Shorewood's Council will approve a new Social Host law on a 4 to 1 vote at the 8/27 council meeting. How can the Insider be so sure? First, council voted two weeks 4 to 1 to vote on advancing to final approval Monday night. Second, the only objector, Woodruff, voted against two weeks ago and also voted against in 2009.
The law was considered by the council in 2009 and the decision not to advance it was made. Now, as opposed to 2009, Mayor Lizee controls the Council and she's determined to give the police chief the law he's wanted since 2009.
Is the law needed? It's not clear. Even the law's supporters say that its enforcement is not as important as it might be as a deterrent. Woodruff is quoted as questioning the enforceability and the Chief was unable to provide information on enforcement success (Minnetonka has had the law for three years).
Basically, the law would criminalize the act of an adult of providing a venue where a minor consumes alcohol even though the adult does not provide the alcohol and even if the adult is unaware of the actual minor consumption. Blog readers may read the law at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/160761/Electronic.aspx
Look for agenda item 11A in the 8/27 council meeting agenda.
The Insider wonders why, again, Lizee is determined to have Shorewood take a "leadership" role in passing this law. Tonka Bay, Excelsior and Greenwood have not passed it for three years. In fact, Greenwood decided not to act on the law three years ago.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
If the Insider has to wonder why this is back, then the Insider does not understand how Shorewood politics works.
ReplyDeleteWatched the council meeting: Councilmember Siakel asked good questions of the Attorney,and she stepped up and VOTED NO on a law that was ambiguous and redundant. Thank you CM Siakel for researching and having the courage!