Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trail Committee - How did it happen?


The Insider has been asked how the Shorewood Trail Committee was formed. It's an interesting story in that it points to Shorewood's current Council's desire to operate outside the normal process of having committees appointed by the Council.

See: at 42:20 minutes for the announcement in the 2/14/11 Council Meeting by Administrator Heck that a Trail Committee had been formed and that it would start meeting the following week.

Heck stated that staff had met with Council Members Hotvet and Siakel and they had selected the committee members. There was no Council review of the appointees or, in fact, any communication to the full Council who might be appointed or why. The list of committee members wasn't even in that night's council packet.

Readers of this blog will note, after viewing the video of the council meeting, that no vote to approve the Trail Committee appointments was requested by Acting Mayor Zerby and no formal Council approval was secured. The two resident appointees were not interviewed by Council (at least not in a setting with all Council Members being able to participate).

It appears the new Council intends to use Council Meetings as places to announce decisions, not to discuss and debate before deciding. So much for "Transparency."

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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