Monday, October 8, 2012

Running Out Of Money?


Tonight's council work session is about capital budgets. These are the ones that fund major improvements and new equipment buys.

Staff is reporting that the Parks Fund runs out of money in 2014, the Equipment Replacement in 2016 and the Trail Fund in 2020. These events are based on spending that's in the proposed budgets for each of these funds from now through 2021.

It'll be interesting to watch council have to deal with the very real choices between priorities in different areas (parks vs. trails, for example), the spending levels proposed and the very real prospect of needing tax increases if spending and priorities aren't adjusted. Over the past two years, Lizee, Zerby and friends have showed disinterest when it came to controlling spending. They can't dodge the issue now.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

1 comment:

  1. Parks are part of the infrastructure, and they should be funded by the council with the same commitment as public works, streets, etc.
