Saturday, April 20, 2013

South Shore Center Financial Sink Hole


As reported several times in this blog, the South Shore Center is draining tax money from the City.

According to the 2012 year-end financials in the meeting packet for the 22nd council meeting, the center was subsidized $13,600 in the budget. But, it also overspent the budget by $47,552! (See: and pages starting at 141 for the financial information).

So, the Center cost Shorewood taxpayers $61,152 in 2012. This  amount does not count City staff time spent on helping promote the Center and various other expenses that could easily add $10,000 more.

Will Shorewood's Council keep spending? It's unclear. It appears there will be a work session (May 20th was discussed at the last council meeting) during which staff will present the situation to Council. Maybe readers of this blog will want to attend?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider: Can you give us a rough estimate of the loss Shorewood has incurred in the three years since it took over? It would be helpful to see all the numbers.

  2. Insider: consider putting a direct link to the email addresses of the written about council people in your articles.

    1. Excellent idea! Time to get active on this.

  3. I think we should keep it. I think we may have to keep it. So rather than complaining about it why don't we try to figure out how to make it work.

    And I am not at all in favor if giving it back to the "seniors." They proved a couple of times that they couldn't make it work so forget that.

    Who had that idea to furnish it and turn it into a coffee house?

  4. Me. Turn it into a youth-oriented coffee place with donated furniture. Keep it open until midnight. A place for kids to hang out and the cops could hang out there too, as well as counselors, tutors, etc.

  5. I would volunteer at such a place.

  6. In support of the comments above, if Shorewood is stuck supporting the place (and we obviously are), it makes sense to open it up to everyone with a more "public" approach, as opposed to the perception of the senior enclave that it currently has.

  7. I am guessing if one did a bit of research, they would find that most municipal facilities such as senior centers, community centers, pools, ice rinks, etc. are all subsidized in some form or another. The question isn't how to have the facility make money, but rather is it a desirable asset for the community. If it is, then find a way to minimize the burden on the taxpayer. If not, then close the building.

    1. Good comment. I hope we have the leadership to figure this out in a way that benefits everyone.

  8. This is something that the council should spearhead. It would be a fun project that people would gladly volunteer to participate in and work to make successful. But Hotvet and Zerby are both paid leaders of the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce. Excelsior probably has 10-12 places where people can sit and have coffee, so don't expect those two to carry the ball.

  9. After three years of "leadership", here we are, the question remains, can this council step up with a creative solution? Certainly, there is support for that.

    And then, will they have the balls to ask the other cities to either put up some cash or step aside. Remember, there are four other owners who apparently don't see this building as a worthwhile investment.

  10. Its like so-called "friends" who owe you money and don't repay the loan because they know there won't be any consequences.

    And to think that there are still people who think that merging with Excelsior is a viable idea. Good Lord!
