One reader asked the Insider to comment on the Minnetonka schools. While this might be a good blog thread, it's not for this blogger to do.
Of course the Insider has some observations.
School districts promote open enrollment to get more students and thus, more State aid. Other reasons are to boost performance by attracting higher end performers or to enhance sports teams (they wouldn't do that, would they?).
Of course, districts aren't anxious to attract students from outside with special needs as these students can cost lots of dollars to support (another nasty little game played when one district has superior programs for such students).
Anyway, encourage someone else to blog on the schools.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
City Administrator Compensation
Some readers have asked the Insider to research compensation for city administrators. The Insider always likes a good research project to work on during these gloomy days.
Thinking back, the Insider recalled a Council discussion in 2010 about setting compensation for non-union employees. A quick search of the website and the agenda packets and minutes for work sessions ended at the documents for the 8/23/10 work session. There, former Administrator Heck reported on his analysis of salary data from the League of Minnesota Cities. He'd looked at a large number of cities and reported the following:
Average low of the Administrator pay range was about $93,000
Average maximum of the Administrator range was about $123,000
Apparently, there was a very wide range due to variations in city sizes and a mix of city administrator and city manager classifications.
Of course, this is over two year old data and should be revisited. But it gives an idea of how administrators are being paid since many cities have given very low, or zero, increases over the past two years.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Some readers have asked the Insider to research compensation for city administrators. The Insider always likes a good research project to work on during these gloomy days.
Thinking back, the Insider recalled a Council discussion in 2010 about setting compensation for non-union employees. A quick search of the website and the agenda packets and minutes for work sessions ended at the documents for the 8/23/10 work session. There, former Administrator Heck reported on his analysis of salary data from the League of Minnesota Cities. He'd looked at a large number of cities and reported the following:
Average low of the Administrator pay range was about $93,000
Average maximum of the Administrator range was about $123,000
Apparently, there was a very wide range due to variations in city sizes and a mix of city administrator and city manager classifications.
Of course, this is over two year old data and should be revisited. But it gives an idea of how administrators are being paid since many cities have given very low, or zero, increases over the past two years.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, December 17, 2012
Slow News
News is slowing down for the year-end. The Insider will be around, but doesn't expect much to report since there are no council meetings until January 7th.
Up coming is the swearing in of the new council on January 7th (really only one new member, Kristine Sundberg). Also at this meeting council assignments are expected although nothing earthshaking should happen. The first regular council meeting is on January14th.
One item pending is the City Administrator search. From comments in council meetings and other sources, there have been lots of applicants for the position. However, at the last council meeting there was talk of offering the job permanently to the Interim Administrator, Bill Joynes. From the Insider's perspective Mr. Joynes has done a credible job holding things together since the summer. Keeping him on would not be a mistake.
Happy Reading!
The Inssider
News is slowing down for the year-end. The Insider will be around, but doesn't expect much to report since there are no council meetings until January 7th.
Up coming is the swearing in of the new council on January 7th (really only one new member, Kristine Sundberg). Also at this meeting council assignments are expected although nothing earthshaking should happen. The first regular council meeting is on January14th.
One item pending is the City Administrator search. From comments in council meetings and other sources, there have been lots of applicants for the position. However, at the last council meeting there was talk of offering the job permanently to the Interim Administrator, Bill Joynes. From the Insider's perspective Mr. Joynes has done a credible job holding things together since the summer. Keeping him on would not be a mistake.
Happy Reading!
The Inssider
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Baton Passed?
So who is the Insider? Recent comments said it was Laura Turgeon.
Maybe it was. Maybe not.
But, just for a second consider that if Laura was the Insider she might have passed the baton to someone else. Something to ponder.
Happy Reding!
The Insider
So who is the Insider? Recent comments said it was Laura Turgeon.
Maybe it was. Maybe not.
But, just for a second consider that if Laura was the Insider she might have passed the baton to someone else. Something to ponder.
Happy Reding!
The Insider
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Services for Laura Turgeon on Saturday
Services for former Shorewood Council Member Laura Turgeon will be held on Saturday at Huber's in Eden Prairie (16394 Glory Lane)
Visitation from 1000 AM to Noon
Servi ce at Noon
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Services for former Shorewood Council Member Laura Turgeon will be held on Saturday at Huber's in Eden Prairie (16394 Glory Lane)
Visitation from 1000 AM to Noon
Servi ce at Noon
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, December 10, 2012
Former Council Member Passes
Former Shorewood Council Member, Laura Turgeon, passed away on Saturday after a short illness. She was also a former Planning commissioner and was once active as rental agent the South Shore Center.
Details of a service are pending. Watch this blog for them.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Former Shorewood Council Member, Laura Turgeon, passed away on Saturday after a short illness. She was also a former Planning commissioner and was once active as rental agent the South Shore Center.
Details of a service are pending. Watch this blog for them.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
More on Cable TV and the LMCC
Two comments on yesterday's blog about the LMCC deserve some follow-up.
First, it's interesting to note that the fact that Zerby failed to attend a meeting where he was supposed to represent Shorewood interests was ignored in favor of more factless attacks on the LMCC and now on Council Member Woodruff.
The comments failed to mention that Zerby's efforts to kill the LMCC's own cable project stopped the LMCC from spending $20,000 (not tax dollars), not $81 million, to develop a business plan that would have shown what the actual build cost would really be. Without that business plan, there was no way to get any private or other investors interested in the project. Would the business plan have shown a viable business was possible? We'll never know thanks in large measure to Zerby.
Also, the comments continue the rant that the LMCC should get rid of Mediacom and bring in another provider. It's virtually impossible to unseat an incumbent cable provider under FCC rules. Just beacuse some people don't like aspects of Mediacom's service isn't sufficient grounds for revoking or not renewing the franchise of Mediacom.
How does Mediacom feel about the LMCC? They would like it to go away. It's really a thorn in their side when they have one, focused, organization working to support the interests of customers in 17 cities. They're campaigning with individual city councils in the LMCC area to get them to drop out of the LMCC.
Why? They say the cities could collect the franchise fee revenue instead of the LMCC. This is attractive to cities that need money. Of course without the LMCC, who manages the relationship with Mediacom and provides all the programming and other services? Conveniently for Mediacom, it would be the individual cities who largely have no expertise and 1/17th the bargaining leverage the LMCC has now.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Two comments on yesterday's blog about the LMCC deserve some follow-up.
First, it's interesting to note that the fact that Zerby failed to attend a meeting where he was supposed to represent Shorewood interests was ignored in favor of more factless attacks on the LMCC and now on Council Member Woodruff.
The comments failed to mention that Zerby's efforts to kill the LMCC's own cable project stopped the LMCC from spending $20,000 (not tax dollars), not $81 million, to develop a business plan that would have shown what the actual build cost would really be. Without that business plan, there was no way to get any private or other investors interested in the project. Would the business plan have shown a viable business was possible? We'll never know thanks in large measure to Zerby.
Also, the comments continue the rant that the LMCC should get rid of Mediacom and bring in another provider. It's virtually impossible to unseat an incumbent cable provider under FCC rules. Just beacuse some people don't like aspects of Mediacom's service isn't sufficient grounds for revoking or not renewing the franchise of Mediacom.
How does Mediacom feel about the LMCC? They would like it to go away. It's really a thorn in their side when they have one, focused, organization working to support the interests of customers in 17 cities. They're campaigning with individual city councils in the LMCC area to get them to drop out of the LMCC.
Why? They say the cities could collect the franchise fee revenue instead of the LMCC. This is attractive to cities that need money. Of course without the LMCC, who manages the relationship with Mediacom and provides all the programming and other services? Conveniently for Mediacom, it would be the individual cities who largely have no expertise and 1/17th the bargaining leverage the LMCC has now.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
What is the LMCC?
Readers are asking about the LMCC. So here goes.
The LMCC is a Joint Powers organization of 17 cities roughly surrounding Lake Minnetonka. The agreement delegated the cable TV franchising authority of the member cities to the LMCC and gave it a charter to provide public and educational programming services for the member cities. It's been around for about 25 years.
While the LMCC has the franchising authority over cable TV, it does not control Mediacom's behavior except in limited circumstances. Mediacom's operations are goverened mostly by federal law and Federal Communications Commissions rules.
The LMCC has no authority over cable TV channel selections or pricing. It has absolutely no authority as regards Internet or telephone service offered by Mediacom. These are covered only by federal and/or state law and rules.
The FCC requires the LMCC to offer cable TV franchises to any qualified provider. Mediacom does not have an exclusive right to offer cable TV. On the other hand, no other providers have been interested in overbuilding Mediacom's network and competing with them. The LMCC has asked others. So, the LMCC is stuck with Mediacom.
Residents may get their TV from DirecTV or Dish (satellite). In many areas, Internet is available from Century Link and Frontier Communications. So if you don't like Mediacom switch!
The Limited authority the LMCC does have over Mediacom is controlled by the LMCC Directors and its Executive Committee. So when Scott Zerby or other Directors don't attend meetings, the cities they represent don't even have any say.
BTW, Zerby was instrumental in killing an effort the LMCC had underway two years ago to bring a competing, government owned service to the LMCC area. So, if you don't like what you have now, you can vent on Zerby.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Readers are asking about the LMCC. So here goes.
The LMCC is a Joint Powers organization of 17 cities roughly surrounding Lake Minnetonka. The agreement delegated the cable TV franchising authority of the member cities to the LMCC and gave it a charter to provide public and educational programming services for the member cities. It's been around for about 25 years.
While the LMCC has the franchising authority over cable TV, it does not control Mediacom's behavior except in limited circumstances. Mediacom's operations are goverened mostly by federal law and Federal Communications Commissions rules.
The LMCC has no authority over cable TV channel selections or pricing. It has absolutely no authority as regards Internet or telephone service offered by Mediacom. These are covered only by federal and/or state law and rules.
The FCC requires the LMCC to offer cable TV franchises to any qualified provider. Mediacom does not have an exclusive right to offer cable TV. On the other hand, no other providers have been interested in overbuilding Mediacom's network and competing with them. The LMCC has asked others. So, the LMCC is stuck with Mediacom.
Residents may get their TV from DirecTV or Dish (satellite). In many areas, Internet is available from Century Link and Frontier Communications. So if you don't like Mediacom switch!
The Limited authority the LMCC does have over Mediacom is controlled by the LMCC Directors and its Executive Committee. So when Scott Zerby or other Directors don't attend meetings, the cities they represent don't even have any say.
BTW, Zerby was instrumental in killing an effort the LMCC had underway two years ago to bring a competing, government owned service to the LMCC area. So, if you don't like what you have now, you can vent on Zerby.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Friday, November 30, 2012
Taxes On Monday Night's agenda
Shorewood's Council will hold its annual Truth-In-Taxation meeting Monday night at 700 PM. The purpose is to allow residents one final opportunity to comment on the 2013 draft budget before it gets final approvsl.
Highlights of the budget draft are:
- The property tax levy is unchanged from 2012's amount. This is the fourth year in a row for no change in levy
- 2% of current non-union salaries are allocated to a pool for compensation increases as was the case for 2012
- No changes in level of service delivery are planned
- $47,700 of reserves will be used to subsidize the South Shore Center operating loss, an increase of $31,100 from the 2012 budget subsidy
Council discussed the budget at its 11/26 work session. Readers can watch council members and staff at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=774. See the General Fund Budget section at the end of the agenda.
Also discussed was the 2013 capital budget. This is not on the agenda for the meeting on 12/3.
Highlights are:
- Several of the funds in this budget are running out of money and Council needs to deal with this soon
- Of about $1.6 million in avilable funds, the Smithtown West trail segment planned for 2013 will take $1.4 million. Funding for the rest of the Trail Plan is uncertain.
The General Fund and budget and the packet for the 12/3 meeting may be found at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161898/Page1.aspx
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood's Council will hold its annual Truth-In-Taxation meeting Monday night at 700 PM. The purpose is to allow residents one final opportunity to comment on the 2013 draft budget before it gets final approvsl.
Highlights of the budget draft are:
- The property tax levy is unchanged from 2012's amount. This is the fourth year in a row for no change in levy
- 2% of current non-union salaries are allocated to a pool for compensation increases as was the case for 2012
- No changes in level of service delivery are planned
- $47,700 of reserves will be used to subsidize the South Shore Center operating loss, an increase of $31,100 from the 2012 budget subsidy
Council discussed the budget at its 11/26 work session. Readers can watch council members and staff at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=774. See the General Fund Budget section at the end of the agenda.
Also discussed was the 2013 capital budget. This is not on the agenda for the meeting on 12/3.
Highlights are:
- Several of the funds in this budget are running out of money and Council needs to deal with this soon
- Of about $1.6 million in avilable funds, the Smithtown West trail segment planned for 2013 will take $1.4 million. Funding for the rest of the Trail Plan is uncertain.
The General Fund and budget and the packet for the 12/3 meeting may be found at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161898/Page1.aspx
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
LMCC Meeting - Shorewood Absent
The Lake Minnnetonka Communications Commission (LMCC) held its quarterly full commission meeting last week. Scott Zerby, Shorewood's council representative and LMCC Executive Committee member did not attend. Zerby's official alternate, council member Debbie Siakel, was not there either.
The LMCC's meeting calendar is set one year in advance. So, why couldn't Zerby or Siakel attend?
In 2011, as one of its first meeting actions, the "new council" appointed Zerby and later, Siakel as alternate to Zerby. The Insider's assumption was that the council expected them to attend meetings. Obviously, the Insider was mistaken.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Lake Minnnetonka Communications Commission (LMCC) held its quarterly full commission meeting last week. Scott Zerby, Shorewood's council representative and LMCC Executive Committee member did not attend. Zerby's official alternate, council member Debbie Siakel, was not there either.
The LMCC's meeting calendar is set one year in advance. So, why couldn't Zerby or Siakel attend?
In 2011, as one of its first meeting actions, the "new council" appointed Zerby and later, Siakel as alternate to Zerby. The Insider's assumption was that the council expected them to attend meetings. Obviously, the Insider was mistaken.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Council Member Hotvet - Excelsior Chamber Job
Council Member Laura Hotvet is the new Excelsior Chamber of Commerce Director. Seems the job is awarded to a Shorewood resident since the previous director was also from Shorewood.
The Insider predicts that even more attention will be paid by Shorewood's Council to getting cosy with Excelsior and its businesses. After all, "it's our downtown."
Isn't it?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Council Member Laura Hotvet is the new Excelsior Chamber of Commerce Director. Seems the job is awarded to a Shorewood resident since the previous director was also from Shorewood.
The Insider predicts that even more attention will be paid by Shorewood's Council to getting cosy with Excelsior and its businesses. After all, "it's our downtown."
Isn't it?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Trails - Show Me The Monsy
Talking with some who attended last Thursday evening's trail plan open house, there seemed to be a generally positive attitude toward building the trails and specifically the Smithtown Rd. segment. However, it seems the subject of how the projects would be funded was not really part of the discussion.
The Insider notes that the City has set aside $1.6 million of cash to fund the entire trail system over the next few years. Staff has estimated the total cost to be $1.8 million. So, completing all the trails seems possible until one reads the engineer's report on the Smithtown segment. It's cost is estimated at $1.4 million without costs for obtaining right-of-way and easements.
So, 90% of the on-hand cash could go to the Smithtown segment leaving taxpayers to pickup the rest. Of course, the cost of the rest is likely to be way in excess of the staff estimates given that the Smithtown segment has come in at twice what staff had estimated.
Proponents such as Council Member Hotvet and Mayor-elect Zerby are quick to say that the City will apply for grants to help with the cost. This is great, but rational expectations for grants should be set. Grants are usually on the order of a few thousand dollars to maybe one-third of the cost of the project. They are also highly competitive. Solving the financial gap through grants is unlikely.
Meanwhile, the City has an equipment fund that will run out of money in a couple of years, a parks fund that runs out after 2013 and a stormwater fund that is in similar shape. What's more important, trails or funding some of these shortfalls? Seems Council isn't too determined to have this discussion since the process would make some of their heads hurt.
Without some really hard thinking, taxes or fees are gong up dramatically if the trail plan is going to become a reality in its entirety.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Talking with some who attended last Thursday evening's trail plan open house, there seemed to be a generally positive attitude toward building the trails and specifically the Smithtown Rd. segment. However, it seems the subject of how the projects would be funded was not really part of the discussion.
The Insider notes that the City has set aside $1.6 million of cash to fund the entire trail system over the next few years. Staff has estimated the total cost to be $1.8 million. So, completing all the trails seems possible until one reads the engineer's report on the Smithtown segment. It's cost is estimated at $1.4 million without costs for obtaining right-of-way and easements.
So, 90% of the on-hand cash could go to the Smithtown segment leaving taxpayers to pickup the rest. Of course, the cost of the rest is likely to be way in excess of the staff estimates given that the Smithtown segment has come in at twice what staff had estimated.
Proponents such as Council Member Hotvet and Mayor-elect Zerby are quick to say that the City will apply for grants to help with the cost. This is great, but rational expectations for grants should be set. Grants are usually on the order of a few thousand dollars to maybe one-third of the cost of the project. They are also highly competitive. Solving the financial gap through grants is unlikely.
