Friday, April 8, 2011

Milfoil Control - Latest


At Shorewood's 3/28 Council Meeting, there was a discussion about funding chemical treatment in 2011. As predicted by the Insider in the 3/15 post to this blog, plans are to do Phelps and Gideon's bays in Shorewood and the Lake Minnetonka Association is, again, asking Shorewood to contribute towards the cost

More area of Phelps is to be treated in 2011 than in 2010 and this would be the first treatment for Gideon's.

Mayor Lizee stated that she'd like to contribute more than the $4000 in Shorewood's budget (as predicted by the Insider). However, after a brief discussion, no decision was made or called for. Watch for an upcoming Council Meeting agenda item in which the Mayor wants to spend more than is budgeted. Of course, she voted for the budget last fall, but you readers conveniently have forgotten that, haven't you?

Happy Reading
The Insider


  1. When your political mantra is "listening to the people", that means you can change your opinion and vote on a whim.

  2. If the budget is going to be ignored, save it for city-wide benefits rather than for the benefit of the small group of homeowners that live on those bays. Police, fire, stormwater treatment and sewer rates easily come to mind.

  3. The two new councilmembers seem willing to challenge and ask questions (see March 21 meeting on LMCC web site). They seem to be cognizant of their responsibility to the entire city.

    Let's encourage them to dig deeper on the facts and contest the mayor's thought "process" for her pet projects.

  4. it would be so great to see all of you anonymous people actually show up to a council meeting -
