Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Follow-up: South Shore Center Work Council Session


Council and staff did meet the evening of the 20th to discuss what to do with the Center. The Insider had hoped that minutes (apparently no video of this meeting) would be in tonight's meeting packet. but not there. Maybe in the packet for the 6/10 meeting?

Seems that the South Shore Senior Partners presented their "vision" for the center going forward. Highlights of this are: the SSSP turns operations totally over to Shorewood; Shorewood is to hire a full-time person to run the center; SSSP will provide advice on programming, but Shorewood does all the programming for seniors and other users.

It seems Council reached no conclusions as to how to proceed. Materials from the recent council retreat show that the Center needed over $60,000 of City support in 2012. The SSSP proposals would call for even more subsidy. So, the council is facing the challenge of how much is too much. Of course, some council members never met a dollar that they couldn't spend.

The Insider can see the 2014 tax levy being increased to support the Center.  Do tax payers want this?

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Insider:

    Don't get me wrong: I do not support throwing money at the senior center without a solid business plan.

    However, to imply that the city has so little cash leeway, or a slush fund to draw from to finance this sentimental journey, thus causing a tax increase, is ludicrous and you know it.

    We all benefit from your facts, but not your fearmongering.

  2. How about a research committee of residents WHO HAVE USED THE CENTER-people of all ages, who know of its short comings and its benefits and who might have some fresh insights.

    The group would return to council with a job list, wants and needs, as well as a recommendation for a business plan that includes marketing and cash flow, be it negative or not.

    This group would function much like one of the commissions but would have a sunset date.

    To add to this comment, I do not favor hiring another consultant to run this. I think it should remain in house.
