Saturday, May 25, 2013

Time To Fund Excelsior, Again


Again this year, the Excelsior Chanber is requesting funding for the 4th celebration from Shorewood.. This time the request is in a letter from Council Member Hotvet who is the Chamber's Executive Director.

According to the packet for the council meeting on the 28th, Shorewood has budgeted $5,000 for this event. Two years ago, then council member Zerby (who, at the time, was President of the Chamber) upped the ante on the budget, voted for,  and got approval to spend $7500 on a $5000 budget. Last year Zerby backed down and "only" $5000 was sent to the Chanber.

Will Hotvet try to bust the budget and/or fail to recuse herself from the vote? After all, isn't being on the giving and receiving side of the issue a conflict of interest?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Get rid of her. And Zerby.

  2. Shorewood's checkbook is always open.

  3. Who is responsible for this continued unaccountability? It probably begins in-house with a city attorney who likes being pals more than giving advice...or maybe no one has asked him.

    And then, what about the administrator, or another senior staff person, do they offer guidance? Who knows.

    There's the council itself, can at least one member spell c-o-n-f-l-i-c-t o-f i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t and step up to the plate? Barring that, they might have a clue from this blog--because they read it (we know you do).

    Finally, there is us--the voters and bloggers. We all bitch freely on this blog, but how many have sent an email to the council objecting to its actions? Who of us has had the courage to appear before council, be on the record and importantly, on TV, voicing our disagreement? Where are our letters of protest to the local paper?

    Could it be we have the government we deserve?
