Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tax Levy To Stay Flat


Council gave direction to staff to bring a resolution calling for a zero percent tax levy increase to the 8/23 meeting. Good news for residents and 2013 will be the fourth budget in a  row with no levy increase.

The Insider remains fascinated by the lack of budget understanding by some council members, especially Hotvet. When discussing how to allocate excess general fund reserves, Hotvet once again called for putting some money to trails. Once again Woodruff pointed out that council already had allocated and made available $1.8 million of the Infrastructure Fund for the trail plan. Why Hotvet wanted to increase this by something like $70,000 defies explanation.

Go to: and the last item on the list for the budget work session video.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. Budgets are difficult - they require a lot of homework and attention to detail. The only one that consistently seems willing to do the homework, take notes, and ask questions is Woodruff .. he has my support.
    We don't need two more novices on the council - one more will be plenty. Zerby needs Woodruff's help .. hope he acknowledges and embraces that - If he doesn't, I'm writing in Lomah.
