According to Brian Heck's own blog and the recent "Lakeshore Weekly News" article on his leaving Shorewood, major weight was placed on him not been active enough in the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce and the local Rotary.
The Insider questions the priorities of anyone in government that think a top priority should be assigned to participation in these two service organizations. The Insider knows that Mayor Lizee is active in the Rotary and council member Zerby is a Chamber member, was its president until recently and has a business located in Excelsior. The key word here is Excelsior.
Lizee and her council buddies have been beating the drum for over one year about Excelsior being "our downtown." They took a run at integrating services with Excelsior and there is now an agreement for Shorewood to provide financial services. But, it seems the end game in the minds of Lizee and her buddies is to merge the cities.
Do you, the residents of Shorewood really want to take over Excelsior and all its financial problems? What's in it for Shorewood? Probably expansion of an empire and higher taxes for Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
I've drafted five different comments, and then deleted because really, words escape me when trying to comment on this pathetic attempt at...mmm, speechless again. Embarrassing for the city, sorry Mr. Heck.
ReplyDeleteThe elected officials of Shorewood have long embarrassed us with political payback. This is just the latest in a long line. If you think this is the first time the council has embarrassed you, you're either new in town or you're naive.
DeleteAfter giving this some serious thought, I figured I need to provide some clarity and context to the Administrator's departure debate.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, let's not forget that a City Administrator or Manager serves at the will and pleasure of the presiding council. Should three or more members conclude the administrator is not performing up to expectations, they can dismiss the incumbant. This is why most, if not all, administrator/managers have employment agreements - they know their employment status can change at any point and pretty much for any reason; it's a risk that goes with the career.
Now, since my blog has been brought into the context of this debate, let me clarify. My post was about the benefit of having candid conversations, be they with employees, family members, or employers. I used my recent experience as an example. My departure was mutual and a result of these conversations. The comment about Rotary was an example of what I learned as part of the conversation.
Understand that to be an effective administrator/manger, the council must have confidence in the individual and there needs to be a high level of trust. Bottom line is this, after talking to council members individually, the necessary level of confidence and trust were not present; We were beyond the point of rebuilding that essential component so for the benefit of staff and council, we agreed to part ways.
Excellent comments and thank you Mr. Heck and Insider for providing a forum for this conversation! NO WHERE ELSE!!!
DeleteThe question I would ask of Mr. Heck is when he was discussing the goals and objectives of his employment with the city at any time was it specified that participation in these 2 organizations was a requisite of the job? And why did it take 3 years plus into his employment for this to be uncovered?
ReplyDeleteLizee's agenda is becoming apparent. Those who voted for her as a listener-nurturer-consensus builder type of politician are now probably questioning their vote. Her cruel and unreasonable firing of two admirable employees, the city attorney and the city administrator, show a ruthlessness that is troubling. Now, not only does she have a voting block on the council, but the city lawyer and the new administrator will do little to challenge her. The Planning Commission as well has been packed with pro-development and pro "South Lake" people. Do Shorewood residents really want to join with Excelsior? Do they want city-wide water? Do they want land taken for more trails? Do they want high-density housing to make Shorewood more "affordable?" Do they want increased commercial development at the expense of the environment and city property values? Clearly, Lizee and her voting block are looking out for the interests of developers and real estate professionals, and not the residents of Shorewood.
ReplyDeleteAgree - two very professional people have been fired since January .. Why?
DeleteRegarding the Attorney .. do your own analysis ...... who would you rather have?
Former General Counsel: Kennedy and Graven ...http://www.kennedy-graven.com/
35 attorneys, full range of municipal law, public finance, municipal bonds etc.
Current General Counsel: Malkerson,Gunn: http://www.mgmllp.com/about/
7 attorneys, concentrate their practices in commercial real estate, real estate development, eminent domain, land use and zoning, leasing, construction law, financing, taxation, property tax appeals, and general real estate litigation.
History: On Jan 3, 2011 Siakel and Hotvet, without comment, follow Mayor Lizee and Zerby and dismiss a qualified General Counsel .. Kennedy & Graven
Reference minutes: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/151218/Page1.aspx
Two wrongs don't make a right, but don't pretend it's merely LIzee's regime engaging in these games... that's foolish.
DeleteThat was the second time that Lizee and Zerby led the dismissal of a Kennedy and Graven attorney. After each time, they brought back their buddy Tim Keane. The hiring of Keane (twice) clearly demonstrates that competence and professionalism are low on the qualifications they seek in their candidates. This is also the second time Lizee and Zerby led the charge to fire a city administrator. It’s hard to see why any decent administrator would take a job in Shorewood while they are still in office.