Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shorewood Trail Committee Starting Meetings


Shorewood's Council has created a Trail Committee charged with reviewing trail needs and making recommendations for updates to the City's Trail Plan (yes, there is one of these, but not updated or really used for many years).

Committee Members:
Debbie Siakel, Laura Hotvet - Council Members
Ed Hasek, David Hutchins - Planning Commissioners
Bob Edmondson, Steve Quinlan - Park Commissioners
Mary Donahue, Michael Dodd - Residents
Brad Nielsen - Planning Director

Meetings will be 1st and 3rd Mondays starting March 7th at City Hall. Meetings are open to the public and the Insider encourages Shorewood residents to attend.

While the Insider has no idea of where this committee will go, in the past ideas like a bike and walking trail on Smithtown Rd, connecting the LRT Trail on Cty 19 to the strip mall at the 19/Smithtown intersection, a $15 million trail from the LRT at Cty 15/19 down to the Shorewood City Hall area along Cty 19, putting in sidewalks and more have been floated.

Watch this blog for more as the meetings proceed.

Happy Reading!
The Insider

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