Meanwhile, the City has an equipment fund that will run out of money in a couple of years, a parks fund that runs out after 2013 and a stormwater fund that is in similar shape. What's more important, trails or funding some of these shortfalls? Seems Council isn't too determined to have this discussion since the process would make some of their heads hurt.
Without some really hard thinking, taxes or fees are gong up dramatically if the trail plan is going to become a reality in its entirety.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, November 12, 2012
Smithtown Trail - Price Up
Tomorrow night, Tuesday, 11/13, Council will consider the engineer's report on the Smithtown Trail. Readers can see the report at http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161777/Page1.aspx and if they look at page 54 of the packet, they'll see that the trail cost is now almost $1.4 million, not the $1.2 million the Insider reported previously.
Also being considered at the 11/13 meeting is spending $43,000 to have the engineering company assist with obtaining easements needed for the trail. The cost does not include attorney's fees or any payments to property owners.
If readers have any interest in how this project is proceeding and its costs, they'd better show up at the meeting at Minnswashta School on Thursday the 15th at 630 PM.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tomorrow night, Tuesday, 11/13, Council will consider the engineer's report on the Smithtown Trail. Readers can see the report at http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161777/Page1.aspx and if they look at page 54 of the packet, they'll see that the trail cost is now almost $1.4 million, not the $1.2 million the Insider reported previously.
Also being considered at the 11/13 meeting is spending $43,000 to have the engineering company assist with obtaining easements needed for the trail. The cost does not include attorney's fees or any payments to property owners.
If readers have any interest in how this project is proceeding and its costs, they'd better show up at the meeting at Minnswashta School on Thursday the 15th at 630 PM.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Election Results
Zerby will be Mayor in January. Since he was unopposed, this is not a surprise.
Sundberg and Woodruff will take the two council seats in January. The Insider hopes Sundberg acts more independently of Zerby, Siakel and Hotvet than she did during the campaign. The City doesn't need or deserve a rubber stamp new council member.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Zerby will be Mayor in January. Since he was unopposed, this is not a surprise.
Sundberg and Woodruff will take the two council seats in January. The Insider hopes Sundberg acts more independently of Zerby, Siakel and Hotvet than she did during the campaign. The City doesn't need or deserve a rubber stamp new council member.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Smithtown Trail - $1.2 million
The engineering report draft for the trail segment along Smithtown Road from the Victoria border to the LRT trail intersection was released last week. It shows a cost estimate of more than $1.2 million and this does not include acquisition of easements and right-of-way that are needed. Note that this segment is described as a "sidewalk." No mention of use by bikers.
Remember that in 2011, Council set aside $1.6 million to fund the entire trail plan of which this is just one part. So, how will the rest get funded if one piece costs this much? Maybe grants?
Come to the public open house at Minnewashta School on Thursday, the 15th at 630 PM to hear more about this project and ask your questions.
Happy Reading!
The Insier
The engineering report draft for the trail segment along Smithtown Road from the Victoria border to the LRT trail intersection was released last week. It shows a cost estimate of more than $1.2 million and this does not include acquisition of easements and right-of-way that are needed. Note that this segment is described as a "sidewalk." No mention of use by bikers.
Remember that in 2011, Council set aside $1.6 million to fund the entire trail plan of which this is just one part. So, how will the rest get funded if one piece costs this much? Maybe grants?
Come to the public open house at Minnewashta School on Thursday, the 15th at 630 PM to hear more about this project and ask your questions.
Happy Reading!
The Insier
Saturday, October 27, 2012
City Engineer Resigns
James Landini, City Engineer since 2007, has resigned. The reports received by the Insider did not give any reason nor indication of what the City plans to do about the opening.
Stay tuned.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
James Landini, City Engineer since 2007, has resigned. The reports received by the Insider did not give any reason nor indication of what the City plans to do about the opening.
Stay tuned.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, October 25, 2012
South Shore Center Budget - Latest
The Center budget discussion got really interesting Monday night. So interesting that it consumed about half of the one hour work session. See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=737 and the work session link at the end of the list for the video.
Suddenly Zerby has gotten interested in the financial debacle that's happening. So interested that he suggested re-looking at the budget killing contract he and the other friends of Lizee awarded to Center Director Anderson at the beginning of this year. Near the end of the discussion he even suggested asking for proposals from others who might be interested in running the center. Maybe there's some hope of sanity yet.
Meanwhile, Mayor Lizee talked about a group (no specifics as to who) at the Center which is interested in developing a strategic plan for the Center and involving the other cities that own a piece of it in the plan. Could this have legs? Maybe. Lizee also mentioned, yet again, her desire to bury the center's financials in the City's parks budgets. Great idea if the objective is to stick one's head in the sand and avoid scrutiny. Fortunately, no other council members seemed to agree.
The budgeting isn't over. The next work session should be on November 13th. Stay tuned.
Happy Raeding!
The Insider
The Center budget discussion got really interesting Monday night. So interesting that it consumed about half of the one hour work session. See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=737 and the work session link at the end of the list for the video.
Suddenly Zerby has gotten interested in the financial debacle that's happening. So interested that he suggested re-looking at the budget killing contract he and the other friends of Lizee awarded to Center Director Anderson at the beginning of this year. Near the end of the discussion he even suggested asking for proposals from others who might be interested in running the center. Maybe there's some hope of sanity yet.
Meanwhile, Mayor Lizee talked about a group (no specifics as to who) at the Center which is interested in developing a strategic plan for the Center and involving the other cities that own a piece of it in the plan. Could this have legs? Maybe. Lizee also mentioned, yet again, her desire to bury the center's financials in the City's parks budgets. Great idea if the objective is to stick one's head in the sand and avoid scrutiny. Fortunately, no other council members seemed to agree.
The budgeting isn't over. The next work session should be on November 13th. Stay tuned.
Happy Raeding!
The Insider
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
City Administrator Search Is On!
Shorewood has launched a search for a new City Administrator. The opening was posted on the League of MN Cities website (see: http://lmc.org/page/1/city-jobs.jsp).
What caused this to happen now? There's no public information available to answer this. Maybe outgoing Mayor Lizee is trying to make a change while she can affect the choice?
Stay tuned.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood has launched a search for a new City Administrator. The opening was posted on the League of MN Cities website (see: http://lmc.org/page/1/city-jobs.jsp).
What caused this to happen now? There's no public information available to answer this. Maybe outgoing Mayor Lizee is trying to make a change while she can affect the choice?
Stay tuned.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Council Candidate Engagement and Experience
The Insider's been contemplating the City engagement shown by the council candidates and the experience they might bring to the council. So, after asking questions of some who have long-time experience being in council meetings and knowledge of council history, the following are the Insiders observations.
Neither Sylvester nor Sundberg have any relevant experience with Shorewood's operations and the council. The Insider discards Sylvester's early 2012 appointment as the council rep to the LMCD as not bearing on City experience. Woodruff, on the other hand has a six year track record as a contributor and council member. The Insider recollects, and confirmed by others, that prior to becoming a council person, Woodruff, as a Planning Commissioner for two years, attended many council meetings, especially leading up to and after the election he won.
Neither Sylvester nor Sundberg have been attending council meetings recently except for Sylvester making one report on LMCD activities. Meanwhile, council has been setting budgets, working on trail plans, discussing extending city water and other long-term issues that will be up for ongoing discussion and action in 2013 and beyond. The absence of these two candidates seems to speak volumes about their commitment to being productive council members.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Insider's been contemplating the City engagement shown by the council candidates and the experience they might bring to the council. So, after asking questions of some who have long-time experience being in council meetings and knowledge of council history, the following are the Insiders observations.
Neither Sylvester nor Sundberg have any relevant experience with Shorewood's operations and the council. The Insider discards Sylvester's early 2012 appointment as the council rep to the LMCD as not bearing on City experience. Woodruff, on the other hand has a six year track record as a contributor and council member. The Insider recollects, and confirmed by others, that prior to becoming a council person, Woodruff, as a Planning Commissioner for two years, attended many council meetings, especially leading up to and after the election he won.
Neither Sylvester nor Sundberg have been attending council meetings recently except for Sylvester making one report on LMCD activities. Meanwhile, council has been setting budgets, working on trail plans, discussing extending city water and other long-term issues that will be up for ongoing discussion and action in 2013 and beyond. The absence of these two candidates seems to speak volumes about their commitment to being productive council members.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, October 22, 2012
South Shore Center - 2013 Budget
The Insider's been reading the proposed 2013 South Shore Center budget and the associated notes which are on the agenda for tonight's Council work session. Since many readers commented on the previous post on the Center's financial issues, here are observations about the 2013 draft budget.
Rental and class fee revenues are budgeted at $77,500, the same as the 2012 budget. As mentioned in the last post, there is a severe revenue shortfall so far in 2012 and no announced plan to make a recovery. So, how does Ms. Anderson plan to achieve revenues in 2013 that she is not achieving in 2012? We don't know.
Ms. Anderson gets $60,000 in fixed compensation and 20% commission. So in 2013, her total budgeted compensation is listed in tonight's materials as $76,000 assuming meeting the revenue objectives ($80,000 of total revenue).
Total expenses, including Ms. Anderson's compensation, for 2013 are listed as $125,900. This expense level results in a budget shortfall of $32,200. But, there's more. In the revenue line is a $13,600 transfer in from the general tax fund. So, the real 2013 deficit is $45.600. The subsidy budgeted for 2012 was $13,600 and that budget showed a $300 surplus
Will Lizee/Zerby and friends accept subsidizing the Center when the proposed budget calls for needing $45,600 of subsidy? The Insider's guess is yes since they don't want to make any waves before the election.
Interested readers should look at the budget proposal at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161535/Electronic.aspx See the Finance Director's memo end of page 1 and top of page 2 and the budget page for the Center on page 5.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Insider's been reading the proposed 2013 South Shore Center budget and the associated notes which are on the agenda for tonight's Council work session. Since many readers commented on the previous post on the Center's financial issues, here are observations about the 2013 draft budget.
Rental and class fee revenues are budgeted at $77,500, the same as the 2012 budget. As mentioned in the last post, there is a severe revenue shortfall so far in 2012 and no announced plan to make a recovery. So, how does Ms. Anderson plan to achieve revenues in 2013 that she is not achieving in 2012? We don't know.
Ms. Anderson gets $60,000 in fixed compensation and 20% commission. So in 2013, her total budgeted compensation is listed in tonight's materials as $76,000 assuming meeting the revenue objectives ($80,000 of total revenue).
Total expenses, including Ms. Anderson's compensation, for 2013 are listed as $125,900. This expense level results in a budget shortfall of $32,200. But, there's more. In the revenue line is a $13,600 transfer in from the general tax fund. So, the real 2013 deficit is $45.600. The subsidy budgeted for 2012 was $13,600 and that budget showed a $300 surplus
Will Lizee/Zerby and friends accept subsidizing the Center when the proposed budget calls for needing $45,600 of subsidy? The Insider's guess is yes since they don't want to make any waves before the election.
Interested readers should look at the budget proposal at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/161535/Electronic.aspx See the Finance Director's memo end of page 1 and top of page 2 and the budget page for the Center on page 5.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, October 11, 2012
South Shore Center - Financial Disaster Coming?
Two weeks ago, at the end of the council meeting, the Finance Director made an offhand comment about some financial difficulties in the South Shore Center vs. the budget and that the budget was never adjusted to reflect the additional cost of the new contract Lizee and friends gave to center director Kristi Anderson at the beginning of the year.
The Insider noted that council did not comment then on the Finance Director's report.
On Monday night, Ms. Anderson appeared to report on the Center. The Insider expected Ms. Anderson to at least mention the financial issue and possibly comment on how she was addressing it. Instead, the report was about how great Oktoberfest was, that it looked like it paid for itself and how much great publicity a local magazine gave it by putting Ms. Anderson on the cover. You can watch Ms. Anderson's performance at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=712 and agenda item 6A.
Two observations:
First, the report Monday night seemed nothing more than a way for Ms. Anderson to get TV time supporting her run for Orono council and the magazine cover with Ms. Anderson's picture served more to promote her than the Center.
Second and more troubling is the following analysis of the Center's finances.
Through August, revenue was $39,656 and expenses were $85,347. This is about 50% of total year budgeted revenue, but 90% of total budgeted expense. If one does a simple forecast, one concludes that, unless a miracle happens, the Center could lose over $50,000 against a budget that has it breaking even.
So who's watching the store? Apparently since former Administrator Heck left in March, nobody. Maybe this is by plan since the Insider recalls several times that Zerby said he wanted to eliminate any separate financial reporting for the Center calling it just another park.
The big questions are, here in mid-October, can the situation be saved? and if not, how do Lizee, Zerby and friends plan on covering up a $50,000 hole?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Two weeks ago, at the end of the council meeting, the Finance Director made an offhand comment about some financial difficulties in the South Shore Center vs. the budget and that the budget was never adjusted to reflect the additional cost of the new contract Lizee and friends gave to center director Kristi Anderson at the beginning of the year.
The Insider noted that council did not comment then on the Finance Director's report.
On Monday night, Ms. Anderson appeared to report on the Center. The Insider expected Ms. Anderson to at least mention the financial issue and possibly comment on how she was addressing it. Instead, the report was about how great Oktoberfest was, that it looked like it paid for itself and how much great publicity a local magazine gave it by putting Ms. Anderson on the cover. You can watch Ms. Anderson's performance at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=712 and agenda item 6A.
Two observations:
First, the report Monday night seemed nothing more than a way for Ms. Anderson to get TV time supporting her run for Orono council and the magazine cover with Ms. Anderson's picture served more to promote her than the Center.
Second and more troubling is the following analysis of the Center's finances.
Through August, revenue was $39,656 and expenses were $85,347. This is about 50% of total year budgeted revenue, but 90% of total budgeted expense. If one does a simple forecast, one concludes that, unless a miracle happens, the Center could lose over $50,000 against a budget that has it breaking even.
So who's watching the store? Apparently since former Administrator Heck left in March, nobody. Maybe this is by plan since the Insider recalls several times that Zerby said he wanted to eliminate any separate financial reporting for the Center calling it just another park.
The big questions are, here in mid-October, can the situation be saved? and if not, how do Lizee, Zerby and friends plan on covering up a $50,000 hole?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Candidate Videos - AIS
Some good comments on the LMCC candidate videos are arriving at the Insider. Keep 'em coming.
One comment regarding AIS is worth some Insider comments.
All three council candidates mentioned AIS as an issue. The Insider thinks it was worthy of mention if only because of all the press it's gotten in the past few years. Interestingly, only Woodruff had a position on how to pay for AIS programs, regionally and at the state level. The other two candidates just spouted the Lizee, Zerby and Osgood party line. Also, Woodruff is the only one who has hands on AIS experience as a LMCD AIS Task Force member.
Yes, AIS is a serious problem, but who is really affected and who has a real stake in the game?
Affected are lakeshore property owners, boaters, fishermen and of course, those who derive their living from serving those who use the lakes. The majority of Shorewood residents may be concerned, but don't see this issue as the most important in their lives.
What's interesting to the Insider is how the local newspapers and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District have allowed two homeowners associations and some local business people to co-opt them into making AIS the headline story on a weekly basis. The LMA's Executive Director, Dick Osgood, whose column seems everywhere, doesn't write just for altruistic reasons, he gets paid to lobby and has a consultancy that benefits financially from pursuing AIS management.
Next week, Shorewood is getting a Watershed Heros award for implementing the boat inspection on Christmas Lake. Arguably, the inspection program has some merit and is being mostly financed by the homeowners association. But an award for Shorewood? Seems odd that one person who was material in getting the DNR to agree to the inspection, former Administrator Brian Heck, was asked to leave just after getting the DNR agreement. Also seems strange that Mayor Chris Lizee went to work for the Watershed just after the inspection program was started and now will be the one accepting this award. Maybe this is a parting gift for Lizee who is not running again for mayor?
The real hero here is Herb Suerth of Woodland who for years labored with AIS as a LMCD Board Member and chair of its AIS Task Force. Herb refereed the discussions about AIS and put up with the attacks from Osgood and others. Herb's getting a well deserved award too and the Insider congratulates him.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Some good comments on the LMCC candidate videos are arriving at the Insider. Keep 'em coming.
One comment regarding AIS is worth some Insider comments.
All three council candidates mentioned AIS as an issue. The Insider thinks it was worthy of mention if only because of all the press it's gotten in the past few years. Interestingly, only Woodruff had a position on how to pay for AIS programs, regionally and at the state level. The other two candidates just spouted the Lizee, Zerby and Osgood party line. Also, Woodruff is the only one who has hands on AIS experience as a LMCD AIS Task Force member.
Yes, AIS is a serious problem, but who is really affected and who has a real stake in the game?
Affected are lakeshore property owners, boaters, fishermen and of course, those who derive their living from serving those who use the lakes. The majority of Shorewood residents may be concerned, but don't see this issue as the most important in their lives.
What's interesting to the Insider is how the local newspapers and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District have allowed two homeowners associations and some local business people to co-opt them into making AIS the headline story on a weekly basis. The LMA's Executive Director, Dick Osgood, whose column seems everywhere, doesn't write just for altruistic reasons, he gets paid to lobby and has a consultancy that benefits financially from pursuing AIS management.
