Saturday, April 13, 2013

House For Sale


Shorewood's Council heard about sale of the city-owned house at the last council meeting. See:
 and agenda item #10A.

Seems the recent  "retreat" meeting included Council directing staff to look into the sale. Now, the City Attorney is preparing information and soliciting Realtors.

Background is that Shorewood bought the house next to City Hall some sever years ago as part of a plan to build a new city hall on that lot. The purchase price was about $300,000. Since then, the City decided to renovate the existing city hall and to rent out the house.

The Insider's not sure why some council members seem determined to sell the house now. The market is recovering, but it's unlikely that a sale now would recoup the purchase price. There's no specific need for the money (although, sarcastically one could look to the recent Council penchant for giving money away as a need for funds).

Want to buy a house?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Disagree.
    Dump the house.

  2. Insider, you did not include that the purchase of the house several years ago was the second time the city has purchased that house...while Woody Love was mayor, and his company had the listing. And now we search for realtors to sell it again. Ground Hog Day.
