Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Using weevils to treat milfiol in Christmas Lake?


The Insider has learned that a project to use weevils to control milfoil seems underway for Christmas Lake. It seems the Minnehana Creek Watershed District will be providing funding and be working with a local environmentalist, Mark Washa, some Christmas Lake residents and local businessman and marina owner, Gabe Jabbor.

Weevils have been shown to be successful in limited situations in other states. Mr. Washa has been beating the drum to use them in Lake Minnetonka vs. the chemical treatments now being tested. The DNR has repeatedly stated they do not support weevils in Lake Minnetonka due to conditions that would make them ineffective.

Why weevils would be appropriate to Christmas Lake is unclear to the Insider, but the conditions there may be different from those in Lake Minnetonka. It's unclear if the DNR is participating in this project. One thing is clear, the DNR would have to be involved somewhere in the permitting process.

Stay tuned and the Insider will provide more information as it is available.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. THAT looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

  2. I think that means that very soon Christmas Lake will be getting their own marina.