Next week, Shorewood is getting a Watershed Heros award for implementing the boat inspection on Christmas Lake. Arguably, the inspection program has some merit and is being mostly financed by the homeowners association. But an award for Shorewood? Seems odd that one person who was material in getting the DNR to agree to the inspection, former Administrator Brian Heck, was asked to leave just after getting the DNR agreement. Also seems strange that Mayor Chris Lizee went to work for the Watershed just after the inspection program was started and now will be the one accepting this award. Maybe this is a parting gift for Lizee who is not running again for mayor?
The real hero here is Herb Suerth of Woodland who for years labored with AIS as a LMCD Board Member and chair of its AIS Task Force. Herb refereed the discussions about AIS and put up with the attacks from Osgood and others. Herb's getting a well deserved award too and the Insider congratulates him.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Candidate Statements Available On-Line
The LMCC has placed candidate statements from the three candidates for Shorewood council and the one candidate for Shorewood mayor on-line at: http://www.lmcc-tv.org/lmcc-election-shorewood.html
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The LMCC has placed candidate statements from the three candidates for Shorewood council and the one candidate for Shorewood mayor on-line at: http://www.lmcc-tv.org/lmcc-election-shorewood.html
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, October 8, 2012
Running Out Of Money?
Tonight's council work session is about capital budgets. These are the ones that fund major improvements and new equipment buys.
Staff is reporting that the Parks Fund runs out of money in 2014, the Equipment Replacement in 2016 and the Trail Fund in 2020. These events are based on spending that's in the proposed budgets for each of these funds from now through 2021.
It'll be interesting to watch council have to deal with the very real choices between priorities in different areas (parks vs. trails, for example), the spending levels proposed and the very real prospect of needing tax increases if spending and priorities aren't adjusted. Over the past two years, Lizee, Zerby and friends have showed disinterest when it came to controlling spending. They can't dodge the issue now.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tonight's council work session is about capital budgets. These are the ones that fund major improvements and new equipment buys.
Staff is reporting that the Parks Fund runs out of money in 2014, the Equipment Replacement in 2016 and the Trail Fund in 2020. These events are based on spending that's in the proposed budgets for each of these funds from now through 2021.
It'll be interesting to watch council have to deal with the very real choices between priorities in different areas (parks vs. trails, for example), the spending levels proposed and the very real prospect of needing tax increases if spending and priorities aren't adjusted. Over the past two years, Lizee, Zerby and friends have showed disinterest when it came to controlling spending. They can't dodge the issue now.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Candidate Forum - Canceled
The City just sent out a bulletin announcing the League of Women Voters candidate forum planned for Wednesday night is canceled. The City's notice did not explain why. As soon as the Insider gets some detail as to why it was cancelled, you can read about it here.
Candidate information will be available on the Star and Tribune's website and in the Sun Sailor soon. Additionally, the LMCC is video taping individual candidate statements. These should be available on cable TV and on-line within one week. Watch the Insider for more details.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The City just sent out a bulletin announcing the League of Women Voters candidate forum planned for Wednesday night is canceled. The City's notice did not explain why. As soon as the Insider gets some detail as to why it was cancelled, you can read about it here.
Candidate information will be available on the Star and Tribune's website and in the Sun Sailor soon. Additionally, the LMCC is video taping individual candidate statements. These should be available on cable TV and on-line within one week. Watch the Insider for more details.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, September 30, 2012
LWV Candidate Forum Wednesday Night
Readers of this blog obviously want to keep informed about Shorewood and you likely know about the League Of Women Voters candidate forum on October 3rd at 7:00 PM at City Hall. But do your friends and neighbors know?
Get the word out and attend this really informative event. It's the only place you'll be able to hear from the candidates themselves and listen to them respond to questions from the audience. Come and ask a question.
Remember, the two new council members elected this year will be your council members for four years, setting your tax rates and making policy that you and your families will be living with for many years to come.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Readers of this blog obviously want to keep informed about Shorewood and you likely know about the League Of Women Voters candidate forum on October 3rd at 7:00 PM at City Hall. But do your friends and neighbors know?
Get the word out and attend this really informative event. It's the only place you'll be able to hear from the candidates themselves and listen to them respond to questions from the audience. Come and ask a question.
Remember, the two new council members elected this year will be your council members for four years, setting your tax rates and making policy that you and your families will be living with for many years to come.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Time To End Community Garden?
At Monday night's council meeting a portion of the Parks Commission report (see: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=693 and agenda item 7A) covered proposed fencing for the community garden in the "skate park." The minutes of the last Parks Commission meeting show $5,000 being proposed for this improvement.
Some history is in order.
Community Gardens was an idea proposed by some volunteer gardeners and heavily promoted by Mayor Lizee. The original idea was for one garden with plots rented to residents with the gardeners giving classes on how to garden. Lizee immediately jumped to going to a Park Commission meeting and advocating gardens be created in every city park. Ultimately, some good sense prevailed and one garden was established in the skate park as a test of the concept.
Now, the volunteer gardners have been out of the picture for two years and there are some 16 garden plots available with something like 15 actually rented and in use. The rent for the plots nowhere near covers the cost to the City in staff time and materials to keep the garden operating. Now, a very expensive fence is being proposed because Excelsior has one that looks much nicer.
The Insider thinks the council needs to look at where it's spending money. Is supporting 15 residents doing gardening a priority? Certainly spending $5,000 to put up a fence for benefit of 15 residents is nonsensical.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
At Monday night's council meeting a portion of the Parks Commission report (see: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=693 and agenda item 7A) covered proposed fencing for the community garden in the "skate park." The minutes of the last Parks Commission meeting show $5,000 being proposed for this improvement.
Some history is in order.
Community Gardens was an idea proposed by some volunteer gardeners and heavily promoted by Mayor Lizee. The original idea was for one garden with plots rented to residents with the gardeners giving classes on how to garden. Lizee immediately jumped to going to a Park Commission meeting and advocating gardens be created in every city park. Ultimately, some good sense prevailed and one garden was established in the skate park as a test of the concept.
Now, the volunteer gardners have been out of the picture for two years and there are some 16 garden plots available with something like 15 actually rented and in use. The rent for the plots nowhere near covers the cost to the City in staff time and materials to keep the garden operating. Now, a very expensive fence is being proposed because Excelsior has one that looks much nicer.
The Insider thinks the council needs to look at where it's spending money. Is supporting 15 residents doing gardening a priority? Certainly spending $5,000 to put up a fence for benefit of 15 residents is nonsensical.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hennepin County Trail Project
Three weeks ago, Hennepin County held an informational meeting about their new trail project. Talking to some who were there, it was well attended by residents of a few cities in the Shorewood area. Interestingly, all of Shorewood's council attended along with Sundberg and Sylvester (council candidates) and some City staff.
At the 9/10 council meeting, County Board member Jan Callison (Minnetonka) spoke about some trends at the county level and mentioned the trail project (see: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=674 for the video of this near the beginning of the session). Of course, Callison is running for re-election and her appearance at the council meeting was nothing more than a chance to get local visibility.
Watching the video, one can see that Lizee, Zerby, Hotvet and Siakel fall all over themselves praising the county for the trail project and the meeting about it. Then, Woodruff asks the hard question about why the project is exclusively walking trails and no bike trail needs are being considered. Amazingly, Callison says she didn't know this was the case and would look into it.
So, how can a $250,000 trail project study get funded by Hennepin County and voted for by Callison without her knowing it's only for walking trails? Also, why didn't one of the other Shorewood council members ask the question before Woodruff? Maybe they were so busy making nice to Callison, they forgot?
Happy Reading!
The Isnider
Three weeks ago, Hennepin County held an informational meeting about their new trail project. Talking to some who were there, it was well attended by residents of a few cities in the Shorewood area. Interestingly, all of Shorewood's council attended along with Sundberg and Sylvester (council candidates) and some City staff.
At the 9/10 council meeting, County Board member Jan Callison (Minnetonka) spoke about some trends at the county level and mentioned the trail project (see: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=674 for the video of this near the beginning of the session). Of course, Callison is running for re-election and her appearance at the council meeting was nothing more than a chance to get local visibility.
Watching the video, one can see that Lizee, Zerby, Hotvet and Siakel fall all over themselves praising the county for the trail project and the meeting about it. Then, Woodruff asks the hard question about why the project is exclusively walking trails and no bike trail needs are being considered. Amazingly, Callison says she didn't know this was the case and would look into it.
So, how can a $250,000 trail project study get funded by Hennepin County and voted for by Callison without her knowing it's only for walking trails? Also, why didn't one of the other Shorewood council members ask the question before Woodruff? Maybe they were so busy making nice to Callison, they forgot?
Happy Reading!
The Isnider
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Absentee Voting Starting Tomorrow
Yes, absentee voting begins tomorrow, Friday, 9/21.
If you aren't going to be able to vote in person on November 6th, or even if you're just not sure you'll be able to vote then, vote absentee.
Ballots may be picked up at Shorewood City Hall during regular business hours. You may take the ballot home, complete it at your leisure and return it to City Hall.
Be sure to vote.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Yes, absentee voting begins tomorrow, Friday, 9/21.
If you aren't going to be able to vote in person on November 6th, or even if you're just not sure you'll be able to vote then, vote absentee.
Ballots may be picked up at Shorewood City Hall during regular business hours. You may take the ballot home, complete it at your leisure and return it to City Hall.
Be sure to vote.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Election Dynamics
The Insider is seeing the alignment of city candidates becoming clear.
Signs for Mark Sylvester and Kris Sundberg (both council candidates) are starting to appear along with those for Scott Zerby (running for mayor) and Jan Callison (running for Hennepin County Board). Signs for some or all of these people are showing up in at least one current council member's yard and neighborhood (Laura Hotvet). The Lakeshore Weekly News had a letter from Park Commisioner Bob Edmondson supporting Sundberg and Sylvester.
So what does this all indicate?
Lizee recruited Edmondson and Siakel along with Zerby to run four years ago. Siakel and Edmondson lost, but Edmondson was appointed to the Park Commission as a consolation prize. Zerby won a council seat and teamed with Lizee on the council.
Siakel ran, again, two years ago with Hotvet and Lizee. All won.
Now, Lizee and Zerby have recruited Sundberg and Sylvester in hopes of establishing a 5-0 voting block on the council. While some may like the idea of this block winning, it means no diversity of ideas and nobody to ask the tough questions.
The only candidate who has a track record of independent thinking is Dick Woodruff. It'd be a shame if voters ignore Woodruff's independence and clear thinking in favor electing a rubber-stamp council.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Insider is seeing the alignment of city candidates becoming clear.
Signs for Mark Sylvester and Kris Sundberg (both council candidates) are starting to appear along with those for Scott Zerby (running for mayor) and Jan Callison (running for Hennepin County Board). Signs for some or all of these people are showing up in at least one current council member's yard and neighborhood (Laura Hotvet). The Lakeshore Weekly News had a letter from Park Commisioner Bob Edmondson supporting Sundberg and Sylvester.
So what does this all indicate?
Lizee recruited Edmondson and Siakel along with Zerby to run four years ago. Siakel and Edmondson lost, but Edmondson was appointed to the Park Commission as a consolation prize. Zerby won a council seat and teamed with Lizee on the council.
Siakel ran, again, two years ago with Hotvet and Lizee. All won.
Now, Lizee and Zerby have recruited Sundberg and Sylvester in hopes of establishing a 5-0 voting block on the council. While some may like the idea of this block winning, it means no diversity of ideas and nobody to ask the tough questions.
The only candidate who has a track record of independent thinking is Dick Woodruff. It'd be a shame if voters ignore Woodruff's independence and clear thinking in favor electing a rubber-stamp council.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Valleywood Road Meeting Update
According to some who were at the informational meeting Monday night, residents along the Valleywood roads asked lots of questions. Seems they are not convinced that the road project needs to be done or at least done as a total reconstruction as currently planned by the City. They cited very low traffic as one reason not to do a total reconstruction.
More interestingly, they seemed overwhelmingly against the idea that city water would be installed. Reasons were that they have good wells and that they do not want (can't afford?) the assessments for water (somewhere in the $9000 range). So, it'll be interesting to watch the dynamics once the council starts to discuss the actual project scope later this year.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
According to some who were at the informational meeting Monday night, residents along the Valleywood roads asked lots of questions. Seems they are not convinced that the road project needs to be done or at least done as a total reconstruction as currently planned by the City. They cited very low traffic as one reason not to do a total reconstruction.
More interestingly, they seemed overwhelmingly against the idea that city water would be installed. Reasons were that they have good wells and that they do not want (can't afford?) the assessments for water (somewhere in the $9000 range). So, it'll be interesting to watch the dynamics once the council starts to discuss the actual project scope later this year.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Valleywood Cir & Lane Meeting Tomorrow
In case you haven't heard, the City is holding an informational meeting about re-doing the streets of Valleywood. The meeting is at City Hall Monday the 17th from 6 to 8 pm and is intended to give residents along the streets (and others who may be interested) a chance to hear about the potential improvements and to make comments to staff and council members.
This is not a public hearing and no Council action will take place at the meeting. These steps will come later.
City policy is to pay from City funds for the road work, the storm sewer work and and sanitary sewer work that might be needed (no property assessments). Water is another story. City water, if included in the project (and it is on the list of potential improvements) is assessed to property owners along the affected streets.
Residents need to make their desire for or against water clear to staff and Council. Lizee and friends have been beating the install water everywhere drum hard. So, if water is not wanted, the property owners must say so loud and clear. Conversely, if water is wanted, that needs to be made clear too. What's at stake? Well, past estimates showed that water in this neighborhood can result in costs assessed to the property on the order of $7000 to $9000 even if the individual property owner doesn't want water and has no plans to connect to it if it does get installed.
If you want your desire heard, come to this meeting!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
In case you haven't heard, the City is holding an informational meeting about re-doing the streets of Valleywood. The meeting is at City Hall Monday the 17th from 6 to 8 pm and is intended to give residents along the streets (and others who may be interested) a chance to hear about the potential improvements and to make comments to staff and council members.
This is not a public hearing and no Council action will take place at the meeting. These steps will come later.
City policy is to pay from City funds for the road work, the storm sewer work and and sanitary sewer work that might be needed (no property assessments). Water is another story. City water, if included in the project (and it is on the list of potential improvements) is assessed to property owners along the affected streets.
Residents need to make their desire for or against water clear to staff and Council. Lizee and friends have been beating the install water everywhere drum hard. So, if water is not wanted, the property owners must say so loud and clear. Conversely, if water is wanted, that needs to be made clear too. What's at stake? Well, past estimates showed that water in this neighborhood can result in costs assessed to the property on the order of $7000 to $9000 even if the individual property owner doesn't want water and has no plans to connect to it if it does get installed.
If you want your desire heard, come to this meeting!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
No Action On New Administrator
Since City Administrator Brian Heck was shown to the door in March, there's been no action on finding a permanent replacement. Bill Joynes has been on board as Interim Administrator for about two months, but a three day per week interim isn't what's needed at City hall.
Now that Lizee is not running for Mayor, Zerby will be the new mayor (since he's running unopposed) and Siakel and Hotvet have two more years on their terms; it seems to make sense to start looking for a new administrator now rather than wait until after the election.
There are many strategic projects in limbo and needing a full-time administrator's guidance. Having no action on them for four to six more months just doesn't make sense.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Since City Administrator Brian Heck was shown to the door in March, there's been no action on finding a permanent replacement. Bill Joynes has been on board as Interim Administrator for about two months, but a three day per week interim isn't what's needed at City hall.
Now that Lizee is not running for Mayor, Zerby will be the new mayor (since he's running unopposed) and Siakel and Hotvet have two more years on their terms; it seems to make sense to start looking for a new administrator now rather than wait until after the election.
There are many strategic projects in limbo and needing a full-time administrator's guidance. Having no action on them for four to six more months just doesn't make sense.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Save This Date!
Save October 3rd from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM on your calendar. It's the League of Women Voters candidate forum for Shorewood candidates. The location is Shorewood City Hall.
Come and listen to the candidates speak about themselves and, submit your tough questions for them to answer. It's your chance to get beyond all the campaign literature and really see and hear how the candidates actually perform.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Save October 3rd from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM on your calendar. It's the League of Women Voters candidate forum for Shorewood candidates. The location is Shorewood City Hall.
Come and listen to the candidates speak about themselves and, submit your tough questions for them to answer. It's your chance to get beyond all the campaign literature and really see and hear how the candidates actually perform.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, September 3, 2012
South Shore Center Lunch With Candidates
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Menu: (all lunches come with a main dish, side, dessert, coffee/water)
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Come one, Come All - Visit with your Citizens at the Southshore Center !
Have a Reduced Member Lunch for just $4.45 on Sept 18th at 11:45am and discuss the issues of the day.
