Friday, November 30, 2012

Taxes On Monday Night's agenda


Shorewood's Council will hold its annual Truth-In-Taxation meeting Monday night at 700 PM. The purpose is to allow residents one final opportunity to comment on the 2013 draft budget before it gets final approvsl.

Highlights of the budget draft are:
- The property tax levy is unchanged from 2012's amount. This is the fourth year in a row for no change in levy
- 2% of current non-union salaries are allocated to a pool for compensation increases as was the case for 2012
- No changes in level of service delivery are planned
- $47,700 of reserves will be used to subsidize the South Shore Center operating loss, an increase of $31,100 from the 2012 budget subsidy

Council discussed the budget at its 11/26 work session. Readers can watch council members and staff at: See the General Fund Budget section at the end of the agenda.

Also discussed was the 2013 capital budget. This is not on the agenda for the meeting on 12/3.
Highlights are:
- Several of the funds in this budget are running out of money and Council needs to deal with this soon
- Of about $1.6 million in avilable funds, the Smithtown West trail segment planned for 2013 will take $1.4 million. Funding for the rest of the Trail Plan is uncertain.

The General Fund and budget and the packet for the 12/3 meeting may be found at:

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

LMCC Meeting - Shorewood Absent


The Lake Minnnetonka Communications Commission (LMCC) held its quarterly full commission meeting last week. Scott Zerby, Shorewood's council representative and LMCC Executive Committee member did not attend. Zerby's official alternate, council member Debbie Siakel, was not there either.

The LMCC's meeting calendar is set one year in advance. So, why couldn't Zerby or Siakel attend?

In 2011, as one of its first meeting actions, the "new council" appointed Zerby and later, Siakel as alternate to Zerby. The Insider's assumption was that the council expected them to attend meetings. Obviously, the Insider was mistaken.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Council Member Hotvet - Excelsior Chamber Job


Council Member Laura Hotvet is the new Excelsior Chamber of Commerce Director. Seems the job is awarded to a Shorewood resident since the previous director was also from Shorewood.

The Insider predicts that even more attention will be paid by Shorewood's Council to getting cosy with Excelsior and its businesses. After all, "it's our downtown."

Isn't it?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Trails - Show Me The Monsy


Talking with some who attended last Thursday evening's trail plan open house, there seemed to be a generally positive attitude toward building the trails and specifically the Smithtown Rd. segment. However, it seems the subject of how the projects would be funded was not really part of the discussion.

The Insider notes that the City has set aside $1.6 million of cash to fund the entire trail system over the next few years. Staff has estimated the total cost to be $1.8 million. So, completing all the trails seems possible until one reads the engineer's report on the Smithtown segment. It's cost is estimated at $1.4 million without costs for obtaining right-of-way and easements.

So, 90% of the on-hand cash could go to the Smithtown segment leaving taxpayers to pickup the rest. Of course, the cost of the rest is likely to be way in excess of the staff estimates given that the Smithtown segment has come in at twice what staff had estimated.

Proponents such as Council Member Hotvet and Mayor-elect Zerby are quick to say that the City will apply for grants to help with the cost. This is great, but rational expectations for grants should be set. Grants are usually on the order of a few thousand dollars to maybe one-third of the cost of the project. They are also highly competitive. Solving the financial gap through grants is unlikely.

Meanwhile, the City has an equipment fund that will run out of money in a couple of years, a parks fund that runs out after 2013 and a stormwater fund that is in similar shape. What's more important, trails or funding some of these shortfalls? Seems Council isn't too determined to have this discussion since the process would make some of their heads hurt.

Without some really hard thinking, taxes or fees are gong up dramatically if the trail plan is going to become a reality in its entirety.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Monday, November 12, 2012

Smithtown Trail - Price Up


Tomorrow night, Tuesday, 11/13, Council will consider the engineer's report on the Smithtown Trail. Readers can see the report at and if they look at page 54 of the packet, they'll see that the trail cost is now almost $1.4 million, not the $1.2 million the Insider reported previously.

Also being considered at the 11/13 meeting is spending $43,000 to have the engineering company assist with obtaining easements needed for the trail. The cost does not include attorney's fees or any payments to property owners.

If readers have any interest in how this project is proceeding and its costs, they'd better show up at the meeting at Minnswashta School on Thursday the 15th at 630 PM.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Results


Zerby will be Mayor in January. Since he was unopposed, this is not a surprise.

Sundberg and Woodruff will take the two council seats in January. The Insider hopes Sundberg acts more independently of Zerby, Siakel and Hotvet than she did during the campaign. The City doesn't need or deserve a rubber stamp new council member.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Smithtown Trail - $1.2 million


The engineering report draft for the trail segment along Smithtown Road from the Victoria border to the LRT trail intersection was released last week. It shows a cost estimate of more than $1.2 million and this does not include acquisition of easements and right-of-way that are needed. Note that this segment is described as a "sidewalk." No mention of use by bikers.

Remember that in 2011, Council set aside $1.6 million to fund the entire trail plan of which this is just one part. So, how will the rest get funded if one piece costs this much? Maybe grants?

Come to the public open house at Minnewashta School on Thursday, the 15th at 630 PM to hear more about this project and ask your questions.

Happy Reading!
The Insier