Shorewood's Council will hold its annual Truth-In-Taxation meeting Monday night at 700 PM. The purpose is to allow residents one final opportunity to comment on the 2013 draft budget before it gets final approvsl.
Highlights of the budget draft are:
- The property tax levy is unchanged from 2012's amount. This is the fourth year in a row for no change in levy
- 2% of current non-union salaries are allocated to a pool for compensation increases as was the case for 2012
- No changes in level of service delivery are planned
- $47,700 of reserves will be used to subsidize the South Shore Center operating loss, an increase of $31,100 from the 2012 budget subsidy
Council discussed the budget at its 11/26 work session. Readers can watch council members and staff at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=774. See the General Fund Budget section at the end of the agenda.
Also discussed was the 2013 capital budget. This is not on the agenda for the meeting on 12/3.
Highlights are:
- Several of the funds in this budget are running out of money and Council needs to deal with this soon
- Of about $1.6 million in avilable funds, the Smithtown West trail segment planned for 2013 will take $1.4 million. Funding for the rest of the Trail Plan is uncertain.
The General Fund and budget and the packet for the 12/3 meeting may be found at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161898/Page1.aspx
Happy Reading!
The Insider
How does one object to the subsidy of the South Shore Center's operating loss?
ReplyDeleteI would like to see this dealt with prior to throwing more money at it. Is there a business plan?
How about a director that we can afford that will actually do the job?
This is a giant problem that will not go away. We have to bite the bullet. I say now.
Hotvet is a wedding event planner. How many weddings has she booked into the center? As the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce president, she could easily make the Senior Center a big success the South Lake "destination" crowd.