Dine with our SSSP members and visitors, each other, and citizens about
the upcoming elections and issues that face our neighboring
would like to introduce you to our wonderful Chef Mary, our lunch
program, the Southshore Center, and our friends. In an effort to build
our Lunch Traffic we have created a NEW Lunch Punch Card option for you to purchase, use, and generally show your support to keep our lunch service alive!
you choose to purchase a lunch Punch Card when you are here for use on
future visits to the SSC, you will receive 9 lunches for just $40, no
membership needed! This fee goes back to the Southshore Senior Partners
to keep our lunch program going. Dine-in, treat a guest, or Take-out, your punch card is valid one year !
Share this email with staff, other Commission, Council, and
Candidates–We’d love to provide you, or your organization, with lunch
and meeting space !
Call 952-474-7635 to make your Reservation for Sept 18th TODAY
Our Chef, Mary Fran delights us with her unique homemade flair each Tuesday and Thursday during the year at noon.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Change Coming After The Election?
Shorewood and surrounding cities are in for some changes after the election. There will be new mayors in Excelsior, Shorewood and Tonka Bay. This'll mean that Police Chief Litsey of SLMPD will have new bosses to manage on the SLMPD Coordinating Committee.
Maybe the changes will also bring some change at the South Lake Community Center since there will be new leaders at three of the five cities that share its ownership. The insider hopes that Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood and Tonka Bay will step up and provide some financial support for center operations.
Shorewood has operated the Center for the past three years following the collapse of the Friends of the Center and after no offers from the other owner cities to continue the operations. To date, no city except Shorewood has put in one cent of operating money although, two (Deephaven and Greenwood) have put in a few thousand dollars to erect the electronic sign on Hwy 19. Meanwhile, Shorewood's taxpayers have laid out tens of thousands in capital and operating costs. Just in 2011, Shorewood subsidized the Center to the tune of more than $20,000.
Also of interest is that Kristi Anderson, the contractor hired by Shorewood to operate the Center, is running for council in Orono. So far, the Insider has not heard why, but will let readers know.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood and surrounding cities are in for some changes after the election. There will be new mayors in Excelsior, Shorewood and Tonka Bay. This'll mean that Police Chief Litsey of SLMPD will have new bosses to manage on the SLMPD Coordinating Committee.
Maybe the changes will also bring some change at the South Lake Community Center since there will be new leaders at three of the five cities that share its ownership. The insider hopes that Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood and Tonka Bay will step up and provide some financial support for center operations.
Shorewood has operated the Center for the past three years following the collapse of the Friends of the Center and after no offers from the other owner cities to continue the operations. To date, no city except Shorewood has put in one cent of operating money although, two (Deephaven and Greenwood) have put in a few thousand dollars to erect the electronic sign on Hwy 19. Meanwhile, Shorewood's taxpayers have laid out tens of thousands in capital and operating costs. Just in 2011, Shorewood subsidized the Center to the tune of more than $20,000.
Also of interest is that Kristi Anderson, the contractor hired by Shorewood to operate the Center, is running for council in Orono. So far, the Insider has not heard why, but will let readers know.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Social Host Law - Passed
As predicted here, Council passed the Social Host ordinance at the 8/27 meeting. What's was really interesting is that there were two no votes.
Woodruff, as in the past, voted no and Siakel added a no vote. Blog readers might want to watch the vote at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=659 Click on agenda item 11A. Both Woodruff and Siakel spoke out about problems they see in this law.
Happy Reading!
The Isnider
As predicted here, Council passed the Social Host ordinance at the 8/27 meeting. What's was really interesting is that there were two no votes.
Woodruff, as in the past, voted no and Siakel added a no vote. Blog readers might want to watch the vote at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=659 Click on agenda item 11A. Both Woodruff and Siakel spoke out about problems they see in this law.
Happy Reading!
The Isnider
Saturday, August 25, 2012
New "Social Host Ordinance" Coming
Shorewood's Council will approve a new Social Host law on a 4 to 1 vote at the 8/27 council meeting. How can the Insider be so sure? First, council voted two weeks 4 to 1 to vote on advancing to final approval Monday night. Second, the only objector, Woodruff, voted against two weeks ago and also voted against in 2009.
The law was considered by the council in 2009 and the decision not to advance it was made. Now, as opposed to 2009, Mayor Lizee controls the Council and she's determined to give the police chief the law he's wanted since 2009.
Is the law needed? It's not clear. Even the law's supporters say that its enforcement is not as important as it might be as a deterrent. Woodruff is quoted as questioning the enforceability and the Chief was unable to provide information on enforcement success (Minnetonka has had the law for three years).
Basically, the law would criminalize the act of an adult of providing a venue where a minor consumes alcohol even though the adult does not provide the alcohol and even if the adult is unaware of the actual minor consumption. Blog readers may read the law at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/160761/Electronic.aspx
Look for agenda item 11A in the 8/27 council meeting agenda.
The Insider wonders why, again, Lizee is determined to have Shorewood take a "leadership" role in passing this law. Tonka Bay, Excelsior and Greenwood have not passed it for three years. In fact, Greenwood decided not to act on the law three years ago.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood's Council will approve a new Social Host law on a 4 to 1 vote at the 8/27 council meeting. How can the Insider be so sure? First, council voted two weeks 4 to 1 to vote on advancing to final approval Monday night. Second, the only objector, Woodruff, voted against two weeks ago and also voted against in 2009.
The law was considered by the council in 2009 and the decision not to advance it was made. Now, as opposed to 2009, Mayor Lizee controls the Council and she's determined to give the police chief the law he's wanted since 2009.
Is the law needed? It's not clear. Even the law's supporters say that its enforcement is not as important as it might be as a deterrent. Woodruff is quoted as questioning the enforceability and the Chief was unable to provide information on enforcement success (Minnetonka has had the law for three years).
Basically, the law would criminalize the act of an adult of providing a venue where a minor consumes alcohol even though the adult does not provide the alcohol and even if the adult is unaware of the actual minor consumption. Blog readers may read the law at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/160761/Electronic.aspx
Look for agenda item 11A in the 8/27 council meeting agenda.
The Insider wonders why, again, Lizee is determined to have Shorewood take a "leadership" role in passing this law. Tonka Bay, Excelsior and Greenwood have not passed it for three years. In fact, Greenwood decided not to act on the law three years ago.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Unfinished Business
Lizee and cronies swept into office almost two years ago with promises to "take back the City." Here's a short list of big ideas and projects that they started and which remain unfinished. Will a council under mayor-anointed Zerby finish anything?
- City wide-water has a murky future. Originally, the idea was to see how to encourage those who could connect now to do so. This has been lost in the discussion that's centered on expanding the water system to all homes.
- A strategic plan for Shorewood is strategically not moving forward. Seems the gang of four can't figure out how to advance this.
- A City-wide resident survey to be used to direct future projects and policies was completed in early 2011, but has been put on the shelf. Seems the activity of doing a survey was to magically morph into action plans.
- A trail plan was developed in early 2011, but no trails have been created even though the cronies set aside $1.8 million to fund them.
Seeing a pattern? The Insider is.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Lizee and cronies swept into office almost two years ago with promises to "take back the City." Here's a short list of big ideas and projects that they started and which remain unfinished. Will a council under mayor-anointed Zerby finish anything?
- City wide-water has a murky future. Originally, the idea was to see how to encourage those who could connect now to do so. This has been lost in the discussion that's centered on expanding the water system to all homes.
- A strategic plan for Shorewood is strategically not moving forward. Seems the gang of four can't figure out how to advance this.
- A City-wide resident survey to be used to direct future projects and policies was completed in early 2011, but has been put on the shelf. Seems the activity of doing a survey was to magically morph into action plans.
- A trail plan was developed in early 2011, but no trails have been created even though the cronies set aside $1.8 million to fund them.
Seeing a pattern? The Insider is.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tax Levy To Stay Flat
Council gave direction to staff to bring a resolution calling for a zero percent tax levy increase to the 8/23 meeting. Good news for residents and 2013 will be the fourth budget in a row with no levy increase.
The Insider remains fascinated by the lack of budget understanding by some council members, especially Hotvet. When discussing how to allocate excess general fund reserves, Hotvet once again called for putting some money to trails. Once again Woodruff pointed out that council already had allocated and made available $1.8 million of the Infrastructure Fund for the trail plan. Why Hotvet wanted to increase this by something like $70,000 defies explanation.
Go to: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=641 and the last item on the list for the budget work session video.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Council gave direction to staff to bring a resolution calling for a zero percent tax levy increase to the 8/23 meeting. Good news for residents and 2013 will be the fourth budget in a row with no levy increase.
The Insider remains fascinated by the lack of budget understanding by some council members, especially Hotvet. When discussing how to allocate excess general fund reserves, Hotvet once again called for putting some money to trails. Once again Woodruff pointed out that council already had allocated and made available $1.8 million of the Infrastructure Fund for the trail plan. Why Hotvet wanted to increase this by something like $70,000 defies explanation.
Go to: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=641 and the last item on the list for the budget work session video.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Shorewood's Candidates
The final list of filings for Shorewood's council election is out.
Mayor - Scott Zerby, unopposed
Two council seats - Mark Sylvester, Dick Woodruff (incumbent) and Kristine Sundberg
Keep reading this blog for information about the candidates.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The final list of filings for Shorewood's council election is out.
Mayor - Scott Zerby, unopposed
Two council seats - Mark Sylvester, Dick Woodruff (incumbent) and Kristine Sundberg
Keep reading this blog for information about the candidates.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Latest News On Filings For Shorewood Election
No new filings as of end of day Friday.
Scott Zerby is only candidate for mayor and Mark Sylvester is the only candidate for the two council seats.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
No new filings as of end of day Friday.
Scott Zerby is only candidate for mayor and Mark Sylvester is the only candidate for the two council seats.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Shorewood Election - Who's Running?
So far, Scott Zerby has filed to run for mayor and Mark Sylvester for council. Remember that the filing period doesn't end until the 14th and there can be more candidates holding off.
Zerby is well known to readers of this blog. Of intereest to the Insider is that he's been Lizee's lap dog for the past four years on council. His filing tells the Insider that Lizee is not running for mayor this year. Lizee's departure would mark the end of former mayor Woody Love's hand picked successor. But maybe not. Recent news is that Lizee is working as the receptionist for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, joining her good friend Craig Dawson, former Shorewood Administrator there.
Marl Sylvester current serves as the City's representative to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. He's been in that role since the first of this year. The Insider notes that Sylvester seems to be absorbed with the topic of aquatic invasive species. Recently he reported at a council meeting that he had voted against the LMCD's 2013 budget proposal citing disagreement with AIS funding. The report seemed a personal one because Sylvester never asked Council for direction on the budget before he voted. If one watched the meeting, it's obvious that Council Member Siakel supported Sylvester's position on the budget. Is Sylvester taking direction from Siakel?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
So far, Scott Zerby has filed to run for mayor and Mark Sylvester for council. Remember that the filing period doesn't end until the 14th and there can be more candidates holding off.
Zerby is well known to readers of this blog. Of intereest to the Insider is that he's been Lizee's lap dog for the past four years on council. His filing tells the Insider that Lizee is not running for mayor this year. Lizee's departure would mark the end of former mayor Woody Love's hand picked successor. But maybe not. Recent news is that Lizee is working as the receptionist for the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, joining her good friend Craig Dawson, former Shorewood Administrator there.
Marl Sylvester current serves as the City's representative to the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District. He's been in that role since the first of this year. The Insider notes that Sylvester seems to be absorbed with the topic of aquatic invasive species. Recently he reported at a council meeting that he had voted against the LMCD's 2013 budget proposal citing disagreement with AIS funding. The report seemed a personal one because Sylvester never asked Council for direction on the budget before he voted. If one watched the meeting, it's obvious that Council Member Siakel supported Sylvester's position on the budget. Is Sylvester taking direction from Siakel?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Don't Be Afraid To Run For Office
A recent comment to this blog implied that Shorewood residents are not filing to run for mayor or council because of fear of criticism by the Insider.
The Insider is encouraging residents who think for themselves, do their homework, care about everyone in Shorewood and want to commit to make a difference to run for election.
Will council members be criticized? Maybe. But, if they do an honest job, it's unlikely.
Get to City Hall and file to run. The Insider hears that only one person has filed for council (two seats open) and nobody for mayor. Remember, the last day to file is Tuesday, August 14.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
A recent comment to this blog implied that Shorewood residents are not filing to run for mayor or council because of fear of criticism by the Insider.
The Insider is encouraging residents who think for themselves, do their homework, care about everyone in Shorewood and want to commit to make a difference to run for election.
Will council members be criticized? Maybe. But, if they do an honest job, it's unlikely.
Get to City Hall and file to run. The Insider hears that only one person has filed for council (two seats open) and nobody for mayor. Remember, the last day to file is Tuesday, August 14.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Time Is Running Out
It's now day two of the filing period to run for mayor and city council. If you haven't been to City Hall to file, get moving. Filing ends the 14th.
The last thing residents of Shorewood should want is Lizee, Woodruff and Zerby running unopposed.
You can make a difference. Get to City Hall with your $2 and file by the 14th.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
It's now day two of the filing period to run for mayor and city council. If you haven't been to City Hall to file, get moving. Filing ends the 14th.
The last thing residents of Shorewood should want is Lizee, Woodruff and Zerby running unopposed.
You can make a difference. Get to City Hall with your $2 and file by the 14th.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
LIzee And Friends Need Your Help
Yes, Lizee and her band of friends need your help to figure out what to do with the Smithtown Crossing planning project. What help is needed you might ask.
Simply stated, one of you needs to tell them what to do.
For at least two years, the Planning Commission has been discussing the future of the Smithtown Crossing area, meeting several times in joint session with the council, holding information meetings and public hearings. For the last year, this activity appears to have been no more than re-chewing the same ideas and information, getting no closer to a conclusion. There was one attempt to get the council to make a decision and the council tossed it back to the Commission for more chewing.
It's time to stop and for Lizee and her friends to take a position on the long-range vision for the area. Of course, they're having trouble because no special interest group has come forward to tell them what to think and decide.
Real leadership often requires making decisions in light of less than complete information. Lizee and her friends on council don't have leadership capabilities and it is showing.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Yes, Lizee and her band of friends need your help to figure out what to do with the Smithtown Crossing planning project. What help is needed you might ask.
Simply stated, one of you needs to tell them what to do.
For at least two years, the Planning Commission has been discussing the future of the Smithtown Crossing area, meeting several times in joint session with the council, holding information meetings and public hearings. For the last year, this activity appears to have been no more than re-chewing the same ideas and information, getting no closer to a conclusion. There was one attempt to get the council to make a decision and the council tossed it back to the Commission for more chewing.
It's time to stop and for Lizee and her friends to take a position on the long-range vision for the area. Of course, they're having trouble because no special interest group has come forward to tell them what to think and decide.
Real leadership often requires making decisions in light of less than complete information. Lizee and her friends on council don't have leadership capabilities and it is showing.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, July 30, 2012
Shorrewood Needs Candidates
The City needs you and your neighbors to get involved! It needs thoughtful residents that share a passion for keeping Shorewood a great place to live to run for mayor and council seats this fall. Key candidate attributes are common sense and an ability to think for yourself rather than be a tool for special interest groups.
File to run for office starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 31st at City Hall. It's simple, takes less than five minutes and costs $2.
If you think you can do better than what has been done for the past two years, get to City Hall!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The City needs you and your neighbors to get involved! It needs thoughtful residents that share a passion for keeping Shorewood a great place to live to run for mayor and council seats this fall. Key candidate attributes are common sense and an ability to think for yourself rather than be a tool for special interest groups.
File to run for office starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 31st at City Hall. It's simple, takes less than five minutes and costs $2.
If you think you can do better than what has been done for the past two years, get to City Hall!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Police Dept. Shooting Range
The Legislature passed and the Governor signed a law this year requiring publicly owned shooting ranges to be opened for youth gun safety training. This is the training required for young people to get a hunting license.
Chief Litsey of South Lake PD has been staunchly against making the SLMPD's indoor range (You did know there's a range in the PD building on Cty 19, didn't you?) open to other than his officers. In the past he's refused to make it available to conceal and carry classes, etc. citing all kinds of reasons.
The Insider recalls the original Planning Commission meetings that discussed the construction of the public safety building and that the shooting range was listed as a facility to be open to the public. Some Commissioners may still hold the opinion that they approved the building plans, in part, because of the open range feature. Yet, once the building was operational, the open range concept was ditched.
Plymouth also has a police range. Interestingly, two weeks ago, the city announced they were closing it just as the new law was to go into effect. The police chief sited lots of reasons including safety and mold for the closure implying the timing of the closure was just a conicidence.
The Insider wonders if Chief Litsey and the SLMPD Coordinating Committee to which he reports (the mayors) will also find reasons to suddenly close the SLMPD range. It would be consistent with past behavior.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Legislature passed and the Governor signed a law this year requiring publicly owned shooting ranges to be opened for youth gun safety training. This is the training required for young people to get a hunting license.
Chief Litsey of South Lake PD has been staunchly against making the SLMPD's indoor range (You did know there's a range in the PD building on Cty 19, didn't you?) open to other than his officers. In the past he's refused to make it available to conceal and carry classes, etc. citing all kinds of reasons.
