Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shorewood Council & Staff Strategic Planning and Visioning sessions


Shorewood's Council is meeting tomorrow, Feb. 23rd and Thursday, Feb. 24th, from 8:30 AM to 12:30PM at the South Shore Center for discussion of strategy and vision for the City. These session are open to the public and media, but will not be video recorded. So, if you want to know what goes on, attend (of course, the Insider will have more about these meetings after they happen).

Readers should be wondering why Mayor Lizee started meetings with Excelsior and Tonka Bay about cooperation and visioning before she had any input from her own council and staff. This smacks of "ready-fire-aim" thinking.

The second 3-city cooperation and visioning meeting is at 6:30 PM Thursday night at South Shore Center. This meeting is also open to the public. Watch this blog for more about this.

Happy Reading!
The Insider


  1. Curious.

    If I read things right, this will be the fourth meeting in a month or so concerning "vision" for the future of Shorewood.

    Something tells me that Mayor Lizee has her own very specific "vision" for Shorewood, and we will find out what it is very soon. These meetings are merely smokescreens so she can claim this "vision" of hers evolved from listening to the people.

    Will this "vision" result in lowering of taxes, or improving the quality of life? Probably not, or else she would have "shared" it with us already.

  2. Shorewood had a "visioning" about 10 years ago with a paid facilitator. At that time, the council reached out to volunteers and other city stakeholders for their input. Has the same outreach been done this time around?

    And, Insider, what recommendations were made ten years ago as a result of the visioning? Were any of those recommendations actually implemented?
