Saturday, August 4, 2012

Don't Be Afraid To Run For Office


A recent comment to this blog implied that Shorewood residents are not filing to run for mayor or council because of fear of criticism by the Insider.


The Insider is encouraging residents who think for themselves, do their homework, care about everyone in Shorewood and want to commit to make a difference to run for election.

Will council members be criticized? Maybe. But, if they do an honest job, it's unlikely.

Get to City Hall and file to run. The Insider hears that only one person has filed for council (two seats open) and nobody for mayor. Remember, the last day to file is Tuesday, August 14.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. In looking back through the comments over the last months, Woodruff seems to take the least criticism (unless he is included in Team Lizee, but I don't think so), and he is known for doing the most homework, asking the most questions and being over the top anal. Which proves the Insider's comments.

    Plus he has proven he can take a beating. Let's hope he is the one who filed.

  2. Insider, please tell us who has filed! Dick Woodruff, please come back!

  3. The general problem is a lack of burning issues. The overall dislike of Lizee and gang is not enough of a concern to get people mobilized to run. Sure, we all loathe the pandering, sleazy and borderline unethical politics of this group, but when you look back at the last 2 years, there is nothing the gang did that fundamentally harmed the city. In fact, they did nothing of note.

    Lizee’s ego is so entwined with being the “Mayor” she will avoid anything that may jeopardize her reelection chances. Even someone as politically tone deaf as Lizee must realize that pursuing certain polarizing issues, (like the proposed citywide water boondoggle), will cause both her and her supporters to be defeated in the very next election. Hotvet and Siakel seem content to follow her lead.

    While that may be of some comfort, the potential for harm can’t be overlooked. Like children playing with matches, so far all they have done is strike a few while we all nervously observe. Eventually, they may start a fire that will cause real harm. If they start to believe that lack of candidates to challenge them equals agreement with their brand of politics, the gang is likely to do something foolish.

    If not this election cycle, sometime soon, the adults will need to take away their matches.

  4. This election season, I want to see a political yard sign in Shorewood that says "Elect LOMAH."

    1. I'll put one in my yard.

    2. I'd help start the LOMAH movement.

    3. When the time comes, write in "LOMAH for Mayor." Scott Zerby is running unopposed so there is no likelihood of a loss.

      Voters can thus express their uneasiness with the lack of choice. And maybe even a few more people will start reading this blog and start discussion.

      LOMAH can continue to offer up comments, questions and issues on this platform and maybe even help our residents think through the choices for Council.