The Insider recalls the original Planning Commission meetings that discussed the construction of the public safety building and that the shooting range was listed as a facility to be open to the public. Some Commissioners may still hold the opinion that they approved the building plans, in part, because of the open range feature. Yet, once the building was operational, the open range concept was ditched.
Plymouth also has a police range. Interestingly, two weeks ago, the city announced they were closing it just as the new law was to go into effect. The police chief sited lots of reasons including safety and mold for the closure implying the timing of the closure was just a conicidence.
The Insider wonders if Chief Litsey and the SLMPD Coordinating Committee to which he reports (the mayors) will also find reasons to suddenly close the SLMPD range. It would be consistent with past behavior.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Budget Update
Monday night's council work session resulted in direction to staff to adjust several 2013 revenue assumptions upward, use cellular antenna space rental revenue previously going to the water fund (and not needed there) and then, use reserves (if needed) to balance the 2013 general fund budget. Staff presented an expense budget that continued services at 2012 levels and no changes were made to it.
So, unless something changes between now and early September, there will not be a tax levy increase in 2013. Good news for Shorewood taxpayers who will get the services they expect, but not pay more.
See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=621 and click on the budget work session at the end of the agenda list.
Of interest to the Insider is that, once more, Lizee had nothing useful to contribute to the budget discussion. She had no requests for new programs, no suggestions for revenue increases, no comments on what staff wants to spend, nothing useful at all. As a leader, she is a failure.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday night's council work session resulted in direction to staff to adjust several 2013 revenue assumptions upward, use cellular antenna space rental revenue previously going to the water fund (and not needed there) and then, use reserves (if needed) to balance the 2013 general fund budget. Staff presented an expense budget that continued services at 2012 levels and no changes were made to it.
So, unless something changes between now and early September, there will not be a tax levy increase in 2013. Good news for Shorewood taxpayers who will get the services they expect, but not pay more.
See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=621 and click on the budget work session at the end of the agenda list.
Of interest to the Insider is that, once more, Lizee had nothing useful to contribute to the budget discussion. She had no requests for new programs, no suggestions for revenue increases, no comments on what staff wants to spend, nothing useful at all. As a leader, she is a failure.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
"Social Host" - Do We Need A Law?
During Monday night's council meeting, the topic of a law called "Social Host" was raised. For those not familiar or not recalling that this was discussed in the past, read on.
Social Host is a law that Chief Litsey of South Lake PD and the Mtka school district tried to get passed in 2009. The jist is that Litsey wants a law he can use to punish of-age persons who host a gathering where alcohol is consumed by under-age persons. There's a state law punishing someone who provides alcohol to minors, but this proposed law would punish those who host a gathering, without actually providing the alcohol. The City of Minnetonka adopted the law in 2009.
Shorewood's Council, in 2009, decided not to pass this law. Now, it's back three years later for Lizee and her cronies to pass. From the Insider's perspective, the 2009 council did the right thing and what was presented Monday night gives no new reasons for passage now. See the meeting at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=621 and click on the social host topic in the agenda.
Of course, Lizee mentioned that this is yet another chance for Shorewood to take a leadership position by passing the law. Translated, this means that she has promised some people who can deliver votes that she will get it passed this year.
It was odd that one person who was supporting the law and the Chief were unavailable to be at the council meeting to explain why the law needed immediate reconsideration. Yet, Lizee kept the discussion on the agenda for Monday night. The Insider wonders why this law is so time critical. Especially since it's not been passed by Greenwood, Excelsior or Tonka Bay for more than three years and doesn't seem to be on their to-do lists now.
Looks like another law we don't need.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
During Monday night's council meeting, the topic of a law called "Social Host" was raised. For those not familiar or not recalling that this was discussed in the past, read on.
Social Host is a law that Chief Litsey of South Lake PD and the Mtka school district tried to get passed in 2009. The jist is that Litsey wants a law he can use to punish of-age persons who host a gathering where alcohol is consumed by under-age persons. There's a state law punishing someone who provides alcohol to minors, but this proposed law would punish those who host a gathering, without actually providing the alcohol. The City of Minnetonka adopted the law in 2009.
Shorewood's Council, in 2009, decided not to pass this law. Now, it's back three years later for Lizee and her cronies to pass. From the Insider's perspective, the 2009 council did the right thing and what was presented Monday night gives no new reasons for passage now. See the meeting at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=621 and click on the social host topic in the agenda.
Of course, Lizee mentioned that this is yet another chance for Shorewood to take a leadership position by passing the law. Translated, this means that she has promised some people who can deliver votes that she will get it passed this year.
It was odd that one person who was supporting the law and the Chief were unavailable to be at the council meeting to explain why the law needed immediate reconsideration. Yet, Lizee kept the discussion on the agenda for Monday night. The Insider wonders why this law is so time critical. Especially since it's not been passed by Greenwood, Excelsior or Tonka Bay for more than three years and doesn't seem to be on their to-do lists now.
Looks like another law we don't need.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, July 23, 2012
One Week Until City Election Filing Starts
The filing period for mayor and two Shorewood council seats starts the 31st.
If you've been following this blog, you're already more involved in City government that most in Shorewood. Turn that involvement up a notch and file to run for office. Encourage your friends to file. It's easy. Just come to City Hall with $2 and spend five minutes filling out a form.
Let's have a good choice of candidates this year!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The filing period for mayor and two Shorewood council seats starts the 31st.
If you've been following this blog, you're already more involved in City government that most in Shorewood. Turn that involvement up a notch and file to run for office. Encourage your friends to file. It's easy. Just come to City Hall with $2 and spend five minutes filling out a form.
Let's have a good choice of candidates this year!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thoughts on Excelsior's Business Stragegy
Sure, Excelsior is trying to enhance its image and attraction. It should and it needs to. It's a small town playing in a big town area with a small town population trying to deal with a large commercial district that's struggling.
So what does this have to do with Shorewood? For one, Excelsior can have a major cost impact on Shorewood. Take the cost of operating the South Lake PD for example.
The PD seems to have its focus on busting DUI's. This is probably necessary and a public service. But why such a large part of its work? Maybe because the PD's coverage area generates an inordinate number of them?
Tonka Bay has one liquor establishment. Green wood has zero. Shorewood has two stores and two on-sale licensees (both basically private membership). Excelsior has at least six on-sale licenses almost all of which attract customers from near and far. Stands to reason that Excelsior's ability to generate drunk drivers is substantially larger than any of the other South Lake cities. Yet, the cost of getting these drunks off the street is not a factor in how the funding for the PD is calculated. What a deal!
The next time Lizee or Zerby talk about Excelsior being Shorewood's downtown, stop and think about what it's costing Shorewood for this "benefit."
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sure, Excelsior is trying to enhance its image and attraction. It should and it needs to. It's a small town playing in a big town area with a small town population trying to deal with a large commercial district that's struggling.
So what does this have to do with Shorewood? For one, Excelsior can have a major cost impact on Shorewood. Take the cost of operating the South Lake PD for example.
The PD seems to have its focus on busting DUI's. This is probably necessary and a public service. But why such a large part of its work? Maybe because the PD's coverage area generates an inordinate number of them?
Tonka Bay has one liquor establishment. Green wood has zero. Shorewood has two stores and two on-sale licensees (both basically private membership). Excelsior has at least six on-sale licenses almost all of which attract customers from near and far. Stands to reason that Excelsior's ability to generate drunk drivers is substantially larger than any of the other South Lake cities. Yet, the cost of getting these drunks off the street is not a factor in how the funding for the PD is calculated. What a deal!
The next time Lizee or Zerby talk about Excelsior being Shorewood's downtown, stop and think about what it's costing Shorewood for this "benefit."
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Let The Budgeting Begin!
Shorewood's Council held the first 2013 budgeting work session on Monday, the 9th. Staff was looking for direction on overall budgeting, the tax levy amount and any projects council members wanted to be included. Blog readers can view the meeting at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=603. See the end of the agenda for the work session video.
The Insider noted:
- Lizee, in reaction to staff saying there are no levy limits from the State, said there is an opportunity to raise the property tax levy. She stood alone in this opinion. She seemed to indicate that the state legislature has green-lighted cities to raise taxes. Of course this is not the legislature's intention. Of note is that there were no levy limits last year and the City did not raise taxes. What is Lizee thinking?
- The rest of the council members expressed a desire not to raise the tax levy. This seemed to quiet Mayor Lizee.
- Hotvet brought up the topic of the South Shore Center and the increased expense being borne by Shorewood to operate it. Lizee said that this needs more work and other cities need to step up in finanical support in 2013. The Insider wonders where this change of view came from. Lizee and friends have been soft pedaling the Center cost to Shorewood, even to the point of wanting to hide the costs in the overall costs of the parks operation. Maybe Lizee doesn't care about or need the votes from the seniors this upcoming election. Also, what makes Lizee think the other cities (Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood and Tonka Bay) will pitch in on the expenses? They haven't done so for the past three years, getting the benefits of the Center being open to their residents for zero cost. What a deal for them!
The result of the meeting is that staff is to prepare more detailed budgets, with no tax levy increase, and meet with council on 7/23.
Keep reading as the budget process unfolds.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood's Council held the first 2013 budgeting work session on Monday, the 9th. Staff was looking for direction on overall budgeting, the tax levy amount and any projects council members wanted to be included. Blog readers can view the meeting at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=603. See the end of the agenda for the work session video.
The Insider noted:
- Lizee, in reaction to staff saying there are no levy limits from the State, said there is an opportunity to raise the property tax levy. She stood alone in this opinion. She seemed to indicate that the state legislature has green-lighted cities to raise taxes. Of course this is not the legislature's intention. Of note is that there were no levy limits last year and the City did not raise taxes. What is Lizee thinking?
- The rest of the council members expressed a desire not to raise the tax levy. This seemed to quiet Mayor Lizee.
- Hotvet brought up the topic of the South Shore Center and the increased expense being borne by Shorewood to operate it. Lizee said that this needs more work and other cities need to step up in finanical support in 2013. The Insider wonders where this change of view came from. Lizee and friends have been soft pedaling the Center cost to Shorewood, even to the point of wanting to hide the costs in the overall costs of the parks operation. Maybe Lizee doesn't care about or need the votes from the seniors this upcoming election. Also, what makes Lizee think the other cities (Excelsior, Deephaven, Greenwood and Tonka Bay) will pitch in on the expenses? They haven't done so for the past three years, getting the benefits of the Center being open to their residents for zero cost. What a deal for them!
The result of the meeting is that staff is to prepare more detailed budgets, with no tax levy increase, and meet with council on 7/23.
Keep reading as the budget process unfolds.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Pay For Water Forever
Nobody seems to be mentioning that city water has an ongoing cost even after all the assessments and install costs are paid. The City charges $17.50 per quarter minimum for water usage (up to 5,000 gallons per quarter). After the minimum, the usage charge goes up in tiers and tops out at $4.25 per 1,000 gallons once usage reaches 50,000 gallons per quarter.
So, quarterly water bills easily can total in the $400 per year range. If a property has lots of lawn irrigation in the summer, the cost can be much higher.
The usage cost should be added into the discussion of expanding water city-wide.
Usage cost is forever.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Nobody seems to be mentioning that city water has an ongoing cost even after all the assessments and install costs are paid. The City charges $17.50 per quarter minimum for water usage (up to 5,000 gallons per quarter). After the minimum, the usage charge goes up in tiers and tops out at $4.25 per 1,000 gallons once usage reaches 50,000 gallons per quarter.
So, quarterly water bills easily can total in the $400 per year range. If a property has lots of lawn irrigation in the summer, the cost can be much higher.
The usage cost should be added into the discussion of expanding water city-wide.
Usage cost is forever.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Well water - Arsenic Risk?
Is there arsenic in your well water in Shorewood? The answer is: maybe.
This week's "Lakeshore Weekly News" carried an article about the whole city water plan (see previous blog on this) that implied that one reason for putting city water throughout Shorewood was that there is arsenic in the private wells. Actually, the council has never really discussed arsenic and how to deal with it in context of city-wide water being a solution.
The facts are that arsenic is a naturally occurring element in soils in this area. Private wells might have some arsenic due to leaching this element from the soil. Even if there is arsenic, it might be below dangerous levels. You'll never know unless you have your well water tested periodically. See Shorewood's website at www.ci.shorewood.mn.us, or call City Hall at 952-960-7900 for information on how to get your well tested. It's typically about $100 for testing.
If one private well has arsenic, the wells next door and across the street might not. It all depends on the underground conditions and the depth of the well. So, if someone down the block says they have arsenic problems, it's very possible your well is just fine.
If there is arsenic at problematic levels in a well, it can be removed by several methods with varying costs. Just remember that the danger is due to drinking the water and you have to drink a lot of water over a long period of time before there is a health problem. Bathing, washing clothes and dishes and brushing teeth are not a problem. The City has a pamphlet about city water and it contains some information on arsenic and references to more information. Stop by City Hall and ask for one.
Want the facts from the MN Dept of Health? Go to: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/wells/waterquality/arsenic.html.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Is there arsenic in your well water in Shorewood? The answer is: maybe.
This week's "Lakeshore Weekly News" carried an article about the whole city water plan (see previous blog on this) that implied that one reason for putting city water throughout Shorewood was that there is arsenic in the private wells. Actually, the council has never really discussed arsenic and how to deal with it in context of city-wide water being a solution.
The facts are that arsenic is a naturally occurring element in soils in this area. Private wells might have some arsenic due to leaching this element from the soil. Even if there is arsenic, it might be below dangerous levels. You'll never know unless you have your well water tested periodically. See Shorewood's website at www.ci.shorewood.mn.us, or call City Hall at 952-960-7900 for information on how to get your well tested. It's typically about $100 for testing.
If one private well has arsenic, the wells next door and across the street might not. It all depends on the underground conditions and the depth of the well. So, if someone down the block says they have arsenic problems, it's very possible your well is just fine.
If there is arsenic at problematic levels in a well, it can be removed by several methods with varying costs. Just remember that the danger is due to drinking the water and you have to drink a lot of water over a long period of time before there is a health problem. Bathing, washing clothes and dishes and brushing teeth are not a problem. The City has a pamphlet about city water and it contains some information on arsenic and references to more information. Stop by City Hall and ask for one.
Want the facts from the MN Dept of Health? Go to: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/wells/waterquality/arsenic.html.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Think You Can Do Better?
If you think you can do a better job than the current city council in Shorewood, it's your chance to act.
July 31st is the beginning of the two-week filing period to run for mayor or one of the two city council seats up for election this November. Filing is simple. Just go to City Hall, fill out a short form and give the clerk $2. The process takes five minutes.
Put the 31st on your calendar!
Happy Fourth!
The Insider
If you think you can do a better job than the current city council in Shorewood, it's your chance to act.
July 31st is the beginning of the two-week filing period to run for mayor or one of the two city council seats up for election this November. Filing is simple. Just go to City Hall, fill out a short form and give the clerk $2. The process takes five minutes.
Put the 31st on your calendar!
Happy Fourth!
The Insider
Monday, July 2, 2012
Organics Recycling - A Bust?
Last week's council meeting included a report on the recently initiated organics recycling program (well, actually the report was in the agenda, but never discussed in the meeting). Readers may recall that recycling was a Lizee, Hotvet and Siakel campaign promise. Hotvet's pet project has been organics recycling.
The City received a county grant to defer most of the City's costs for operating an organics recycling pilot for six months. Now, more than three months into the pilot one of two companies in the pilot reported 12 (yes, twelve) customers and the other company did not report. Approximately 1/3rd of the homes in Shorewood were invited to participate. So, the customer response has been exceptionally poor.
Keep an eye on this program as it reaches the end of the six-month pilot. The Insider suspects that Lizee, Hotvet and council friends will soldier forward with trying to make the pilot permanent and sticking all of Shorewood households with yet another fee for trash collection.
Do you really want this program?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Last week's council meeting included a report on the recently initiated organics recycling program (well, actually the report was in the agenda, but never discussed in the meeting). Readers may recall that recycling was a Lizee, Hotvet and Siakel campaign promise. Hotvet's pet project has been organics recycling.
The City received a county grant to defer most of the City's costs for operating an organics recycling pilot for six months. Now, more than three months into the pilot one of two companies in the pilot reported 12 (yes, twelve) customers and the other company did not report. Approximately 1/3rd of the homes in Shorewood were invited to participate. So, the customer response has been exceptionally poor.
Keep an eye on this program as it reaches the end of the six-month pilot. The Insider suspects that Lizee, Hotvet and council friends will soldier forward with trying to make the pilot permanent and sticking all of Shorewood households with yet another fee for trash collection.
Do you really want this program?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Interim Administrator Approved
During the 6/25 council meeting, approval to hire an interim City Administrator was given. See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=586.
Details are: 25 to 30 hours per week at $75 per hour for the rest of 2012 with a 14-day termination option.
The Insider observes that this deal gets an administrator 75% of the time at an annualized cost of just over $150,000. What a deal! The recently departed administrator, working more than 40 hours per week was paid just under $100,000 per year. So, the City now has someone working 3/4ths time for 1.5 times the pay.
What are Lizee, Zerby and friends thinking? It's your money they're spending. Would you approve this deal?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
During the 6/25 council meeting, approval to hire an interim City Administrator was given. See: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=586.
