Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shorewood's Financial Health


A recent comment from a reader about if the South Shore Center running a big deficit and the real possibility that a tax increase would be needed if this continues and being fear mongering causes the Insider to write the following.

The Insider suggest those who believe the City has large reserves just waiting to be spent on things like a subsidy for the Center should read the minutes for the March 23rd council retreat ( The materials presented by staff at the meeting may be read at:

Staff made the point that the City is solvent, but that a number of tough financial decisions need to be made or the City cannot continue to spend without exhausting available funds. One of the big issues discussed was the South Shore Center's subsidy needs (note that staff did not include increased subsidies for the Center to fund things like a full-time manager, this only makes things worse).

A second big decision is if, after four years of zero tax increases, council will act to solve part of the future problems by increasing taxes. Of course another tough decision alternative is cutting spending to fund increasing needs like the Center.

 From the Insider's perspective, the situation is serious, but not dire. It will take straight thinking and some tough decisions to keep Shorewood's excellent financial position. One thing for sure, council can't keep spending without raising more revenue and/or cutting costs elsewhere.

The work on the 2014 budget will start in about one month. Watch this blog or attend work sessions to learn how council is addressing the challenge.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. It is always tough to take a loss. Where is the plan for profitability? There is none. And it doesn't even have to be profitable if people want and will use the darn thing. But no one does. Dump it now! Or at least moth-ball it so eat up money just sitting there.

  2. A visit to Freeman Park today, (Shorewood's "premier" park) showed that the landscaped gardens have been virtually untouched this year, are overgrown with weeds mixed with the dead growth from last year. Varnish is peeling from Eddy Station.

    Reading this blog I noticed at least three recent posts about Shorewood's checkbook generosity to Excelsior and the LMA. I have to wonder, are we not paying to maintain our own parks before we write checks to other jurisdictions (including a donation to Excelsior's Parks)?

    And don't we have a Park Commission that pays attention to this?

    Feels like misguided priorities.

  3. Misplaced priorities coupled with a weak Park Commission, save one member. And I thought the gardens were maintained by volunteer groups? (I pulled weeds and dead-headed the ones by the plaza myself last year every time I visited).

    If you want something taken care of in this city you have to stay on top of it. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. And Parks had better watch out lest their budget be hijacked for the South Shore Center.

    Insider, what is their budget for repairs and renovations this year? Please share.

    1. Nice observations. Good question.
