Talking with some who attended last Thursday evening's trail plan open house, there seemed to be a generally positive attitude toward building the trails and specifically the Smithtown Rd. segment. However, it seems the subject of how the projects would be funded was not really part of the discussion.
The Insider notes that the City has set aside $1.6 million of cash to fund the entire trail system over the next few years. Staff has estimated the total cost to be $1.8 million. So, completing all the trails seems possible until one reads the engineer's report on the Smithtown segment. It's cost is estimated at $1.4 million without costs for obtaining right-of-way and easements.
So, 90% of the on-hand cash could go to the Smithtown segment leaving taxpayers to pickup the rest. Of course, the cost of the rest is likely to be way in excess of the staff estimates given that the Smithtown segment has come in at twice what staff had estimated.
Proponents such as Council Member Hotvet and Mayor-elect Zerby are quick to say that the City will apply for grants to help with the cost. This is great, but rational expectations for grants should be set. Grants are usually on the order of a few thousand dollars to maybe one-third of the cost of the project. They are also highly competitive. Solving the financial gap through grants is unlikely.
Meanwhile, the City has an equipment fund that will run out of money in a couple of years, a parks fund that runs out after 2013 and a stormwater fund that is in similar shape. What's more important, trails or funding some of these shortfalls? Seems Council isn't too determined to have this discussion since the process would make some of their heads hurt.
Without some really hard thinking, taxes or fees are gong up dramatically if the trail plan is going to become a reality in its entirety.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
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