Sunday, March 13, 2011

3-City "Visioning" meetings - results


Shorewood has posted the results from the second (last?) 3-City "Visioning" meeting held on 2/24/11. See:

The Insider was told that each participant in the meeting got three votes to allocate amongst the potential projects listed in the various categories. Since Shorewood council and staff made up more than 50% of the people attending from the cities of Excelsior, Tonka Bay and Shorewood, the "City" commitment validity for Exc and TB is questionable.

Regardless, the list of projects handed to the administrators/manager appears to have some promise and is absent some of the more radical items associated with merging the cities. Only time will tell what level of commitment to actually doing anything exists within the three councils.

Recall that the last time Shorewood and the other neighbors went through this exercise (spearheaded by Woody Love and Chris Lizee) Shorewood spent more than $30,000 in consulting fees. So far, the cost to Shorewood seems to be less than 1/10th of this. However, in the words of Yogi Berra, "It ain't over t'll it's over."

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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