Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shorewood's Financial Health


A recent comment from a reader about if the South Shore Center running a big deficit and the real possibility that a tax increase would be needed if this continues and being fear mongering causes the Insider to write the following.

The Insider suggest those who believe the City has large reserves just waiting to be spent on things like a subsidy for the Center should read the minutes for the March 23rd council retreat ( The materials presented by staff at the meeting may be read at:

Staff made the point that the City is solvent, but that a number of tough financial decisions need to be made or the City cannot continue to spend without exhausting available funds. One of the big issues discussed was the South Shore Center's subsidy needs (note that staff did not include increased subsidies for the Center to fund things like a full-time manager, this only makes things worse).

A second big decision is if, after four years of zero tax increases, council will act to solve part of the future problems by increasing taxes. Of course another tough decision alternative is cutting spending to fund increasing needs like the Center.

 From the Insider's perspective, the situation is serious, but not dire. It will take straight thinking and some tough decisions to keep Shorewood's excellent financial position. One thing for sure, council can't keep spending without raising more revenue and/or cutting costs elsewhere.

The work on the 2014 budget will start in about one month. Watch this blog or attend work sessions to learn how council is addressing the challenge.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Follow-up: South Shore Center Work Council Session


Council and staff did meet the evening of the 20th to discuss what to do with the Center. The Insider had hoped that minutes (apparently no video of this meeting) would be in tonight's meeting packet. but not there. Maybe in the packet for the 6/10 meeting?

Seems that the South Shore Senior Partners presented their "vision" for the center going forward. Highlights of this are: the SSSP turns operations totally over to Shorewood; Shorewood is to hire a full-time person to run the center; SSSP will provide advice on programming, but Shorewood does all the programming for seniors and other users.

It seems Council reached no conclusions as to how to proceed. Materials from the recent council retreat show that the Center needed over $60,000 of City support in 2012. The SSSP proposals would call for even more subsidy. So, the council is facing the challenge of how much is too much. Of course, some council members never met a dollar that they couldn't spend.

The Insider can see the 2014 tax levy being increased to support the Center.  Do tax payers want this?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Time To Fund Excelsior, Again


Again this year, the Excelsior Chanber is requesting funding for the 4th celebration from Shorewood.. This time the request is in a letter from Council Member Hotvet who is the Chamber's Executive Director.

According to the packet for the council meeting on the 28th, Shorewood has budgeted $5,000 for this event. Two years ago, then council member Zerby (who, at the time, was President of the Chamber) upped the ante on the budget, voted for,  and got approval to spend $7500 on a $5000 budget. Last year Zerby backed down and "only" $5000 was sent to the Chanber.

Will Hotvet try to bust the budget and/or fail to recuse herself from the vote? After all, isn't being on the giving and receiving side of the issue a conflict of interest?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Council Holds South Shore Cdnter Meeting Monday


Shorewood's Council is holding a work session Monday, the 20th, from 500 PM to discuss the future of the South Shore Senter. The location is City Hall and it's open to the public.

Looks like the South Shore Senior Partners will unveil their vision for the Center's future followed by the council discussion.

So, is it a senior center? Is it a community center? Is it a park? As some who who've commented in this blog have suggested, is it a youth center? How much will taxpayers have to subsidize it?

It's sure to be an enlightening meeting. Maybe readers should see for themselves!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, May 12, 2013

LMCD 2014 Budget - Do You Care?


The Insider is wondering if Shorewood residents actually care about the budget of the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District.

Why would you care? Well, the LMCD's main revenue source is the "membership" fees paid by the cities that border Lk. Minnetonka. In 2013, the total membership fee revenue is $439,000 of which Shorewood pays just under $32,000, or 18 percent. This is about $4 for every woman, man and child residing in Shorewood, or about six tenth's of one percent of Shorewood's annual budget.

In the past few years, the LMCD has kept its budget increases at or near zero. For 2014, it's proposing two budget alternatives. One, has an increase of about 3% and the second has an 18.6% increase. The first budget is supposed to maintain the status quo. The second has a major increase in spending for AIS management. Shorewood's piece of this increase would be about $3400, or about 40 cents per resident per year.

While the budget draft doesn't specify exactly how the increase in AIS management funds would be used, it seems pretty obvious that it would be for chemical treatment of milfoil according to the LMCD's recently adopted management plan.

So, what do you, the residents of Shorewood want to do? Support increased AIS funding at the LMCD or not? Note that Shorewood has been funding milfoil chemical treatment at $6000 to $7000 per year for several years by supporting the Lk Minnetonka Association's treatment test program for Phelps and Gideon's bays. Does Shorewood continue this funding and spend an additional $3400 or, what?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Don't Forget - Opportunity To Meet Tax Assessor Monday Night


Don't  forget that Shorewood property owners have an opportunity to discuss the tax valuation of their property with the Hennepin County Assessor Monday, 5/6, at City Hall Starting at 5:00 PM. This is the best place to bring questions and concers about the valuation statement you recently received.

Make sure your neighbors know about this.

While other chances to appeal your tax valuation will occur later this spring, these are located at the County office in Minneapolis and are much less convenient.

Every year, there are property owners who receive their property tax bill in March who want to appeal. Now is the time to appeal, not March of 2014. When the tax bill arrives the appeal processes are long over.

Happy Reading!
The Insider