Monday, March 14, 2011

Former Council Member Bailey on Park Commission Chair reappointment


The following post comes from Jeff Bailey who chose not to run for re-election last fall to Shorewood's city council. Mr. Bailey also served multiple terms as Chair of Shorewood's Planning commission.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


I'm deeply troubled by the Council's recent decision not to reappoint Jeremy Norman to the Parks Commission. Apparently the majority of the Council members only want Shorewood residents sitting on city commissions who see things the majority's way. In my tenure on city commissions and the Council, I found Mr. Norman to be one of the hardest working and most effective chairs the Parks Commission ever had. His reappointment should have been a no-brainer. I can only draw the conclusion that now, when it comes to city commissions, selection based on merit is out and selection based on whether you think the "right" way is in.

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