Details are: 25 to 30 hours per week at $75 per hour for the rest of 2012 with a 14-day termination option.
The Insider observes that this deal gets an administrator 75% of the time at an annualized cost of just over $150,000. What a deal! The recently departed administrator, working more than 40 hours per week was paid just under $100,000 per year. So, the City now has someone working 3/4ths time for 1.5 times the pay.
What are Lizee, Zerby and friends thinking? It's your money they're spending. Would you approve this deal?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Update On Water Plan Report
The 6/25 council work session is now on the LMCC website. Check out the water plan report discussion at:
http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=586 (at the end of the agenda list).
Bottom line: the council gave vague direction to staff to develop alternatives for financing the $26.5 million cost to install water pipes through the rest of Shorewood (of course, the Islands aren't included).
Interesting to note is that the cost over 20 years does not include any increase in construction costs (2012 costs were used). So, the actual cost will be significantly higher over 20 years. Also, no costs for financing the build-out were included by the engineering consultant. Ultimately, the total costs to residents will certainly exceed $30 million.
The consultant speaks about financing method options. He suggests using connection fees, assessments, and a water district fee. He also speaks about possible franchise fees levied on the power, gas, etc. utilities. What's fascinating to the Insider is that nobody on council pointed out that all these fees and charges ultimately get paid by Shorewood taxpayers. The utility companies simply pass the franchise fees back to residents on utility bills. The rest of the methods just have taxpayers paying into different buckets. Of course, some payments are over time, but how does the City raise the cash to front the costs of these time payments? Of course, sell bonds that have to be repaid out of the general fund tax dollars every year via your tax bill.
Seems to the Insider that Lizee, Zerby and friends think Shorewood residents need a Boeing 787 (why?), and just can't come to grips with that this luxury item has a price tag that is unaffordable. Logical thinking like this has never stopped this crew from spending money. Just look back to the public safety building edifice. Shorewood spends about $1 million per year for police and about 50% is to pay for the building (do you feel $500,000 per year safer because the police have a deluxe building?).
More to come.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The 6/25 council work session is now on the LMCC website. Check out the water plan report discussion at:
http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=586 (at the end of the agenda list).
Bottom line: the council gave vague direction to staff to develop alternatives for financing the $26.5 million cost to install water pipes through the rest of Shorewood (of course, the Islands aren't included).
Interesting to note is that the cost over 20 years does not include any increase in construction costs (2012 costs were used). So, the actual cost will be significantly higher over 20 years. Also, no costs for financing the build-out were included by the engineering consultant. Ultimately, the total costs to residents will certainly exceed $30 million.
The consultant speaks about financing method options. He suggests using connection fees, assessments, and a water district fee. He also speaks about possible franchise fees levied on the power, gas, etc. utilities. What's fascinating to the Insider is that nobody on council pointed out that all these fees and charges ultimately get paid by Shorewood taxpayers. The utility companies simply pass the franchise fees back to residents on utility bills. The rest of the methods just have taxpayers paying into different buckets. Of course, some payments are over time, but how does the City raise the cash to front the costs of these time payments? Of course, sell bonds that have to be repaid out of the general fund tax dollars every year via your tax bill.
Seems to the Insider that Lizee, Zerby and friends think Shorewood residents need a Boeing 787 (why?), and just can't come to grips with that this luxury item has a price tag that is unaffordable. Logical thinking like this has never stopped this crew from spending money. Just look back to the public safety building edifice. Shorewood spends about $1 million per year for police and about 50% is to pay for the building (do you feel $500,000 per year safer because the police have a deluxe building?).
More to come.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Water Plan Consultant Report On Monday's Agenda
There's a council work session at 600 PM on Monday, 6/25, during which the consultant's report on the plan to extend city water throughout Shorewood will be presented. One may recall that the staff cost estimate, including interest expense, for this extension was $29 million.
Well, the consultant has estimated $26.5 million before interest costs. So, council will be discussing spending something on the order of at least the original $29 million of your money. See: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159937/Page1.aspx for the meeting packet and check page 4 of the consultant's memo for cost ranges per property.
The consultant gives a range of cost to put the water pipe in front of an average house at $17,230! This does not include whatever the City's "connection charge" might be and excludes the cost of having a plumber actually make the connection (estimates of this have been in the $3,000 to $4,000 range). So, it's easy to see a property owner paying, on average, above $20,000, before interest costs, for city water.
So, using the consultant's own estimates of a new well of $7,000 to $10,000, city water would cost the property owner the equivalent of more than two new wells! What a deal!
Come to Monday night's 600 PM meeting at City Hall to listen to the dialog. It's your money the council wants to spend.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
There's a council work session at 600 PM on Monday, 6/25, during which the consultant's report on the plan to extend city water throughout Shorewood will be presented. One may recall that the staff cost estimate, including interest expense, for this extension was $29 million.
Well, the consultant has estimated $26.5 million before interest costs. So, council will be discussing spending something on the order of at least the original $29 million of your money. See: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159937/Page1.aspx for the meeting packet and check page 4 of the consultant's memo for cost ranges per property.
The consultant gives a range of cost to put the water pipe in front of an average house at $17,230! This does not include whatever the City's "connection charge" might be and excludes the cost of having a plumber actually make the connection (estimates of this have been in the $3,000 to $4,000 range). So, it's easy to see a property owner paying, on average, above $20,000, before interest costs, for city water.
So, using the consultant's own estimates of a new well of $7,000 to $10,000, city water would cost the property owner the equivalent of more than two new wells! What a deal!
Come to Monday night's 600 PM meeting at City Hall to listen to the dialog. It's your money the council wants to spend.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Just When You Thought There Were Enough Rules
Need more rules? Apparently the planning commission and the council think so.
In last week's joint meeting the council and the commission discussed establishing something called "zoning permits." The idea is that just having rules about where one can put things on one's lot aren't enough and one should really go to City Hall to pull a permit (at $25 or similar cost). So, what would need a permit?
Permits would be needed for patios, driveways, sidewalks and fences as well as other items yet to be specified. The notion is that by getting a permit the property owner would become enlightened as to the rules about where such items could be located and eliminate nasty surprises after the fact.
Zoning permits were considered by council two years ago and the idea was dropped due to lack of interest with some council members citing a desire not to enlarge government involvement. Of course, with the "new" council anything that was not approved in the past seems to be a target for approval now.
Blog readers: do you want more government?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Need more rules? Apparently the planning commission and the council think so.
In last week's joint meeting the council and the commission discussed establishing something called "zoning permits." The idea is that just having rules about where one can put things on one's lot aren't enough and one should really go to City Hall to pull a permit (at $25 or similar cost). So, what would need a permit?
Permits would be needed for patios, driveways, sidewalks and fences as well as other items yet to be specified. The notion is that by getting a permit the property owner would become enlightened as to the rules about where such items could be located and eliminate nasty surprises after the fact.
Zoning permits were considered by council two years ago and the idea was dropped due to lack of interest with some council members citing a desire not to enlarge government involvement. Of course, with the "new" council anything that was not approved in the past seems to be a target for approval now.
Blog readers: do you want more government?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Reminder - Need Candidates For Council
It's six weeks until the July 31st opening of the filing period for the November Council and Mayor election. Some of you, the 100's of readers of this blog, should be itching to file to run for the two council seats and the mayor seat up for grabs. All it takes is a short visit to City Hall and two dollars.
If you want to change what is not happening at City Hall (recent comments to this blog describe a do nothing council in place now), get rid of back door policy making by the Mayor, balance out crony politics and think for yourself rather than let special interests think for you, go to City Hall and file to run.
Be sure to tell your neighbors about the opportunity to make a difference (a positive one) in Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
It's six weeks until the July 31st opening of the filing period for the November Council and Mayor election. Some of you, the 100's of readers of this blog, should be itching to file to run for the two council seats and the mayor seat up for grabs. All it takes is a short visit to City Hall and two dollars.
If you want to change what is not happening at City Hall (recent comments to this blog describe a do nothing council in place now), get rid of back door policy making by the Mayor, balance out crony politics and think for yourself rather than let special interests think for you, go to City Hall and file to run.
Be sure to tell your neighbors about the opportunity to make a difference (a positive one) in Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Council To Retain Part-Time Administrator
Monday night, Council voted unanimously to negotiate a contract as a part-time city administrator with William Joynes. Joynes was one of two candidates interviewed by the whole council last week.
The Insider has learned that Joynes has an extensive resume as a consultant, a professor at Hamline U. and as a past city administrator and manager. Of note is that he was the mediator working with the four cities in the South Lake PD JPA negotiation some six years ago.
Of real interest is that the intent is to have Mr. Joynes work three days per week and to retain him through the end of 2012. The Insider wonders how the council thinks the full-time position can be adequately filled by a part-timer. It'll be interesting to see if everything council wants done gets done as well as what strain not having a full-time boss puts on the staff for the rest of 2012.
The Insider continues to speculate that Mayor Lizee and her cronies have some nefarious plan up their sleeves and are just waiting until after the November election to spring it on the unsuspecting residents of Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday night, Council voted unanimously to negotiate a contract as a part-time city administrator with William Joynes. Joynes was one of two candidates interviewed by the whole council last week.
The Insider has learned that Joynes has an extensive resume as a consultant, a professor at Hamline U. and as a past city administrator and manager. Of note is that he was the mediator working with the four cities in the South Lake PD JPA negotiation some six years ago.
Of real interest is that the intent is to have Mr. Joynes work three days per week and to retain him through the end of 2012. The Insider wonders how the council thinks the full-time position can be adequately filled by a part-timer. It'll be interesting to see if everything council wants done gets done as well as what strain not having a full-time boss puts on the staff for the rest of 2012.
The Insider continues to speculate that Mayor Lizee and her cronies have some nefarious plan up their sleeves and are just waiting until after the November election to spring it on the unsuspecting residents of Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, June 11, 2012
Budget Responsibility?
The Insider notes that the calendar for the 2103 city budgeting is on tonight's council meeting agenda. Some comments on council's budget responsibility follow.
Over the past 18 months, the Insider has observed that council members pay little attention to the city's expenditures even though they are required to approve them at every meeting. Does this mean that everything is always 100% OK? No. The Insider is aware of errors that ultimately get corrected, but nobody seems to ask questions.
Consider payments to the City's Prosecutor. These are monthly expenditures and usually are in the $2500 range. There's never an explanation of what these payments cover or why they should be approved. The Insider doesn't think there is anything incorrect going on, but if you were on council wouldn't you, at least once in awhile, want to know why this money is being spent? Maybe Mayor Lizee knows, but like everything else regarding police activities, she feels no obligation to inform the rest of council.
Then, there are unplanned expenditures that council authorizes during the year. The approvals rarely come including direction to staff as to where the funds should be obtained. It's like some magic checkbook with unallocated money exists. Staff should not be left to decide how to find the money, that's council's job and they rarely do it.
Four the last four years, the tax levy has been the same. Want to take bets on this council keeping it that way for a fifth year?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Insider notes that the calendar for the 2103 city budgeting is on tonight's council meeting agenda. Some comments on council's budget responsibility follow.
Over the past 18 months, the Insider has observed that council members pay little attention to the city's expenditures even though they are required to approve them at every meeting. Does this mean that everything is always 100% OK? No. The Insider is aware of errors that ultimately get corrected, but nobody seems to ask questions.
Consider payments to the City's Prosecutor. These are monthly expenditures and usually are in the $2500 range. There's never an explanation of what these payments cover or why they should be approved. The Insider doesn't think there is anything incorrect going on, but if you were on council wouldn't you, at least once in awhile, want to know why this money is being spent? Maybe Mayor Lizee knows, but like everything else regarding police activities, she feels no obligation to inform the rest of council.
Then, there are unplanned expenditures that council authorizes during the year. The approvals rarely come including direction to staff as to where the funds should be obtained. It's like some magic checkbook with unallocated money exists. Staff should not be left to decide how to find the money, that's council's job and they rarely do it.
Four the last four years, the tax levy has been the same. Want to take bets on this council keeping it that way for a fifth year?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, June 9, 2012
New AIS Law Coming From Shorewood
One the agenda for the 6/11 council meeting is a new Shorewood law that provides for a penalty for anyone who launches a boat at a public launch after refusing AIS inspection (in Shorewood, this is the Christmas Lake launch). The Insider believes this law will be approved with no problem. Violation will be cause for a misdemeanor citation with fines up to $1000 and 90 days in jail.
There seems to be some disagreement as to if the law is needed since some claim state law already covers this situation.
Mayor Lizee is going around saying this is a "beautifully written" law and other such platitudes are also being espoused. Obviously, this law will become one of the major accomplishments listed on her campaign literature this election season. Hopefully, voters will see this as just another incidence of Lizee taking credit for the work of others.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
One the agenda for the 6/11 council meeting is a new Shorewood law that provides for a penalty for anyone who launches a boat at a public launch after refusing AIS inspection (in Shorewood, this is the Christmas Lake launch). The Insider believes this law will be approved with no problem. Violation will be cause for a misdemeanor citation with fines up to $1000 and 90 days in jail.
There seems to be some disagreement as to if the law is needed since some claim state law already covers this situation.
Mayor Lizee is going around saying this is a "beautifully written" law and other such platitudes are also being espoused. Obviously, this law will become one of the major accomplishments listed on her campaign literature this election season. Hopefully, voters will see this as just another incidence of Lizee taking credit for the work of others.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Zerby AWOL For LMCC Meeting, Again
Somewhat old news, but worth reporting anyway is the fact the council member Zerby missed the 5/15 full commission meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission.
So what, you might ask. Well, the missed meeting is one of only four he is supposed to attend during the year. Last year, after this blog called him out on missing these, he had the council name an alternate, council member Siakel, so Shorewood was sure to be represented if Zerby was not available. Of course, on 5/15 Siakel did not attend either!
Ironically, one agenda item Zerby missed was his own election to the Executive Committee.
The Insider takes great comfort (not) in knowing that Shorewood is represented by people of such dedication.
The other executive Committee members must be wondering how much help Zerby is going to be.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Somewhat old news, but worth reporting anyway is the fact the council member Zerby missed the 5/15 full commission meeting of the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission.
So what, you might ask. Well, the missed meeting is one of only four he is supposed to attend during the year. Last year, after this blog called him out on missing these, he had the council name an alternate, council member Siakel, so Shorewood was sure to be represented if Zerby was not available. Of course, on 5/15 Siakel did not attend either!
Ironically, one agenda item Zerby missed was his own election to the Executive Committee.
The Insider takes great comfort (not) in knowing that Shorewood is represented by people of such dedication.
The other executive Committee members must be wondering how much help Zerby is going to be.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Open Meetings - Not!
As reported previously, council met on the 29th and the name of the Interim Administrator Sub-Committee was changed to Working Group. So, now no meetings will be publicly noticed, no minutes will be taken and the public won't be able to attend. Woodruff questioned the motives for this and voted against the change saying that the only reason for the change had to be to keep the public from seeing what is happening. Of course, other council members were quick to deny this and all others voted to eliminate openness and transparency.
Of course, none of the ones voting for this mentioned the Personnel Committee (Lizee and Siakel) and that this committee never has posted meeting notices, been open to the public nor made any minutes of its activities available, even to other council members. Double standard? Sure seems that way.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
As reported previously, council met on the 29th and the name of the Interim Administrator Sub-Committee was changed to Working Group. So, now no meetings will be publicly noticed, no minutes will be taken and the public won't be able to attend. Woodruff questioned the motives for this and voted against the change saying that the only reason for the change had to be to keep the public from seeing what is happening. Of course, other council members were quick to deny this and all others voted to eliminate openness and transparency.
Of course, none of the ones voting for this mentioned the Personnel Committee (Lizee and Siakel) and that this committee never has posted meeting notices, been open to the public nor made any minutes of its activities available, even to other council members. Double standard? Sure seems that way.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, May 28, 2012
Change Name - Lose Transparency
Last council meeting a "sub-committee" was named to work on the administrator replacement. In tomorrow's council agenda is an item suggesting changing the name to a "working group." (see: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159681/Page1.aspx) So why is this important?
Seems that a sub-committee must follow the MN open meeting laws, post meeting notices, be open to the public and produce minutes of meetings. Working groups don't need to do these things. Lizee, Siakel and Hotvet ran on a platform calling for openness and transparency. One can only assume that them wanting a name change is to keep the public from knowing what is happening.
By the way, in January of 2011, Lizee and Siakel were appointed to the "Personnel Committee." Since then, they have met numerous times and with staff doing performance appraisals, revising job descriptions, etc., but never have posted a meeting notice, invited the public or produced minutes of their actions.
It's time for Mayor Lizee to realize she is not exempt from the rules.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Last council meeting a "sub-committee" was named to work on the administrator replacement. In tomorrow's council agenda is an item suggesting changing the name to a "working group." (see: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159681/Page1.aspx) So why is this important?
Seems that a sub-committee must follow the MN open meeting laws, post meeting notices, be open to the public and produce minutes of meetings. Working groups don't need to do these things. Lizee, Siakel and Hotvet ran on a platform calling for openness and transparency. One can only assume that them wanting a name change is to keep the public from knowing what is happening.
