Wednesday, February 9, 2011

3-City Cooperation Meeting - No transparency?


It's been well over one week since Shorewood hosted the "cooperation" meeting with Excelsior and Tonka Bay. Yet, has the public seen any minutes or notes from this meeting? The answer is: no!

The Insider has learned that Shorewood's council members were sent a PowerPoint of the notes from the meeting last week. Why isn't this on the Shorewood city website?

Lizee, Hotvet and Siakel all ran on a transparency platform last fall. If you voted for them, ask them why they're keeping the notes from this meeting a secret.

The Insider


  1. it would have been great to see more faces from the community at the visioning meeting! too bad people chose otherwise...

  2. also - if one of the other 2 followers of this blog wants a copy, all they have to do is ask.

  3. Was notice of this meeting in the city newsletter or local newspapers?

  4. Clearly, Lizee is pushing for a single South Shore City government, following in the footsteps of former Mayor Love. Deephaven and Greenwood were wise to avoid this meeting. A larger local government can only benefit developers, who will find it much easier to push through high-density residential and commercial projects.

  5. Looks like there are more than two followers of this blog!

  6. Realtor Love has an obvious benefit from his relationship with developers, and Mayor Lizee was his protege.
