Monday, February 7, 2011

Resident comments on 1/31 3-City Cooperation Meeting


The Insider has received some prominent resident comments about the 1/31 meeting on cooperation between Shorewood, Excelsior and Tonka Bay. Thanks to Martin Wellens and Nick Ruehl.

Also, watch the blog for a copy of the notes from the meeting, coming soon.
Comments from Wellens and Ruehl:

Greetings All:

Mayor Ruehl’s note supports Charlie’s report that:

But then Mayor Ruehl says: “there is absolutely no truth to the suggestion that Excelsior, or any other city in the South Shore, may go broke by 2015.”

I agree with Mayor Ruehl. Additionally it makes no sense to lump all small cities together (sweeping generalization) since every city’s finances are different.
Since this was how the ladies opened the meeting… it appears the entire premise of the meeting was based upon a falsehood/scare-tactic intended to deceive and manipulate our elected representatives. I don’t know how one could conclude anything else.

It also demonstrates the irresponsible partisanship of the League of MN Cities for publishing such nonsense.

Former Shorewood Councilman
Martin Wellens

To All:

Brett Stursa called me late yesterday for comments on the meeting that took place last Monday at Shorewood.  During that phone interview, she asked if I had seen the email chain (followed below), and I said I had not.  She sent it to me, and I have a few comments to share.

·         The City Councils and Staff from Tonka Bay and Excelsior were invited to a meeting sponsored by Shorewood regarding collaboration on services.  As noted below, approximately 20+ people attended, including Excelsior residents Charlie & Marlin Tomson and Bob Bolles.
·         Some person or persons, when asked about how the cities could collaborate to achieve efficiencies, improve services, and reduce costs, anonymously filled out post-it notes with wide-ranging ideas – yes, including consolidation of the cities.  I can assure you that I did not make that suggestion.
·         Our 2010 Council Goals included looking at collaboration with other cities, as we should explore all ideas that make sense where there is a win/win.  Over the past year, Staff has been exploring a few ideas.  In addition, the Mayors of the cities associated with the School District, have been discussing creative collaborative ideas – this includes Minnetonka Public Schools, Chanhassen, Minnetonka, Tonka Bay, Shorewood, Deephaven, Greenwood & Excelsior.
·         This session was an outgrowth of our own goals, along with discussions mentioned above.  Excelsior did not organize the meeting nor create the agenda, but Councilmember Berghorst and I attended, along with our City Manager, Finance Director, and Public Works Superintendent.  The whole Council was invited, but the others were not able to attend.
·         The facilitators of the meeting quoted a League of Minnesota Cities report on Minnesota cities’ finances, which stated that all cities in the State would be broke by 2015.  We believe they put that report together last fall to influence the Legislature regarding the State Aid to cities.  While there are many cities who rely on State Aid for a significant portion of their operating budget, there is absolutely no truth to the suggestion that Excelsior, or any other city in the South Shore, may go broke by 2015.
·         The reality is that Excelsior is in healthy financial condition, due to careful planning over the past several years and a focused effort to reduce expenses, implement some revenue enhancements, and wean ourselves off of Local Government Aid.  The Council will continue to look for ways to generate additional non-residential revenue, while watching carefully our city expenditures.

Recently our Council had a 2011 planning meeting, and established goals for the year.  Next Monday evening at the beginning of the Council meeting, I will be giving a “State of the City” address, that will not only explain our 2011 goals, but will also summarize and clarify our stable and positive financial condition.

I realize that there are concerns that some of you may have about our financial status.  I encourage you to come to our meetings, ask questions, and engage in an open dialogue.  Our Council (and Staff) are very willing to answer your questions.  If we don’t have the answer to your specific question, we will get back to you quickly.


Nick Ruehl, Mayor
City of Excelsior

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