Friday, April 15, 2011

Milfoil Control - Funding Approved


At Shorewood's 4/11 Council Meeting, $6,000 was approved as Shorewood's part of chemical milfoil control for Phelps and Gideons bays in 2011. The money goes to the Lake Minnetonka Associtaion which is managing the control project and raising the funds needed to do the treatments. The vote was 5 for and 0 against the funding. You can watch the discussion and vote at: and go to the 1 hour and 5 minute point in the video.

As previously reported by the Insider, the 2011 budget for this project was $4,000. The LMA asked for $3,000 for each bay and the Mayor asked Council to approve this in that it is the same amount was was approved in 2010. Council Member Woodruff initially challenged the above budget spending citing the Mayor and Council Member Zerby as having voted to approve the 2011 budget in December after lots of hard work to control expenses for 2011. Woodruff then went on to say that the Phelps treatment in 2011 was going to cost much more than in 2011 due to needing to treat a much larger area and that only allocating $3,000 to Phelps was actually cutting support for the residents of Enchanted Island. Zerby justified the cut saying that the LMA had asked for $3,000 for each bay.

As a sidebar, the 2011 funding was discussed during a LMA presentation to Council at the 3/28 Council Meeting. Residents supporting the funding were in the audience. However, the Mayor did not ask Council for any funding decision. Instead she waited two weeks when no residents were in the audience to have the final discussion and vote. Seems a strange strategy to the Insider.

So, the LMA got what it asked for, but is it what the Enchanted Island residents really deserve? The insider want ter wants to hear from you.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. It's disappointing that Dick Woodruff not only did not practice what he preached, but also voted for funding that directly benefitted his property. He shoud have recused himself.
