Monday, November 12, 2012

Smithtown Trail - Price Up


Tomorrow night, Tuesday, 11/13, Council will consider the engineer's report on the Smithtown Trail. Readers can see the report at and if they look at page 54 of the packet, they'll see that the trail cost is now almost $1.4 million, not the $1.2 million the Insider reported previously.

Also being considered at the 11/13 meeting is spending $43,000 to have the engineering company assist with obtaining easements needed for the trail. The cost does not include attorney's fees or any payments to property owners.

If readers have any interest in how this project is proceeding and its costs, they'd better show up at the meeting at Minnswashta School on Thursday the 15th at 630 PM.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. I see we are asking for concrete. Are we not considering an asphalt alternative? It is cheaper (for driveways anyway) and it would seem that we do need a trail but we could do it more economically.

  2. Doesn't the State or Federal government usually pay for 90% of these things?

  3. Some may want a trail, but "need"? Trails are an amenity, not an essential city service. Keep in mind that the cost stated (so far) is roughly $200 per each resident of Shorewood. And roughly 2/3 of city residents are far outside of the service area of the proposed trail, and would likely never use it. My opinion is that that money could be better used elsewhere.

    State or Federal funding? Both levels of government are awash in red ink. And both are funded with OUR tax dollars. The mentality that the Feds or State can pay for things without impact to all our pocketbooks is what got us in the fiscal mess we are currently in.

  4. Excellent observation as always from Lomah.

    We should have been building trails and sidewalks while we were building roads but that was a different time.

    I think that the trail issue along with the price tag for each trail, whether or not the "neighborhood" wants the trail segment proposed and assessment for said trail segment should be put on the ballot in November.

  5. I'm going to parse what Lomah said a little further. Trails along quiet roads are amenities. A trail along Smithtown Road, a busy collector street and the main thoroughfare of west Shorewood is a necessity.

    The Waterford/Silverwood area has a designated bike route along Old Market. Thanks to Greenwood, Minnetonka Blvd has a trail that Shorewood neighborhoods use. Even Vine Hill has a respectable shoulder.

    We should invest in both safety and an amenity along Smithtown Road. But the planners should scratch the trails proposed for the quiet side streets.

  6. Who wants to walk alongside of a busy road if they can help it? And if you have active kids with you, one could dart out in front of a car.
    No thanks.