By the way, in January of 2011, Lizee and Siakel were appointed to the "Personnel Committee." Since then, they have met numerous times and with staff doing performance appraisals, revising job descriptions, etc., but never have posted a meeting notice, invited the public or produced minutes of their actions.
It's time for Mayor Lizee to realize she is not exempt from the rules.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Council and Mayor elections Coming!
It's election season, again, in Shorewood.
The position of mayor and two council seats (Lizee's seat and Zerby's and Woodruff's, respectively) are up for election in November. The mayor's term is two years and the council seats are four years.
It's your chance to get involved in how the City of Shorewood is operated. City government relies on interested, concerned and capable individuals being elected to the council. If you read this blog, you're interested and concerned.
The amount of time required varies from something like three or four meetings per month to as much as one wants to spend. The pay is $300/month for mayor and $250/month for council members, not enough, but does cover gas for travel to meetings, etc.
Getting on the ballot is simple. Go to City Hall anytime from July 31st through August 14th and fill out an application. It'll cost you $2. That's it other than what you do to campaign.
Get involved. Encourage your neighbors to get involved involved. The City needs competition for the open positions and fresh perspectives on council.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
It's election season, again, in Shorewood.
The position of mayor and two council seats (Lizee's seat and Zerby's and Woodruff's, respectively) are up for election in November. The mayor's term is two years and the council seats are four years.
It's your chance to get involved in how the City of Shorewood is operated. City government relies on interested, concerned and capable individuals being elected to the council. If you read this blog, you're interested and concerned.
The amount of time required varies from something like three or four meetings per month to as much as one wants to spend. The pay is $300/month for mayor and $250/month for council members, not enough, but does cover gas for travel to meetings, etc.
Getting on the ballot is simple. Go to City Hall anytime from July 31st through August 14th and fill out an application. It'll cost you $2. That's it other than what you do to campaign.
Get involved. Encourage your neighbors to get involved involved. The City needs competition for the open positions and fresh perspectives on council.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, May 24, 2012
City Water Worksession - Postponed
The council work session covering city-wide water has been postponed to a yet-to-be scheduled later date. It was supposed to happen Tuesday evening at 600 PM. Apparently, staff and the consultant council hired to develop a plan and funding alternatives are just not ready.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The council work session covering city-wide water has been postponed to a yet-to-be scheduled later date. It was supposed to happen Tuesday evening at 600 PM. Apparently, staff and the consultant council hired to develop a plan and funding alternatives are just not ready.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, May 20, 2012
City Administrator - Meeting Scheduled
The first meeting of the subcommittee assigned to look for an interim administrator and to work on requirements for a full-time administrator is posted for Wednesday, 5/23 at 230 PM in City Hall.
This meeting is open to the public, although nobody in the public ever shows up for meetings like these.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The first meeting of the subcommittee assigned to look for an interim administrator and to work on requirements for a full-time administrator is posted for Wednesday, 5/23 at 230 PM in City Hall.
This meeting is open to the public, although nobody in the public ever shows up for meetings like these.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, May 17, 2012
City Administrator Plan - Latest Info
Council met Monday evening in a work session to discuss options for filling the vacant City Administrator position. See the work session video (end of the agenda) at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=536
Zerby, Siakel and Mayor Lizee all spoke advocating hiring an interim administrator with Zerby saying the interim should be in place until after the November election. He wants the new council to pick a permanent administrator. Of course, this would mean no permanent administrator until after the new council is seated in January, 2013!
Zerby also suggested that an intern might be used as interim administrator. Maybe Zerby thinks the Administrator position is unimportant?
Anyway, in the regular council meeting (see item 10A) the council voted to appoint a subcommittee (Sub to what?) to pursue advertising for an interim and working on the requirements for a permanent administrator. Siakel and Woodruff are on the committee with two staff members.
So, the council who forced out the administrator now have a plan to punt the permanent hiring decision to a new council. The Insider sees this as a way for Lizee and Zerby to keep this hot potato issue away from them as they campaign for re-election. Lizee said she was too busy to be on the subcommittee and Zerby declined Lizee's request to be on it. That's real commitment (not).
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Council met Monday evening in a work session to discuss options for filling the vacant City Administrator position. See the work session video (end of the agenda) at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=536
Zerby, Siakel and Mayor Lizee all spoke advocating hiring an interim administrator with Zerby saying the interim should be in place until after the November election. He wants the new council to pick a permanent administrator. Of course, this would mean no permanent administrator until after the new council is seated in January, 2013!
Zerby also suggested that an intern might be used as interim administrator. Maybe Zerby thinks the Administrator position is unimportant?
Anyway, in the regular council meeting (see item 10A) the council voted to appoint a subcommittee (Sub to what?) to pursue advertising for an interim and working on the requirements for a permanent administrator. Siakel and Woodruff are on the committee with two staff members.
So, the council who forced out the administrator now have a plan to punt the permanent hiring decision to a new council. The Insider sees this as a way for Lizee and Zerby to keep this hot potato issue away from them as they campaign for re-election. Lizee said she was too busy to be on the subcommittee and Zerby declined Lizee's request to be on it. That's real commitment (not).
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, May 13, 2012
City Administrator - Staff Wants a Plan
Shorewood's Administrator job has been open for two months. Mayor Lizee and her buddies still have not announced a plan to fill the opening. So, the City Staff has scheduled a council work session to discuss how to proceed with this important task. The work session is Monday night, 5/14 at 615PM and open to the public. The agenda and note from Interim Administrator Larry Brown may be viewed at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159458/Page1.aspx
Of note is that Mr. Brown has removed his name from the potential candidate list (see his work session memo).
It'll be interesting to find out how Mayor Lizee and her buddies react. The Insider applauds the Staff for having the nerve to force the issue.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood's Administrator job has been open for two months. Mayor Lizee and her buddies still have not announced a plan to fill the opening. So, the City Staff has scheduled a council work session to discuss how to proceed with this important task. The work session is Monday night, 5/14 at 615PM and open to the public. The agenda and note from Interim Administrator Larry Brown may be viewed at: http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/0/doc/159458/Page1.aspx
Of note is that Mr. Brown has removed his name from the potential candidate list (see his work session memo).
It'll be interesting to find out how Mayor Lizee and her buddies react. The Insider applauds the Staff for having the nerve to force the issue.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Residents Acting Responsibly
All Shorewood residents owe it to themselves and their neighbors to act responsibly. Some examples of irresponsibility are:
- Leaving your car, truck, house, garage, etc. unlocked so anyone casually wandering down your street can steal from you. Just read the local papers and see that such thefts happen weekly. Irresponsible actions cause increase in police activity and increase police cost while reducing police availability to deal with more important matters: like speeding. Get a grip! Lock it up. We live in a city, not on the farm.
- Ever seen a baggie full of dog poop along side the street or the trail? It too is pretty common. Who bags up their dog's mess and leaves it for someone else to pickup? If it's you, shame on you. It's disgusting.
- What about the people who leave junk mail on the ground at their mailbox? This eyesore diminishes the value of our neighborhoods. Yes, junk mail is a pain sometimes, but protesting by throwing it on the ground isn't helping anyone.
What's your favorite irresponsible act? Comment here.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
All Shorewood residents owe it to themselves and their neighbors to act responsibly. Some examples of irresponsibility are:
- Leaving your car, truck, house, garage, etc. unlocked so anyone casually wandering down your street can steal from you. Just read the local papers and see that such thefts happen weekly. Irresponsible actions cause increase in police activity and increase police cost while reducing police availability to deal with more important matters: like speeding. Get a grip! Lock it up. We live in a city, not on the farm.
- Ever seen a baggie full of dog poop along side the street or the trail? It too is pretty common. Who bags up their dog's mess and leaves it for someone else to pickup? If it's you, shame on you. It's disgusting.
- What about the people who leave junk mail on the ground at their mailbox? This eyesore diminishes the value of our neighborhoods. Yes, junk mail is a pain sometimes, but protesting by throwing it on the ground isn't helping anyone.
What's your favorite irresponsible act? Comment here.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
City-Wide Water - The Why
One reader of this blog asked for an explanation of the Mayor's push for city-wide water. So, here goes.
The Insider can't explain it!
Mayor Lizee has been an advocate of city-wide water for years, going back to her terms as a council member. There was a water plan done in her council member days, but it went nowhere. She spouts platitudes like it's for the greater good, and nonsense like you'd hear from a grade school kid wanting to go to a party (All the other kids are doing it. But, actually they're not). Another reason espoused is fire safety. The fire department has tanker trucks and plans to use them effectively. Even the insurance industry no longer considers having city water a reason for a lower risk rating.
One thing is clear, Lizee has no sense of cost or the financial impact on residents being forced to pay for a water pipe in their streets they don't want.
One commenter wrote about arsenic risk. Yes, there are areas where private wells have arsenic issues. Contrary to some doom and gloomers, simple reverse osmosis systems can provide safe water for drinking. A do-it-yourselfer can install one to supply drinking water to the kitchen sink and the refrigerator (treating the whole house is not necessary) for less than $200. Commercial systems are readily available to do the same thing and for under $2000, installed. These are far cheaper than $14,000 or more for city water hookup to the house which does not include the quarterly water bills from the City, forever.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
One reader of this blog asked for an explanation of the Mayor's push for city-wide water. So, here goes.
The Insider can't explain it!
Mayor Lizee has been an advocate of city-wide water for years, going back to her terms as a council member. There was a water plan done in her council member days, but it went nowhere. She spouts platitudes like it's for the greater good, and nonsense like you'd hear from a grade school kid wanting to go to a party (All the other kids are doing it. But, actually they're not). Another reason espoused is fire safety. The fire department has tanker trucks and plans to use them effectively. Even the insurance industry no longer considers having city water a reason for a lower risk rating.
One thing is clear, Lizee has no sense of cost or the financial impact on residents being forced to pay for a water pipe in their streets they don't want.
One commenter wrote about arsenic risk. Yes, there are areas where private wells have arsenic issues. Contrary to some doom and gloomers, simple reverse osmosis systems can provide safe water for drinking. A do-it-yourselfer can install one to supply drinking water to the kitchen sink and the refrigerator (treating the whole house is not necessary) for less than $200. Commercial systems are readily available to do the same thing and for under $2000, installed. These are far cheaper than $14,000 or more for city water hookup to the house which does not include the quarterly water bills from the City, forever.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, May 3, 2012
City-Wide Water Discussion to Resume
A council work session on 5/29 (yes, Tuesday as Monday is Memorial day) at 600 PM once again will take up the idea of expanding city water across the entire city. The City has hired a consultant to help the council understand the options and costs (another $7000 spent).
Recall that the staff report showed a cost of about $29 million for city-wide water expansion.
Meanwhile it appears there is an opportunity to retire the old water bonds that are costing the City interest every year. Appears there are un-needed reserves in the water fund and these could be used to buy back all the bonds. Since the reserves are earning almost no interest, buying back the bonds seems a no-brainer and could allow a water rate reduction since the bond principal and interest no longer needs to be paid every year.
But, count on Lizee and friends to want to use the reserves to fund the water expansion. So, current and past water customers would be paying out their paid-in money to bring new users onto the system for no benefit to those who paid the money. Seems like a good deal? The Insider doesn't think it's good or fair.
Watch this blog after the 5/29 meeting. Better yet, come yourself to hear the proceedings and weigh-in.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
A council work session on 5/29 (yes, Tuesday as Monday is Memorial day) at 600 PM once again will take up the idea of expanding city water across the entire city. The City has hired a consultant to help the council understand the options and costs (another $7000 spent).
Recall that the staff report showed a cost of about $29 million for city-wide water expansion.
Meanwhile it appears there is an opportunity to retire the old water bonds that are costing the City interest every year. Appears there are un-needed reserves in the water fund and these could be used to buy back all the bonds. Since the reserves are earning almost no interest, buying back the bonds seems a no-brainer and could allow a water rate reduction since the bond principal and interest no longer needs to be paid every year.
But, count on Lizee and friends to want to use the reserves to fund the water expansion. So, current and past water customers would be paying out their paid-in money to bring new users onto the system for no benefit to those who paid the money. Seems like a good deal? The Insider doesn't think it's good or fair.
Watch this blog after the 5/29 meeting. Better yet, come yourself to hear the proceedings and weigh-in.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, April 30, 2012
Strategic Planning - Comatose
One of Mayor Lizee's big priorities in 2011 was to develop a Shorewood strategic plan. The Council and staff paid a consultant to start the process and held two meetings early in the year. Then, nothing.
Early this year former Administrator Heck was told to get the planning process restarted (why did Lizee and buddies wait one year to do this?). Heck did restart and held two work sessions, following a process and time table he had gotten the council to agree to. At the last of these sessions, he got told that he was on the wrong track despite the council having agreed on the process. Seemed that some council members really didn't understand what a strategic plan was and really wanted to focus on a few tactical issues such as budgeting (Siakel's hot button).
Lizee and her council buddies solved the problem by getting Heck to resign.
Now, there is nothing happening with strategic planning (the Insider was interested to see an item under Staff Reports about strategic planning on the last council agenda, but when the reports were made, nothing was said on this subject).
The only conclusion the Insider can reach is that Lizee and her council buddies want a binder they can put on the shelf with Strategic Plan on its spine. Actually doing the work to develop a plan is unimportant to them. This is similar to what's happened to the resident survey from earlier this year.
What a waste and a disservice to the staff and the residents of Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
One of Mayor Lizee's big priorities in 2011 was to develop a Shorewood strategic plan. The Council and staff paid a consultant to start the process and held two meetings early in the year. Then, nothing.
Early this year former Administrator Heck was told to get the planning process restarted (why did Lizee and buddies wait one year to do this?). Heck did restart and held two work sessions, following a process and time table he had gotten the council to agree to. At the last of these sessions, he got told that he was on the wrong track despite the council having agreed on the process. Seemed that some council members really didn't understand what a strategic plan was and really wanted to focus on a few tactical issues such as budgeting (Siakel's hot button).
Lizee and her council buddies solved the problem by getting Heck to resign.
Now, there is nothing happening with strategic planning (the Insider was interested to see an item under Staff Reports about strategic planning on the last council agenda, but when the reports were made, nothing was said on this subject).
The only conclusion the Insider can reach is that Lizee and her council buddies want a binder they can put on the shelf with Strategic Plan on its spine. Actually doing the work to develop a plan is unimportant to them. This is similar to what's happened to the resident survey from earlier this year.
What a waste and a disservice to the staff and the residents of Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Finance Services With Excelsior - On The Ropes?
Just two months ago, Shorewood inked a deal with Excelsior to provide Excelsior's finance services. Now, the Insider learns that Excelsior has hired a finance person (not a Director). The Insider wonders why Excelsior would do this after just two months.
One idea is that Excelsior has had second thoughts about having an outsider from a "partner" city privy to its internal financial dealings.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Just two months ago, Shorewood inked a deal with Excelsior to provide Excelsior's finance services. Now, the Insider learns that Excelsior has hired a finance person (not a Director). The Insider wonders why Excelsior would do this after just two months.
One idea is that Excelsior has had second thoughts about having an outsider from a "partner" city privy to its internal financial dealings.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, April 23, 2012
All Watercraft Must Have AIS Sticker
The Insider has seen some confusing information about the new DNR AIS sticker. Here is the real story. Bottom Line: get stickers put onto your watercraft and follow the rules listed on them!
See the DNR website at: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/aquatic_qa.html
- All watercraft must have the new sticker (includes things like canoes and seaplanes)
- The stickers are required NOW, but citations for misdemeanor will not happen until August of 2014 (but, you can get a warning citation now!)
- Stickers are available from the DNR, all license registrars, watercraft inspectors and most larger sporting goods stores.
Maybe Shorewood will get some at City Hall?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Insider has seen some confusing information about the new DNR AIS sticker. Here is the real story. Bottom Line: get stickers put onto your watercraft and follow the rules listed on them!
See the DNR website at: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/aquatic_qa.html
- All watercraft must have the new sticker (includes things like canoes and seaplanes)
- The stickers are required NOW, but citations for misdemeanor will not happen until August of 2014 (but, you can get a warning citation now!)
- Stickers are available from the DNR, all license registrars, watercraft inspectors and most larger sporting goods stores.
Maybe Shorewood will get some at City Hall?
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, April 22, 2012
South Shore Center - Benefit vs. Cost?
The Shorewood City Council will hear a report on the South Shore Center's 2011 operations during the meeting on Monday the 23rd. The report is in the council packet. See agenda item 6B at http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/docview.aspx?id=159167&dbid=0
Of particular interest to the Insider is the usage information on pages 3 and 4 of the report. 65% of non-senior users resided in the five communities that own the Center while only 49% of senior users were from owner cities. When senior and non-senior users are combined, Shorewood residents' use of the Center is only 28%.
The report shows an operating loss of $14,939. Additionally, Shorewood provided City staff support valued at an $18,236. So, Shorewood spent $33,175 of resident tax dollars for the use of 28% of the facility. The other owner cities, other than some small donations for the new digital sign, spent zero. Nothing was contributed by cities outside the five owners' borders. Looking at it another way, Shorewood had to subsidize $109 for each of the Shorewood residents making up the 28% of use.
