Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hotvet and Excelsior Chamber


The Insider can't resist clarifying the circumstances of Hotvet's recent employment as Chamber Ececutive Director.

Hotvet was elected to Shorewood's council in 2010 nd her term started January, 2011. Her employment at the Chamber started at the end of 2012.

Zerby was a seated council member when Hotvet was elected to council. He was also president of the Chamber during her first year as a council member.

So, the notion that the Chamber did not know Hotvet was on Shorewood's council until after she was hired is pure bunk.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. Does Zerby make money being on the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce board? If so, then we have two paid advocates for Excelsior ostensibly serving the people of Shorewood.
