Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Voter Photo ID - a new unfunded mandate?


The insider has been tracking various proposed state legislation changes. Requiring a photo ID to vote has been under discussion for some time and now, appears to be moving forward. See: from the League of Minnesota Cities for details.

While requiring an ID, photo or not, may be a reasonable idea for voting, much of the rest of the contents of this proposed legislation appears to be new features and requirements for conducting elections at the local level, all of which lay additional burdens on the cities and which, at this point, will not be funded by the State. It's way too early to tell what monetary effect this legislation might have on Shorewood, but in the Insider's view, any cost should be borne by the State.

If after reading the details, you're as concerned as the Insider is, send an email to Connie Doepke and Gen Olson who represent Shorewood in the legislature. Their email addresses are:

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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