Saturday, August 11, 2012

Latest News On Filings For Shorewood Election


No new filings as of end of day Friday.

Scott Zerby is only candidate for mayor and Mark Sylvester is the only candidate for the two council seats.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. This is very life-affirming.
    We might be able to watch a boy become a man.
    No more "LizZerby", but "ZERBY!"
    He's on his own now. Sort of.
    And it looks like Siakel will get a buddy on the council.
    So LizZerby and the two clone might become ZERBY and the three clones.
    Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

  2. Give the guy a chance and quit bitching here. It is doing nothing to bring out new candidates nor is it advancing any new ideas.

  3. I see Zerby's face every time I log on to this website. He should post and tell us his vision for Shorewood. How's that for a chance?

    1. I agree and it would serve to elevate the discussion. Let's hear from you, Scott.

  4. I second that motion!

  5. If a serious write-in candidate for Mayor doesn't appear, I think we should all write in "Shorewood Insider". If Insider wins, I think it would hold up in court, and it would be the first time an anonymous blogger would win office in the US.

  6. No response from Mayor Zerby.