The Insider's conclusion is that Shorewood is subsidizing residents of other cities because someone on Shorewood's Council thinks spending the City's money for the benefit of non-Shorewood residents is a good deal. Both Lizee and Zerby have tried to hide the financial reporting for the Center. It appears there is good reason.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
The Shorewood City Council will hear a report on the South Shore Center's 2011 operations during the meeting on Monday the 23rd. The report is in the council packet. See agenda item 6B at http://weblink.ci.shorewood.mn.us/weblink8/docview.aspx?id=159167&dbid=0
Of particular interest to the Insider is the usage information on pages 3 and 4 of the report. 65% of non-senior users resided in the five communities that own the Center while only 49% of senior users were from owner cities. When senior and non-senior users are combined, Shorewood residents' use of the Center is only 28%.
The report shows an operating loss of $14,939. Additionally, Shorewood provided City staff support valued at an $18,236. So, Shorewood spent $33,175 of resident tax dollars for the use of 28% of the facility. The other owner cities, other than some small donations for the new digital sign, spent zero. Nothing was contributed by cities outside the five owners' borders. Looking at it another way, Shorewood had to subsidize $109 for each of the Shorewood residents making up the 28% of use.
The Insider's conclusion is that Shorewood is subsidizing residents of other cities because someone on Shorewood's Council thinks spending the City's money for the benefit of non-Shorewood residents is a good deal. Both Lizee and Zerby have tried to hide the financial reporting for the Center. It appears there is good reason.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Community Survey - Wasted?
Shorewood conducted a community survey and unveiled the results at the first council meeting in February. The response rate to the survey was excellent and the results, according to the professional survey group that conducted it, were statistically valid. The City spent about $20,000 for the survey and its professional analysis. Blog readers can see the survey summary and detail at: http://ci.shorewood.mn.us/pages/govt/survey.html
Ever since Mayor Lizee took office in 2007, she's been beating the drum to have a survey, over the years citing need for community input on a number of potential initiatives. There was a false start on a survey two years ago and now a real and valid one is complete. So, where is the action plan from Lizee and her council buddies?
There have been joint council meetings about the survey with the Planning and Parks Commissions, but no direction to them to take any action to see how the survey might affect their current or future plans and no council mandate for the commissions to report back with findings. The council itself has not met to discuss what the survey results mean with the intent of developing any thoughtful action plan.
Where is Lizee's leadership? As it stands now, the survey seems to be destined to become another piece of expensive bookshelf lining.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Shorewood conducted a community survey and unveiled the results at the first council meeting in February. The response rate to the survey was excellent and the results, according to the professional survey group that conducted it, were statistically valid. The City spent about $20,000 for the survey and its professional analysis. Blog readers can see the survey summary and detail at: http://ci.shorewood.mn.us/pages/govt/survey.html
Ever since Mayor Lizee took office in 2007, she's been beating the drum to have a survey, over the years citing need for community input on a number of potential initiatives. There was a false start on a survey two years ago and now a real and valid one is complete. So, where is the action plan from Lizee and her council buddies?
There have been joint council meetings about the survey with the Planning and Parks Commissions, but no direction to them to take any action to see how the survey might affect their current or future plans and no council mandate for the commissions to report back with findings. The council itself has not met to discuss what the survey results mean with the intent of developing any thoughtful action plan.
Where is Lizee's leadership? As it stands now, the survey seems to be destined to become another piece of expensive bookshelf lining.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
New Year's Predictions - Updated
Here's an update to the Insider's predictions (see blog from 1/12/12).
- Heck did "resign". No replacement plan has been announced. So, former Administrator Dawson still could be in the running. He was recently hired by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to project manage its AIS programs. Also rumored is that Larry Brown, Interim Administrator and Public Works Director, is on the short list along with an administrator from one of the other lake communities.
- Shorewood is doing financial work for Excelsior, but was not chosen to do work for Tonka Bay. Is it possible Mayor Lizee and her council buddies have a much larger desire to "partner" with neighboring cities than do these cities to partner with Shorewood?
- The city-wide water move is underway, but the $29 million price tag may be too much for even Lizee and Zerby to swallow.
- One attempt to "lead" in AIS management was aborted when the DNR would not participate in a new Joint Powers organization with Shorewood (cooked up by City Attorney Keane and Mayor Lizee) and the MCWD. But, the MCWD, Shorewood and the Christmas Lake Homeowners Association are in process of signing agreements (with the DNR's blessing) for AIS inspections at the Christmas Lake. launch. Shorewood's council approved the deals on 4/9. So far, Shorewood's financial exposure seems very limited as the MCWD and the CLHA are supposed to pay for almost everything. Cost for 2012: close to $50,000!
- The trail plan implementation is underway for the approximately 1200 feet along County Rd. 19. However, staff estimated the cost at $72,000, there is no agreement with Excel for power pole movement, the bus company has not yet agreed to allow encroachment and there is no agreement on how wide the trail should be. Lizee has tossed this hot potato to the Planning Commission to worry all the pesky details.
- And something new: Rumor has it that most of City staff have their resumes on the street following the Heck departure. Seems many are wondering if they too have a target on their back.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Here's an update to the Insider's predictions (see blog from 1/12/12).
- Heck did "resign". No replacement plan has been announced. So, former Administrator Dawson still could be in the running. He was recently hired by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to project manage its AIS programs. Also rumored is that Larry Brown, Interim Administrator and Public Works Director, is on the short list along with an administrator from one of the other lake communities.
- Shorewood is doing financial work for Excelsior, but was not chosen to do work for Tonka Bay. Is it possible Mayor Lizee and her council buddies have a much larger desire to "partner" with neighboring cities than do these cities to partner with Shorewood?
- The city-wide water move is underway, but the $29 million price tag may be too much for even Lizee and Zerby to swallow.
- One attempt to "lead" in AIS management was aborted when the DNR would not participate in a new Joint Powers organization with Shorewood (cooked up by City Attorney Keane and Mayor Lizee) and the MCWD. But, the MCWD, Shorewood and the Christmas Lake Homeowners Association are in process of signing agreements (with the DNR's blessing) for AIS inspections at the Christmas Lake. launch. Shorewood's council approved the deals on 4/9. So far, Shorewood's financial exposure seems very limited as the MCWD and the CLHA are supposed to pay for almost everything. Cost for 2012: close to $50,000!
- The trail plan implementation is underway for the approximately 1200 feet along County Rd. 19. However, staff estimated the cost at $72,000, there is no agreement with Excel for power pole movement, the bus company has not yet agreed to allow encroachment and there is no agreement on how wide the trail should be. Lizee has tossed this hot potato to the Planning Commission to worry all the pesky details.
- And something new: Rumor has it that most of City staff have their resumes on the street following the Heck departure. Seems many are wondering if they too have a target on their back.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Friday, April 6, 2012
Plan for New Administrator - Not!
It's one month since former Administrator Heck announced he was leaving Shorewood's employ. Since then, there have been two Council Meetings yet, no plan to replace Heck has been unveiled by the Mayor.
The Insider sees that the subject of replacement is not on the agenda for the 4/9 council meeting. So, what is Mayor Lizee planning? The Insider, not finding any mention of a plan or one forthcoming, fears the worst and so should residents of Shorewood.
Of course the important things like proclaiming Arbor Day in Shorewood are on the 9th agenda. First things always first!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
It's one month since former Administrator Heck announced he was leaving Shorewood's employ. Since then, there have been two Council Meetings yet, no plan to replace Heck has been unveiled by the Mayor.
The Insider sees that the subject of replacement is not on the agenda for the 4/9 council meeting. So, what is Mayor Lizee planning? The Insider, not finding any mention of a plan or one forthcoming, fears the worst and so should residents of Shorewood.
Of course the important things like proclaiming Arbor Day in Shorewood are on the 9th agenda. First things always first!
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Heck's Departure Cost, Lizee Squeaks About Insider
Thanks to Brett Stursa and the "Lakeshore Weekly News" for reporting on the cost and details of Shorewood Administrator Heck's departure. The article is at: http://www.weeklynews.com/main.asp?SectionID=10&SubSectionID=10&ArticleID=10057&TM=44111.94
Ms. Stursa lists costs at over $50,000 and this does not include unemployment insurance costs that could go on for a year or more.
The article goes on to report on Mayor Lizee's rant about information getting to this blog. Obviously, Lizee is furious that she can't control information flow and manage what you, the readers, know about how she operates as Mayor.
The Insider pledges to keep reporting to you..
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thanks to Brett Stursa and the "Lakeshore Weekly News" for reporting on the cost and details of Shorewood Administrator Heck's departure. The article is at: http://www.weeklynews.com/main.asp?SectionID=10&SubSectionID=10&ArticleID=10057&TM=44111.94
Ms. Stursa lists costs at over $50,000 and this does not include unemployment insurance costs that could go on for a year or more.
The article goes on to report on Mayor Lizee's rant about information getting to this blog. Obviously, Lizee is furious that she can't control information flow and manage what you, the readers, know about how she operates as Mayor.
The Insider pledges to keep reporting to you..
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Monday, April 2, 2012
AIS - #1 Priority for Shorewood?
Seems AIS must be Shorewood's #1 priority.
The Mayor and council member Zerby have appointed themselves as an AIS committee to meet with the Watershed and others about AIS and specifically, the Christmas Lake boat ramp inspection program. So far, no authorization for this from Shorewood's council and no authorization to spend even more $ despite now paying Tim Keane, the Attorney, for attending and supporting these meetings. Yet another example of "openness" and "transparency" being delivered by Mayor Lizee and her buddies.
The LMA (Dick Osgood) released a summary of the financials for 2011 milfoil treatments. Phelps Bay cost $52K with $5K being "LMA Manangement" while Gideons cost $68K with another $5K for management. Most interesting is that after collecting the donations and monies from the city, etc., Phelps was left with over $12K of extra money and Gideons with over $17K of extra funds. So, the naive Shorewood Council just approved providing to the LMA $6K for Phelps and $1K for Gideons without even asking how much the LMA had leftover. Great financial management! More like, just take this blank check LMA and you fill in the amount as we don't really care about taxpayer's money.
LMA "management" costs? It's more than 10% of milfoil treatment costs. One can only surmise that this is the pay for Dick Osgood. What, you thought he did his newspaper columns and attended meetings gratis? Think again. He beats the LMA AIS drum for profit and don't you forget it.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Seems AIS must be Shorewood's #1 priority.
The Mayor and council member Zerby have appointed themselves as an AIS committee to meet with the Watershed and others about AIS and specifically, the Christmas Lake boat ramp inspection program. So far, no authorization for this from Shorewood's council and no authorization to spend even more $ despite now paying Tim Keane, the Attorney, for attending and supporting these meetings. Yet another example of "openness" and "transparency" being delivered by Mayor Lizee and her buddies.
The LMA (Dick Osgood) released a summary of the financials for 2011 milfoil treatments. Phelps Bay cost $52K with $5K being "LMA Manangement" while Gideons cost $68K with another $5K for management. Most interesting is that after collecting the donations and monies from the city, etc., Phelps was left with over $12K of extra money and Gideons with over $17K of extra funds. So, the naive Shorewood Council just approved providing to the LMA $6K for Phelps and $1K for Gideons without even asking how much the LMA had leftover. Great financial management! More like, just take this blank check LMA and you fill in the amount as we don't really care about taxpayer's money.
LMA "management" costs? It's more than 10% of milfoil treatment costs. One can only surmise that this is the pay for Dick Osgood. What, you thought he did his newspaper columns and attended meetings gratis? Think again. He beats the LMA AIS drum for profit and don't you forget it.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Math Siakel-Style - How to Spend Milfoil Treatment $
Readers are invited to watch the 3/26council meeting and Item 6A (Osgood Milfoil Report) at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=475
Listen carefully as council member Siakel uses her version of fair math to allocate funding for 2012 milfoil treatment on Phelps and Gideons Bays.
The LMA and the Enchanted Island Bay Captain asked fot $6000 for Phelps. Siakel moved to approve and the motion was seconded. Council member Woodruff then asked Mr.Osgood how the $6000 provided by Shorewood in 2011 was allocated between Phelps and Gideons to which he replied it was split $3000/$3000. Woodruff then went on to say he could possibly support $6000 for Phelps, but would Siakel accept an amendment to her motion providing some funds for Gideons even if this meant spending more than the 2012 total milfoil budget of $6000.
Siakel refused to amend her motion going on to speak about there being only 15 Shorewood properties on Gideons and implying that Tonka Bay and Excelsior should be providing all the funds. The Insider is baffled by Siakel's math reasoning. She says 15 properties equal $0. The Insider checked, and there are 30 properties with homes in Shorewood in the treatment zone on Phelps. So, by Siakel's math in one case 15 equals $0 while 30 equals $6000 in another.
After somne additional discussion, a light bulb seems to come on over council member Zerby's head and he suggests providing $1000 for Gideons. Siakel immediately accepts. Apparently it dawned on Zerby that he and his council buddies could never explain to Timber Lane residents why they were unworthy of receiving any funds for Gideons and, once the suggestion for funds came from someone other than Woodruff, it was OK with Siakel.
In conclusion, Phelps gets twice the 2011 funding for 2012 and Gideons gets one third. Must make perfect sense to Siakel.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Readers are invited to watch the 3/26council meeting and Item 6A (Osgood Milfoil Report) at: http://lmcc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=475
Listen carefully as council member Siakel uses her version of fair math to allocate funding for 2012 milfoil treatment on Phelps and Gideons Bays.
The LMA and the Enchanted Island Bay Captain asked fot $6000 for Phelps. Siakel moved to approve and the motion was seconded. Council member Woodruff then asked Mr.Osgood how the $6000 provided by Shorewood in 2011 was allocated between Phelps and Gideons to which he replied it was split $3000/$3000. Woodruff then went on to say he could possibly support $6000 for Phelps, but would Siakel accept an amendment to her motion providing some funds for Gideons even if this meant spending more than the 2012 total milfoil budget of $6000.
Siakel refused to amend her motion going on to speak about there being only 15 Shorewood properties on Gideons and implying that Tonka Bay and Excelsior should be providing all the funds. The Insider is baffled by Siakel's math reasoning. She says 15 properties equal $0. The Insider checked, and there are 30 properties with homes in Shorewood in the treatment zone on Phelps. So, by Siakel's math in one case 15 equals $0 while 30 equals $6000 in another.
After somne additional discussion, a light bulb seems to come on over council member Zerby's head and he suggests providing $1000 for Gideons. Siakel immediately accepts. Apparently it dawned on Zerby that he and his council buddies could never explain to Timber Lane residents why they were unworthy of receiving any funds for Gideons and, once the suggestion for funds came from someone other than Woodruff, it was OK with Siakel.
In conclusion, Phelps gets twice the 2011 funding for 2012 and Gideons gets one third. Must make perfect sense to Siakel.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
New City Administrator?
Now that Brian Heck is officially gone and Larry Brown is officially the Interim Administrator, the plan for finding a new Administrator is:?
The subject never came up at last night's council meeting. What is Mayor Lizee planning? Seems it's a secret or maybe there is no plan. Either way, it's not the way a leader should be acting.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Now that Brian Heck is officially gone and Larry Brown is officially the Interim Administrator, the plan for finding a new Administrator is:?
The subject never came up at last night's council meeting. What is Mayor Lizee planning? Seems it's a secret or maybe there is no plan. Either way, it's not the way a leader should be acting.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Rotary and Chamber Participation - Reasons for Administrator Leaving?
According to Brian Heck's own blog and the recent "Lakeshore Weekly News" article on his leaving Shorewood, major weight was placed on him not been active enough in the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce and the local Rotary.
The Insider questions the priorities of anyone in government that think a top priority should be assigned to participation in these two service organizations. The Insider knows that Mayor Lizee is active in the Rotary and council member Zerby is a Chamber member, was its president until recently and has a business located in Excelsior. The key word here is Excelsior.
Lizee and her council buddies have been beating the drum for over one year about Excelsior being "our downtown." They took a run at integrating services with Excelsior and there is now an agreement for Shorewood to provide financial services. But, it seems the end game in the minds of Lizee and her buddies is to merge the cities.
Do you, the residents of Shorewood really want to take over Excelsior and all its financial problems? What's in it for Shorewood? Probably expansion of an empire and higher taxes for Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
According to Brian Heck's own blog and the recent "Lakeshore Weekly News" article on his leaving Shorewood, major weight was placed on him not been active enough in the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce and the local Rotary.
The Insider questions the priorities of anyone in government that think a top priority should be assigned to participation in these two service organizations. The Insider knows that Mayor Lizee is active in the Rotary and council member Zerby is a Chamber member, was its president until recently and has a business located in Excelsior. The key word here is Excelsior.
Lizee and her council buddies have been beating the drum for over one year about Excelsior being "our downtown." They took a run at integrating services with Excelsior and there is now an agreement for Shorewood to provide financial services. But, it seems the end game in the minds of Lizee and her buddies is to merge the cities.
Do you, the residents of Shorewood really want to take over Excelsior and all its financial problems? What's in it for Shorewood? Probably expansion of an empire and higher taxes for Shorewood.
Happy Reading!
The Insider
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