Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Paying for Chemical Milfoil Control?


Coming soon to a Shorewood council meeting: The Lake Minnetonka Association and homeowners asking Shorewood to pay for part of the cost to chemically treat milfoil in Phelp's and Gideon's Bays.

In 2010, Shorewood spent $4000 to partially fund the LMA's chemical treatment of milfoil in Phelp's Bay. The 2011 City budget has $4000 allocated for this sort of treatment.

While the LMA wanted to treat Gideon's Bay in 2010, the DNR declined to approve a bay-wide treatment permit.

It now seems certain that the DNR will grant a permit for Gideon's in 2011. So, the LMA is bound to be at a Shorewood council meeting in the near future asking for funding for both Phelp's and Gideon's. Treatment of Phelps is already in the DNR's plans as this is year four of a five year experiment on three bays of the lake.

The Insider wants to hear from readers. How much money should Shorewood spend on chemical milfoil treatment in 2011? Some choices are: the $4000 budgeted, a larger amount so as not to reduce funding for Phelp's, a smaller amount, or nothing.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. How about Shorewood Marina kicking in 700 dollars a motorized boat slip? They will be the big winners if the bay is milfoil-free. I can just see those strings of boats all tied up together and full of partyers now!!

  2. First: User fees from boats, marinas and dockowners.

    Second: A portion of our property taxes goes to the DNR, LMCD, MCWD and even Three Rivers. All have jurisdiction over the lake in some form or other. As a result, all residents now pay, whether they use the lake, profit from it or never dip a toe into it.

    Does anybody get it? Why make us pay again?
