. Everyone should. Words do not describe it. And why is there always an empty chair where there should be a council body?

  7. Brian Heck got fired because he didn't attend the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce meetings. He wasn't part of the visionary South Lake team. How much did that cost Shorewood taxpayers?

  8. Park Commission, where are you on this issue?

    Given your small budget and how tight things are in general plus the constant threat to bury the South Shore Center in your budget (not to mention building trails) one would think you guys would be on top of this.

    1. Wonder if the park commission was even asked for their opinion before the money was spent.

  9. I'd like to step in here in defense of Hotvet. I know for a fact that the chamber had no idea that she was councilperson for the city of Shorewood until after she got the $70,000 plus per year job as chamber president. Hotvet's hiring was based on her track record as a wedding event planner and salesperson. Past president Zerby, when learning after-the-fact that Hotvet was on the Shorewood council, said, "Whoa! That's news to me! So THAT'S who was sitting next to Lizee!" True story.

  10. Shorewood had an established Music in the Park program at Freeman. Now the Shorewood commission meets with Excelsior's to coordinate dates. That makes sense.

    Next step was to over $1000 to Excelsior rather than use that money to improve on Shorewood events. Where is the logic in that?

    Wake up Shorewood.

  11. Insider, can you tell us more about the fancy deer fence around the community gardens? Specs and cost? And the "why?"
