Tuesday, November 22, 2011

AIS, LMCD, MCWD, DNR, LMA, CLA - Need More Acronyms?


The acronym alphabet soup that's involved in the Aquatic Invasive Species action (inaction?) continues to be stirred.

Last week the LMCD's Board approved a resolution supporting the Watershed's assumption of the lead in managing AIS. From what's reached the Insider's eyes, the LMCD will continue to be involved in AIS management on Lk Mtka and will support the MCWD in its efforts. In all, this is probably good in that the LMCD really does not have the resources or financial capability that the MCWD can muster.

Meanwhile, the MCWD's Board continues to discuss what it should be doing. Apparently, it has authorized hiring a specialist in AIS. However, at last report, the MCWD's 509 Plan (10 yr plan that states what it'll be doing) still needs a "Major Amendment" to add AIS management. So, it would appear the MCWD can position itself, but cannot really do anything right now. Plan amendments require approval of the cities in the watershed which can be a drawn out process and is no sure thing.

It's good that mother nature and her ice is about to end the AIS threat for awhile. Will the MCWD have an action plan in place and authority to act in-hand by spring? Don't bet the farm!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, November 17, 2011

2012 Property Tax - Estimates Arriving In Mailboxes


Check your mail. Hennepin County has started mailing out property tax estimates for 2012.

New this year is the elimination of the Market Value Homestead Credit and its replacement with a valuation exclusion program. This slight of hand was done by our state legislators in another goofy attempt to balance the state budget. The result is that any homeowners that previously received the MVHC credit on their tax bills will not in 2012. The state saves money from not reimbursing the cities for the loss of the tax revenue. Of course, for the past couple of years, the state had not been reimbursing the cities at 100% or in some cases, at all. So the "savings" are somewhat of a sham at the state level.

The exclusion reduces the taxable market value of properties valued at up to just over $400,000, but on a scale with more reductions for lower valued properties. The effect of this ill-conceived exclusion is that there is even more chance that property taxes will be shifted from lower value properties to higher value ones in a city. Hey! It's a new social equity program in the guise of a state tax savings!

As in prior years, your tax bill may go up or down even though the City, County, School District, etc. have made no or small changes in the taxes they levy. In the past, this was usually due to the relation of the change in value of your property in comparison to others in the city. Now, the new exclusion also has an effect.

Shorewood for the past three years and now, again in 2012, is not raising its tax levy. So, don't jump on the City Council if your tax bill goes up and don't praise them if it goes down.

For more information on the new exclusion and the MVHC debacle, see MN Public radio's website and the video they made to explain. It's very good.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Border Signs - The Latest Info


The City is scrambling to recover from the installation of the eyesore Shorewood border signs. As reported previously, the signs are huge and dominate the landscape where they're installed. The Insider has learned that more than a few Shorewood residents have expressed amazement and dismay.

It seems that nobody on City staff really checked on the new sign size in the vendor quote when the order was submitted resulting in the huge signs and a bill for $1800 for what appears to be scrap metal.

Staff is working with the sign company and the Council to modify the size and it looks like new signs will be ordered at City expense. Also, according to a report at Monday night's Council Meeting, MNDOT has denied approval to install the new signs on Hwy 7 citing the slogan "A Shouthlake Community" as being advertising and being against MNDOT rules. Again, where was staff in checking the rules before ordering the signs. Appears that Zerby's zeal to get the new signs might have trumped proper due diligence.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zebra Mussel Gate - Christmas Lake


The previously mentioned (in this blog) gate on the boat ramp at Christmas Lake has been installed by Shorewood and appears to be in operation. This gate closes the ramp from 1000pm to 600am. So, we're sure that no Zebra Mussels will sneak into the lake in the middle of the night.

Meanwhile, the original plan to have inspections of watercraft to allow access to the ramp during the day remains in limbo. Carver County has just approved inspections at Lake Minnewashta, but there are no implementation plans, the DNR has not agreed to allow inspections and no money has been allocated for this by Carver. The Christmas Lake plan included inspections at Minnewashta, but it remains to be seen if this can happen under what Carver just approved.

Also part of the original plan was the Christmas Lake Association being actively involved in managing the gated access and more importantly, paying for the gate. So far, no agreement with the Association is documented and Shorewood has paid for the gate without any authorization from City Council. This is just another example of Mayor Lizee's operating style, taking action and spending City money without Council discussion or approval. So much for "transparency."

Keep reading as this develops further.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

AIS Joint Powers Agreement - DNR Declines To Play


The Insider has learned that the DNR notified the City that it will not participate in the JPA regarding AIS as proposed by Shorewood (see prior blog post on this JPA).

So, the DNR won't play with Mayor Lizee's attempt to create a new bureaucracy and to take "a leadership role" in control of Aquatic Invasive Species. The Insider believes this is a sensible response by the DNR. After all, the DNR ceding its powers to a new agency that is organized so as to be able to dictate to the DNR or veto anything the DNR might want to do is nonsensical.

It appears Shorewood's next step is to discuss with the Watershed District (the third of the proposed members of the ill-advised JPA) how to proceed. The Insider notes that there has been no action on the JPA by the Watershed Board either.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, November 10, 2011

OMG! - New Shorewood Border Signs Are HUGE


If you haven't seen one of the new signs at Shorewood's borders, you haven't been out of the house or are blind. They're Huge! The Insider has traveled worldwide and has never seen a sign announcing that one is entering a city that is the size of the new signs.

Readers should recall that the signs are Council Member Zerby's latest pet project. It may be that the only thing in Shorewood larger than these signs is Zerby's ego.

What an eyesore!

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shorewood's Trail Plan - Cost Explosion?


The Insider has learned that City staff has told Council that it will not apply for a grant for a trail segment on Smithtown Rd. from the Victoria border to Minnewashta School. The reason given was the the City's part of the cost was going to be more than $400,000.

Let's review.

The whole Trail Plan, recently adopted by Council, was estimated to cost just over $700,000. The Smithtown Rd. segment is arguably less than 20% of the trails in the whole plan. Yet, including getting a grant, the City would have to pay out more than $400,000 for just this one segment.

So, the Insider asks: What is the real estimated cost of the entire Trail Plan?

For perspective, the City's annual expense budget is about $5 million. Adjusting the Trail Plan estimated cost based on just the $400,000 for 20%, the entire Plan cost would be more than $2 million or approaching 50% of what the City spends in one entire year. With this sort of price tag, how important should trails be in Shorewood?

Happy Reading!
The Insider

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Greenwood Decides Not To Pursue Police Options!


According to reliable sources, Greenwood's Council, at its meeting this week, decided 3 to 2 not to further pursue options for police services. Several weeks ago, the Insider reported that the Council had decided to look outside of the South Lake PD for policing options citing a desire for lower cost. The Insider believes this earlier decision was unanimous.

So, why did Greenwood's council change its mind and why was it only 3 of the 5 members who did so? The Insider speculates that Chief Litsey brought pressure and engaged his "friends" on the Police Board to do the same. Also likely is some concession that 3 Greenwood Council Members think Greenwood will get from the SLMPD for dropping Greenwood's pursuit of options. Since the stated reason for looking at options was only financial, the concessions must be financial. Interestingly, the JPA specifies how much Greenwood pays. So, the Insider further speculates there will be a discussion about modifying the JPA funding formula.

Readers may recall that there was a huge fight the last time the JPA funding formula was up for review. A fight that ultimately ended up in legal action and in a judge setting the current funding formula.

Watch this blog for more on this as it's surely coming soon.

Happy Reading!
The Insider