Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Council Member Zerby misses 1st LMCC meeting


The LMCC (Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission) held the first of its quarterly full commission meetings last night. Shorewood Council Member Scott Zerby, appointed on January 3rd as the Council representative for Shorewood, was absent.

Zerby's obligation, as a voting member of the LMCC, to Shorewood is to attend four meetings per year. So, the best he can do now is achieve 75% attendance. Is this the representation Shorewood residents expect?

Happy reading!
The Insider


  1. Does his vote (or lack of) have an impact on the cost of services and the quality of services to Shorewood residents? Many people don't fully understand the LMCC's impact on our wallets including me.

  2. Has anyone contacted Scott Zerby or asked why he was unable to attend the LMCC meeting? Perhaps there is an understandable reason.
    Was there a significant topic discussion or vote that would have changed had he been there?
