Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Welcome To Shorewood" signs - backdoor branding effort?


During the 3/28 council meeting, staff was looking for approval to order "Welcome to Shorewood" signs for streets at the City borders. Many of these locations do not have signs today. It seems they were budgeted and that Council Member Zerby was the driver to get them into the budget.

See: at the 1 hour and 30 minute point for the council discussion.

Council Member Woodruff suggested not having the population count on the signs so as to keep them from being obsolete just because the populations changes. What ensued is an incredible discussion during which Council Member Zerby states that it's important to show Shorewood is larger that Excelsior and Tonka Bay as well as him stating that Shorewood's signs need to be larger than those of our neighbors.

More curious is the discussion by Siakel, Zerby and Lizee that the signs should have some sort of slogan on them and suggesting it be "A Southlake Community."

The notion of a multi-city branding effort with "Shouthlake" as the identity was floated at the 3-City cooperation meetings in January/February. During the second of these meetings, the attendees voted on what they wanted to pursue and the "Southlake" branding idea did not make the cut.

Now it appears some of Shorewood's Council wants to backdoor starting the process of branding by installing signs at Shorewood's borders. Of course, if Zerby gets his way, these will be bigger signs than either Excelsior or Tonka Bay have.

What do you think? Does "A Southlake Community" have any meaning or importance to you? Should Shorewood engage in a size battle with its neighbors? Is there any need to have Shorewood's population on the entrance signs?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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